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Thursday 13 March 2025
  Control Technology

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Lego Mindstorms EV3
Lego Mindstorms EV3
Lego's new Mindstorms can be built and then controlled with an iPad.
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A PicoCricket is a tiny computer that can make things spin, light up, and play music.
You can plug lights, motors, sensors, and other devices into a PicoCricket, then program them to react, interact, and communicate.
For example, you can make a cat and program it to purr when someone pets it. Or you can make a birthday cake and program it to play a song when someone blows out the candles.
The PicoCricket Kit is similar to the LEGO® MINDSTORMS™ robotics kits. MINDSTORMS is designed especially for making robots, while the PicoCricket Kit is designed for making artistic creations with lights, sound, music, and motion.
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Terry 2
Terry the Turtle is the ideal program to introduce children to logo type applications, where they can learn about measurement of distance and angles.
The configurable interface on initial levels is colourful and welcoming to allow children easy access to all of the functions.
Terry can be used at four different levels. Each level demonstrates progression from basic drawing to full logo programming.
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Swallow Systems make and sell educational robots.
Swallow Systems make and sell educational robots.
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Spike Logo (free download)
Spike Logo
Download Visual Logo for Spike at http://nrich.maths.org/prime/spike/spike_download.htm
It comes with a substantial pack of guides, teacher/pupils work sheets that cover KS1 to KS3.
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MSWLogo: An Educational programming language
MSWLogo: An Educational programming language
This implementation of Logo brings the power of Windows and Logo together.
Now supports 3 dimensional geometry. This language will never cease in amazing you.
Combined with the Great Logo Adventure Book by Jim Muller, it's hard to beat.
It's also FREE.
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MMLogic: A MultiMedia Logic Design System
MMLogic: A MultiMedia Logic Design System
Intuitive to use: VCR like controls, Drag and Drop, Tip of the Day, Tool Tips, Comprehensive Online Help.
Interact instantly with your MultiMedia Logic circuits.
Learn an internationally recognized philosophy, Logic Design.
Supports networking over the Internet. Supports a programmable Robot device.
It's also FREE.
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Terrapin Logo
Terrapin Logo
A 32-bit version of Logo designed for Macintosh OS 8 and OS 9 and Windows 95/98/NT/2000. Terrapin Logo includes all of the Logo features that you know and love with many new features that make Terrapin Logo even more fun to explore and a more powerful learning tool. Easy-to-understand commands let beginners, from kindergarten to adult, get started in minutes.
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First Logo - Instructions Sheet
First Logo - Instructions Sheet
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See the Robots section on Shambles
Links to robotics resources
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LEGO Mindstorms for Schools
LEGO Mindstorms for Schools provides teachers with a complete framework within which students natural desire to learn can unfold optimally.
LEGO Mindstorms for Schools provides you, the teacher, with the ideal hands-on tool for helping your students explore a variety of topics. The classroom solutions contain everything you need to work with a whole group of children. They require little preparation time and thus leave plenty time for in-class activities. You will find yourself released from the role of instructor, becoming instead a consultant for students actively involved in problem-solving processes.
This improves the quality of teaching and makes for more efficient learning.
The well-structured and paced Activity Packs directly link LEGO Mindstorms for Schools to specific areas of national curricula.
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Softease Turtle
Softease Turtle is a very flexible control program which handles all aspects of turtle graphics. It starts with the simple movement of a single object, and progresses to complex programming and control over multiple objects.
At the simplest level, easy, on screen buttons are used to control the movement of a traditional turtle, optionally leaving a path trail of graphics. This subtly teaches about distances and angles.
Sequences can be pre-set and run as scripts to create repeating patterns. This introduces simple programming and control concepts to students. Embed scripts within other scripts for a powerful, yet simple programming language.
Any Textease object can be named and used as a turtle, whether it is a simple shape, a photograph or clipart. Control as many of these turtles as you wish, to demonstrate more complex programming, provide an interesting multimedia show, or as an ideal way to create animations.
control | technology | Runs independently or fully integrates with Textease Studio | Designed with full network capabilities | Available for Windows, Mac or Acorn |
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New Wave Concepts
Welcome to New Wave Concepts—the home of PCB Wizard and Control Studio. New Wave Concepts develop and publish world-class curriculum software for electronics education. Its software is used in thousands of schools and colleges around the world and has a reputation for technological excellence and innovation.
PCB Wizard Cookbook
A 138-page resource that covers all aspects of designing and making Printed Circuit Boards with PCB Wizard and Crocodile Clips software.
Electronic Systems with Control Studio
A 72-page book that will help you exploit the full interactive learning potential of Control Studio software.
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Logicator is the award winning design software for creating computer-control applications.
Study control through simulated systems
Develop control with model systems
Create real microprocessor applications
See how Logicator is used in schools
See some example Logicator Project Flowsheets
Logicator is voted the top UK control software in a national survey. Logicator is the eighth most used software in D&T departments in UK schools.
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Crocodile Technology
Crocodile Technology is a powerful simulator for Technology courses, covering electronics, programming, microcontrollers and mechanics. Suitable for ages 10-18, and college work, it lets students create and test electronic designs quickly and simply by dragging components from the toolbars.
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