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Friday 28 March 2025
  ClipArt, Pictures, Graphics

Pixabay Stunning free images and royalty free stock
Stunning free images & royalty free stock Over 2.6 million+ high quality stock images, videos and music shared by our talented community.
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Beautiful Free Stock Video Footage
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Skuawk ... creative commons images
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Unsplash : free photos
Unsplash : free photos
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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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Imgur is the go-to destination for viral images. Backed by a friendly and funny community, Imgur is the best place to spend your free time online.
Users can interact with images by commenting and voting, or submitting their own image. The uploader makes sharing images with the Internet simple. You can use Imgur to share an image or album with a friend or post on a message board, blog or social networking site. You can manipulate the image to your liking and automatically share it with your social network of choice.
Best of all, Imgur is completely free.
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I am a student and need to use an image from clker for my course work. Can I use it?
This is a two part question. First you need to use the website itself. If you are younger than 18 years old then either your course teacher or your parent need to read and agree to the entire terms of use. If you are older than 18 years old then you can do that by yourself. If you (or your teacher/parent) agree to the terms of use then you can use clker.com to find images. There are no fees or charges to use clker.com. Please read question 5 as well
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Freepik is a search engine that helps graphic and web designers to locate high quality photos, vectors, illustrations and PSD files for their creative projects.
Freepik tracks and locates free graphic content on the Internet and it displays the results in an orderly layout for easy access. Freepik makes it easier for you to find the files you need without manually searching dozens of websites.
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Oneextrapixel : free icons and buttons
Oneextrapixel : free icons and buttons
Feel free to use these icons for personal or commercial projects. However, they may not be sold, rented, sub-licensed, transferred, edited, altered, or otherwise. The icons may not be offered for free download from websites other than Onextrapixel.com.
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Dryicons : Free Icons
Dryicons : Free Icons
All DryIcons' Works (meaning "icons, icon sets, vector graphics graphics and web templates") are free of charge, but please read under what Terms and Conditions.
This normally includes "attribution" and a "backlink"
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PhotoPIN : Free images for Bloggers
PhotoPIN : Free images for Bloggers
PhotoPin helps bloggers find photos for their blog and makes adding them to their post fast and easy. Just search for any topic using the search box (ex: passion, puppies, etc.), preview the photo, and click "get photo" to download the photo as well as the proper attribution link.
If you prefer to pay for the photo rather than linking to it, the results at the top will take you to a partner stock photo site where you can buy the photo
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Public Domain Pictures
Growing collection of pictures released by their author into the Public Domain. Photos added daily. Current categories cover travel, nature, textures, technology, sports, recreation, miscellaneous, food and drink.
All items are covered by Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication license. 100% free for personal and commercial use.
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Clipart for worksheets
400+ free clipart images to use in worksheets. These are simple black line images, great for kids
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Download free photos and illustrations for corporate and personal use.
Every image is free, with an option to buy high resolution versions for use in print or graphic design.
Download royalty free photos and illustrations for websites, newspapers, magazines, video and TV productions, iPhone applications, PowerPoint presentations, forums, blogs and school work.
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Wylio is the super sonic, thrifty, all-in-one picture finder and re-sizer made specifically for bloggers. We are the quickest way for you to get a photo into your next blog post.
1) Find an image 2) Resize and position it 3) Copy and paste the chunk of automatically generated code into your article
When you use Wylio, you're searching through the millions upon millions of Flickr photos that have been designated as Creative Commons works by their owners/uploaders.
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Image Base ... copyright-free images.
"Image Base is a great place to go when you need copyright-free images.
They have tons of photos that are broken up into easy to search categories and even have some nice PowerPoint templates.
This is a wonderful resource for students and teachers because of the high resolution of the images and the simplicity of the search.
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How To Search and Credit Photos On Flickr
How To Search & Credit Properly-Licensed Photos On Flickr
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Video Tutorial for Finding CC Images on Flickr
Video Tutorial for Finding CC Images on Flickr
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Tag Galaxy : Visual Image Search Engine
Tag Galaxy : Visual Image Search Engine
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Pics4Learning is a copyright-friendly image library for teachers and students.
The Pics4Learning collection consists of thousands of images that have been donated by students, teachers, and amateur photographers.
Unlike many Internet sites, permission has been granted for teachers and students to use all of the images donated to the Pics4Learning collection.
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Compfight ... search for images by setting the creative commons licence ... from Flickr
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Free black and white clipart images
Free clipart images: simple black and white images to use to create your own worksheets and classroom resources.
500+ images and growing!
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Tag Galaxy .. display images from Flickr
Tag Galaxy .. display images from Flickr
Really Cool !
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Images of Old Classrooms
Images of Old Classrooms, teachers, students, schools, school children, classroom layout, design.
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Cool Text is a free graphics generator
Cool Text is a free graphics generator for web pages and anywhere else you need an impressive logo without a lot of design work.
Simply choose what kind of image you would like. Then fill out a form and you'll have your own custom image created on the fly. Cool Text is the worlds most popular graphics generator. Online since 1998, our servers have rendered over 300 million free images.
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WPClipart is a collection of high-quality public domain images specifically tailored for use in word processors and optimized for printing on home/small office inkjet printers.
There are thousands of color graphic clips as well as illustrations, photographs and black and white line art.
Nearly all are in lossless, PNG format.
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Search millions of historic photos
Search millions of photographs from the LIFE photo archive, stretching from the 1750s to today.
Most were never published and are now available now available through the joint work of LIFE and Google.
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Free online Word Art Generator
Free online Word Art Generator which can instantly create your own custom signs.
Use this amazing tool to turn any text into a fancy sign that you can save and use wherever you need it. You can select the size, font, a cool 3D style, and the color to make this word-art sign truly your own.
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Flickr Creative Commons
Flickr Creative Commons
Many Flickr users have chosen to offer their work under a Creative Commons license, and you can browse or search through content under each type of license.
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TinEye : image search engine
TinEye is an image search engine
Give it an image and it will tell you where the image appears on the web.
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Now OmniGraffle fans can easily find and share their favorite stencils.
As a web designer, I've been using OmniGraffle for years. It's fantastic for designing interfaces — miles better than Adobe Illustrator for most tasks. Stencils are a big part of why Graffle is great. So, hopefully, this website will make it easier to find cool stencils.
| Architecture | Badges | Electronics | Film & TV | Macintosh | Maps | Miscellaneous | Networks | Programming | Science | Symbols | User Interface | Windows | Flags |
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Stockvault.net is a stock photo sharing website where designers and photographers can meet to share their images.
You don’t have to sign up to be able to download our images, but we’d like you to so anyway, just so you can gain access to our special features. All images on this site are free for personal and non-commercial usage.
Stockvault.net is a stock photo sharing website where photographers, designers and students can share their photographs and images with each other. Stockvault's sole purpose is to collect and archive medium and high resolution photographs that designers and students can share and use for personal and con-commercial designs.
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Sunday School Printables
Free Christian coloring sheets, printable stickers with biblical images, sticker charts and religious award certificates.
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Free icons
Over 15,000 high quality Free Icons for Windows, Macintosh and Linux Systems
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Image Search Engine on Shambles
Image Search Engine on Shambles
For free, student safe images.
Also a link to a tutorial "Searching the Internet for Images" and "Finding Images Online"
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WPClipart is a collection of high-quality public domain images specifically tailored for use in word processors, and optimized for printing on home/small office inkjet printers.
There are thousands of color graphic clips as well as hundreds of illustrations and photographs.
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Online photo management and sharing application.
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The Open Photo Project
The Open Photo Project is a moderated photo community.
The goal of this site is to unite image consumers and producers through friendly Creative Commons licensing.
Use of this site is governed by a simple set of guidelines designed to protect our systems, users and resources.
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Photographs with the FreeStockPhotos.com name are all copyrighted and may be used only under these following restriction .....
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ImageAfter is a large online free photo collection. You can download and use any image or texture from our site and use it in your own work, either personal or commercial.
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SignMaker : Online Free Application
SignMaker : Online Free Application
This Java applet formats freeway signs for you. You provide the route numbers, town names, exits, and your choice of arrows - and SignMaker draws a sign for you. Since SignMaker uses the authentic "freeway font" (FHWA E(M)), provides over 40 route markers to choose from, and mounts the sign on metal supports against a blue sky, the effect is quite realistic.
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Commercial Photo Libraries
Commercial Photo Libraries : List on Shambles
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The Internet Picture Dictionary
The Internet Picture Dictionary
The Internet Picture Dictionary is a completely free, online multilingual picture dictionary designed especially for ESL students and beginning English, French, German, Spanish and Italian language learners of all ages.
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Free Clipart listed at Creative Commons
Free Clipart and Images listed at Creative Commons
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Educational Clip Art at Teachers Files
Educational Clip Art at Teachers Files
| Words and Signs | Math and Science | Icons | Text Boxes | Computers & Internet | Apples | Cartoons | Holidays & Seasons | The Arts | Supplies | Shayni's Titles | Animals & Nature | Students | Shayni's Phrases | Animated | Clip Art | clipart |
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The Cornell University Library Digital Collections
The Cornell University Library Digital Collections are open to the general public
The Cornell University Image Collections consists ofthe Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art Collection, the Utopia Collection of Renaissance Art, Ancient Art and Architecture, the Andrew Dickson White Collection of Architectural Photographs, the Icelandic and Faroese Photographs of Frederick W. W. Howell, the Claire Holt Indonesian Art Collection, Political Americana Collection, Reuleaux Collection of Kinematic Mechanisms with more being added.
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Edupics : Educational pictures for primary school
Edupics : Educational pictures for primary school
On this site you can download and print educational images and colouring pictures for free.
Professions | Animals | Environment | Hygiene | doctor | dentist | hospital | Holidays | Seasons | Plants | School | Art | Time | Food | Milk Sport | Laos | Music | History | Geography | Mai | Mandalas | Fire brigade | Other cultures | Transport | Buildings | Social/emotional | Family | Traffic | Space Travel | Agriculture and Horticulture |
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Pics4Learning is a copyright-friendly image library for teachers and students. The Pics4Learning collection consists of thousands of images that have been donated by students, teachers, and amateur photographers.
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Animation Factory - 3D Animations and ClipArt
Animation Factory - 3D Animations and ClipArt
Easy to use animations to decorate your email, web pages, and PowerPoint?presentations. Click on a category to the left to browse our 3,000 free animated GIF samples.
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Pics4Learning - copyright free pictures
Pics4Learning - copyright free pictures and images for education
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The Education Project Asia
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