One World Centre The One World Centre provides a range of professional learning for teachers in Western Australia, enabling and supporting teachers to bring rich global learning experiences to the classroom – in early childhood, primary and secondary education.
The One World Centre is a non-government, not-for-profit organisation which provides transformative education, with the aim of encouraging and supporting an active and engaged citizenship, and a just and sustainable future for all.
The One World Centre provides professional development and resources for educators throughout Western Australia who wish to incorporate global education in their teaching programs.
The Centre also houses a comprehensive library of global education resources – books, teaching kits, posters and audio-visual materials, which are available for loan to schools and community organisations throughout Western Australia.
Global Education Project - Victoria - Australia Global Education Project - Victoria - Australia
The Global Education Project Victoria is a DFAT-funded project of the GTAV. Global education seeks to prepare students to live in an increasingly globalised and interconnected world and to be active, participating citizens who make informed decisions and contribute to shaping a better future.
Global education teaches students to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes enabling them to analyse issues with a global perspective. It also enables students reflect on their own world.
Global education teaches students to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes enabling them to analyse issues with a global perspective.
Global Learning Centre - Queensland - Australia @GLCBris Global Learning Centre - Queensland - Australia
The Global Learning Centre's professional development program offers a range of sessions that provide a global perspectives overview as well as in-depth explorations of the Australian Curriculum general capabilities and cross curriculum priorities.
Recordings of all #globaled13 sessions (100+) Recordings of all #globaled13 sessions (100+)
Online Conference over five days November 2013
The Global Education Conference is a collaborative, inclusive, world-wide community initiative involving students, educators, and organizations at all levels. It is designed to significantly increase opportunities for building education-related connections around the globe while supporting cultural awareness and recognition of diversity.
Statistics : The World as 100 people [Infographics] Statistics : The World as 100 people [Infographics]
Imagining Future Friendly Schools: Technology, Global Citizenship Imagining Future Friendly Schools: Technology, Global Citizenship, and Student Voice
EXCELLENT presentation ... but be warned ... the amount of good illustrative content will leave you exhausted. Visit Michael Furdyk's website
Global Voices Global Voices is a community of more than 500 bloggers and translators around the world who work together to bring you reports from blogs and citizen media everywhere, with emphasis on voices that are not ordinarily heard in international mainstream media.
Global Voices seeks to aggregate, curate, and amplify the global conversation online - shining light on places and people other media often ignore. We work to develop tools, institutions and relationships that will help all voices, everywhere, to be heard.
Global Voices was founded in 2005 by former CNN Beijing and Tokyo Bureau Chief, Rebecca MacKinnon and technologist and Africa expert, Ethan Zuckerman while they were both fellows at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University.
Global Collaboration : load into iTunesU Global Collaboration, Exploration and Innovation - Download free content from Apple Distinguished Educators on iTunes
This collection focuses on providing global collaboration resources for students, educators and leaders, engaging teachers and students in global citizenship activities, developing global competencies, building global relationships and cultural understanding and providing a framework for developing Challenge Based Learning in a global context.
Globalisation - The Pirate Song Globalisation - The Pirate Song
From (UK) student Toby Fitzpatrick course work for his TLM ITQ qualification and Gold INGOT.
Global Education Conference #globaled11 The Global Education Conference #globaled11 ... a four day online conference held November 2011
All sessions took place online using the Blackboard Collaborate webinar platform with most of the sessions being recorded.
Links to the recordings can be found here .. a rich collection of resources on many topics related to Global Education.
Animated Videos for Global Education Within the project "WissensWerte" the german non-profit / and edeos- digital education produce free educational animated videos.
Focal Point Global Focal Point Global is a nonprofit organization that fosters global partnerships amongst youth through educational technology.
Global Issues Global Issues
Social, Political, Economic and Environmental Issues That Affect Us All
Welcome to the global issues web site. This site presents numerous global issues, aiming to show how they are inter-related.
Global Financial Crisis | Global Warming | Food and Agriculture | Foreign Aid | Health Issues | World Military Spending | Poverty Facts and Stats | Global Financial Crisis | Causes of Poverty | Global Warming | Environmental Issues | Racism |
World Statistics!/bouncymaps/world/-2102779804 World Statistics
Browse our list of subjects, use our maps and animations for your own projects, comment on a map, or suggest your own map.
Our data providers are the most authoritative sources in their fields. The data source is credited in the details section to the right of the map.
Global Competence Global Competence
The Global Competence Continuum will give you and your students:
An unprecedented look at what readers of varied ages and backgrounds value in the area of Global Competence.
Access to a wide range of examples from across the country that illustrate Global Competence.
Reference points to determine student growth in Global Competence.
The ability to chart improvement in students’ Global Competence over the school year and over their entire educational careers.
EdSteps, led by the non-profit CCSSO, supports and promotes teaching and learning that prepares every child with the skills and competencies needed for lifelong learning, meaningful work and citizenship.
Virtual Flags of the World in Second Life Virtual Flags and National Anthems of the World in Second Life Video
YouTube Playlists for Global Education YouTube Playlists for "Global Education"
Global Education Listserv Global Education Listserv
This listserve provides a forum for independent school staff and faculty to exchange ideas and resources for global education.
Global Education The NAIS Global Initiative's Objective, as part of NAIS's larger sustainability initiative, is to assist independent schools in their efforts to nurture the skills and perspectives that help students become global citizens and global leaders, and to assist schools and their students in making contributions across borders. Principles of Good Practice for Global Education
Global Education Collaborative Project Database Global Education Collaborative Project Database Please list your projects here if you are looking to collaborate with schools around the world.
This uses Google Docs and Google Forms
The complete list can be seen at
Global Education Bookmarks on Delicious Global Education Bookmarks on Delicious ... social bookmarking site
Global Education ... templates Global Education ... templates
This collection of templates will help students sort, organise, present and make sense of information in a variety of forms.
Global Education Website Global Education Website
The Global Education Website is initiated and funded by AusAID to support its Global Education Program.
The objective of the Global Education Website is to increase the amount and quality of teaching of global education in Australian primary and secondary schools.
The strategy of the project is to provide an Internet Site and curriculum material that is of high professional standard, is attractive, teacher friendly; and accessible.
As well as country profiles and information about global issues the site contains teaching and learning support materials, teaching ideas and activities, case studies, a professional development event noticeboard, a monthly newsletter, and links to selected high quality, relevant AusAID and edna resources.
The Center for Global Education The Center for Global Education promotes international education to foster cross-cultural awareness, cooperation and understanding.
Living and working effectively in a global society requires learning with an international perspective.
We promote this type of learning by collaborating with colleges, universities and other organizations around the world to ...
Discovery Global Education Partnership Discovery Global Education Partnership
In collaboration with local educators in underserved countries, Discovery Channel Global Education Partnership harnesses the educational power of television by creating Learning Centers - versatile community resources where students, teachers and entire communities can access and share information.
The Partnership’s video programming brings information to life, enabling students in underserved areas to discover more about their world and themselves.
The Global Education Collaborative (Ning) The Global Education Collaborative (Ning)
The mission of the Global Education Collaborative is to bring people together in order to build the professional relationships necessary for effective collaboration. Collaboration can take many forms, and it is our intent that people will partner on projects and start conversations on topics related to global education.
Global Education Network Europe Global Education Network Europe
The Global Education Network Europe (GENE) is the European network of Ministries, Agencies and other national bodies responsible for support, funding and policy-making in the field of Global Education.