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Sunday 16 March 2025
  Mobile, PDA, Handheld

Android Tablets vs. iPads in the Classroom
Android Tablets vs. iPads in the Classroom: Which are Best for Schools?
The argument between Android and Apple is a polarizing one. You either love one or the other. So, when looking at which devices to put into our student’s hands what should you decide to go with?
Many of the schools we work with are struggling to come up with an answer to this question so we thought we would tackle that on this week’s blog post: What tablet is best for my technology in the classroom platform?
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Rethinking Tablets in K-12 Education (pdf)
Rethinking Tablets in K-12 Education (pdf)
While all sectors of society are experiencing rapid increases in tablet usage, a significant transformation is occurring in the field of education.
The trend toward widespread classroom adoption of tablets is still in its infancy, but the first shockwaves are already being felt. Read more to learn how several K-12 districts, colleges and universities have launched pilot or school-wide programs for tablets, incorporating new mobile device management strategies.
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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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Chromebooks as an IT Solution for Schools [Hangout Session]
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Infinite Thinking Machine 2.02 - Learning a Go Go
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One-Third Of Americans More Willing ....
One-Third Of Americans More Willing To Give Up Sex Than Their Mobile Phones
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A USB stick PC
A USB stick PC
"David Braben is a very well-known game developer who runs the UK development studio Frontier Developments, but is just as well known for being the co-developer of Elite.
Braben has developed a tiny USB stick PC that has a HDMI port in one end and a USB port on the other. You plug it into a HDMI socket and then connect a keyboard via the USB port giving you a fully functioning machine running a version of Linux. The cost? $25."
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Secret Life of the Mobile User
Secret Life of the Mobile User
The truth about mobile use trends is that habits have been changing for some time.
The stereotype is that the Millennial generation has pushed the use of mobile tech in business, creating the "bring your own device" phenomenon that has very quickly forced enterprises to let go of the corporate-issued-BlackBerry approach to controlling user technology. As it turns out, Baby Boomers -- today's executives and managers -- have led the charge. The median age of mobile workers is in fact 46, or eight years older than the average Facebook and Twitter user.
nother generation gap: 56.5 percent of mobile workers aged 22 to 34 were likely to leave their laptops in the office and used mobile devices for job purposes, versus 34.5 percent for workers age 55 and older. That indicates younger workers are more quickly adapting to using mobile devices as a primary work device, Wastie says.
Users are flocking to the two most versatile, app-oriented mobile platforms: Apple's iOS (used in the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad) and Google's Android.
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Rise of the 'Apps Culture' (Pew Report)
Rise of the 'Apps Culture' (Pew Report)
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Survey Results: Mobile learning for ELT
Survey Results: Mobile learning for ELT
The purpose of the survey was to ascertain the level of awareness and openness to mobile learning among English language teachers.
I also wanted to find out to what degree and how teachers were already using mobile learning both in their teaching and and professional development and to establish whether they would be willing to pay for and use mobile content.
The survey also collected information about the teachers’ existing access to mobile services and the kinds of device they are using to get access to mobile Internet.
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iPad Curriculum (Blog)
iPad Curriculum ... make learning mobile (Blog)
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Other 'Mobile' Areas on Shambles
'Mobile' Areas on the Shambles website
| Apps for phones and tablets | Mobile, PDA, Handheld | Mobile Phones in Education | 1:1 (mobile/laptop) Initiatives | Games on Mobile Phones | Instant Messaging |
Mobile devices now appear in many areas on the Shambles website, you may find what you need more easily by using the website search form at the bottom of this page.
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Mobile Devices and Educational Apps
Mobile Devices and Educational Apps
This live binder contains resources for accessing educational applications for mobile devices.
1. iPhone/iTouch/iPad Resources and Apps
2. Smart phones
2. Resources for using QR codes with mobile phones
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Learning in Hand
Learning in Hand is an educator's resources for mobile learning. It was started in 2002 as part of Tony Vincent's classroom website. At first focusing on Palm handhelds, Learning in Hand now covers podcasting, iPods, iPod touch, iPhone, iPad, and netbooks.
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Mobile learning for schools - a class without walls
Mobile learning for schools - a class without walls
A topic-led curriculum backed by mobile technology and home-school links is putting the fun back into school for many students
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Interesting Ways to use iPod Touch in a Classroom
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The iPod Touch in the Classroom (Presentation)
The iPod Touch in the Classroom
The main focus of this presentation is how teachers can accomplish common tasks in the classroom, but also includes how students can use the tool for their own studies.
Most of the applications discussed are free or a few dollars. Viewers will learn concrete ways they can use their iPod Touch in the classroom the following day.
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Learning in Hand
Learning in Hand
Learning in Hand is a resource for educational technology by Tony Vincent.
Tony focuses on free and inexpensive ways to engage learners. From netbooks and web applications to iPods and podcasting, Tony has put together information for teachers that is easy to understand, relevant, and free of charge.
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The $100 laptop
Nicholas Negroponte is former Director of the MIT Media Lab, and founder of the non-profit, One Laptop Per Child, dedicated to making the famed $100 laptop a reality.
In this talk, he outlines some of the challenges of getting a $100 laptop produced, and explains why he stepped down as Media Lab director to focus on it full-time, "for the rest of my life." (Recorded February 2006 in Monterey, CA. Duration: 18:21)
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Saying no to school laptops
Saying no to school laptops
Ms. Adam is part of a backlash against programs that equip every student in a classroom with a computer.
A few years ago, such programs, which aim to better engage and train students by giving them round-the-clock computer access, were introduced in schools across the country -- often with encouragement from the large computer makers, such as Apple and Dell Inc., that win the contracts.
But now, some parents and educators are having second thoughts over higher-than-anticipated costs and the potential for inappropriate use by kids.
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Portable Apps (software)
A portable app is a computer program that you can carry around with you on a portable device and use on any Windows computer. When your USB flash drive, portable hard drive, iPod or other portable device is plugged in, you have access to your software and personal data just as you would on your own PC. And when you unplug, none of your personal data is left behind.
| Portable AbiWord | Portable ClamWin AV | Portable FileZilla | Portable Firefox | Portable Gaim | Portable GIMP | Portable Miranda IM | Portable NVU | Portable OpenOffice.org | Portable Sunbird | Portable Thunderbird | Portable VLC media player |
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Learning With Handhelds
Learning With Handhelds
This section addresses typical questions regarding the use of handhelds in learning. It includes a usage matrix outlining the costs for various models of handhelds and describing how they can be put to use.
This section presents eight project ideas from educators who are using and succeeding with handhelds.
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Tablet PC Questions
Tablet PC Questions
A Tablet PC Message Board Discussing News, Reviews, and Commentary
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Health and Safety of Portable Display Screen Equipment
Health and Safety of Portable Display Screen Equipment
This report describes the findings of research into computers in the UK. The aims of the project were:
- to determine the extent to which portable computers are used within organisations
- to determine the extent of any health problems associated with portable computer use,and the risk factors involved, in comparison with full-sized display screen equipment
- to identify the features of portables that were desirable and undesirable from the point of view of users?health and safety
- to identify the key features of good working practice with such equipment, including task design and user training requirements.
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Laptopical - The Laptops Weblog, is brought to you by "Pens for hire" : Their aim is to make Laptopical THE place to read the latest news, views and reviews about laptop computers
Laptops weblog | Laptop news | Laptop reviews | Laptops - Classroom aid or student distraction? | Linux laptops | Wireless laptops |
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Laptops and Learning Resources
Laptops and Learning Resources | Laptop School Self-Assessment | Laptops in Education - Reinventing the Slate | Laptops Keep Falling on My Head | Laptop Schools Lead the Way in Professional Development | Kids with Laptops - The Antidote to Educational Computing |
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Laptop Loans to Teachers and Students : Policies
Laptop Loans to Teachers and Students
More schools are now purchasing laptops to be available on loan to teachers and students, here is some advice and guidance to help administer such a scheme.
Includes sample policies to download (Word docs)
Please acknowledge any documents downloaded and used in your own documents
laptop | laptops | mobile | loan | borrow | policy | policies |
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The m-learning Project
The m-learning Project
m-Learning is a 3 year pan-European research and development programme supported by the European Commission's Information Society Technologies (IST) programme within the 5th framework
m-learning's aim is to develop prototype products and services which will deliver information and learning experiences via technologies that are inexpensive, portable and accessible to the majority of EU citizens.
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Hand-Held Devices in the Classroom
What's the difference between Palms, Handsprings, and other hand held devices?
How can I integrate a GPS device into my classroom?
What's geocaching?
Hand-held devices (PDAs) are rapidly becoming a common technology at work, school, and play. The Palm, Handspring, and other hand-held devices share the same operating system called the Palm OS. You can download free and inexpensive software for your Palm OS from the Internet. You can "hot sync" your PDA with your computer and they work together as a great team.
Besides the Palm OS, other hand held devices are becoming popular. For example, GPS (Global Positioning Satellite) devices may be used with a Palm hand held or as a separate device. To learn more about this technology in the classroom, check out the Geocaching Page.
laptop | laptops | PDA |
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