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Sunday 16 March 2025
  Wordprocessors / DTP

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Growly Write : Free Word Processing for MAC
Growly Write : Free Word Processing for MAC
There are many advanced word processing features you won’t find in Write. This is absolutely intentional: we’ve purposely excluded things that most people won’t use every day. If you’re looking for free-floating text boxes, footnotes, built-in drawing tools, macros, equation editors, automatic indexing, or complex document sharing tools, there are commercial products available that support all these and more. Or you might want to look at our Notes product.
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eType is your online multi-language dictionary with translations and word substitutes to virtually any language in the world.
eType is your writing guide that auto-completes your words as you type them, enabling you to type faster and boost your level of confidence in your writing. eType prevents you from making spelling mistakes before they happen and helps you select the best word choice possible – even if you are not writing in your native language.
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LyX – The Document Processor
LyX – The Document Processor
LyX is a document processor that encourages an approach to writing based on the structure of your documents (WYSIWYM) and not simply their appearance (WYSIWYG).
LyX combines the power and flexibility of TeX/LaTeX with the ease of use of a graphical interface.
This results in world-class support for creation of mathematical content (via a fully integrated equation editor) and structured documents like academic articles, theses, and books.
LyX is released under a Free Software/Open Source license, runs on Linux/Unix, Windows, and Mac OS X, and is available in several languages.
In addition, staples of scientific authoring such as reference list and index creation come standard. But you can also use LyX to create a letter or a novel or a theatre play or film script. A broad array of ready, well-designed document layouts are built in.
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AbiWord Portable
This is a neat portable program that can create and edit Word documents(.doc).
It coves is handy whenever you are rudly suprised that the computer you are using does not have Word.
This is a nice, small allternative to using the large and unweildy app: Open Office Portable.
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JustPaste.it - paste text and share with your friends
JustPaste.it - paste text and share with your friends
Just paste text from other webpage or word processor. Text formatting and images will be preserved.
If you have written your note originally in word processor: Microsoft Word, MS Works or Open Office, simply upload it to server using "Import from file" function. Text formatting and graphic will be preserved.
Every 3 minutes your currently written text is saved to server. Never ever lose your notes by browser crash again.
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Atlantis Word Processor (free)
Atlantis Word Processor (free)
The Atlantis interface is entirely customizable: menus, toolbars, hot keys, colors and sounds can all be adjusted to suit your own requirements.
What's more, Atlantis is a fully portable word processor. You can install Atlantis to a memory flash drive, and Atlantis will travel with you wherever you go.
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The Word Processor: Online or Offline?
The Word Processor: Online or Offline? Which is Better?
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SubEthaEdit is a powerful and lean text editor. And it's the only collaborative one that is a joy to use.
By combining the ease of Bonjour with the world's best text collaboration engine, it makes working together not only possible but even fun…
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5 Ways to Collaborate on Documents in Real Time
5 Ways to Collaborate on Documents Online in Real Time
"Collaborating with others online has never been easier. There are a number of options for everything from sharing images and video to presentations, tasks and more.
Here we’ll focus on collaborating on documents in real time, an area that’s improved quite a bit, but still has a way to go.
Of these five options, some services require you to create documents online while others allow you to create them off."
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EtherPad : Real Time (text) Collaboration
EtherPad : Real Time (text) Collaboration
Other "real-time" editors like Google Docs work by broadcasting an updated copy of the document to everyone every 15 seconds. This creates a noticeable lag that gets in the way of collaboration. You start editing something, only to find 10 seconds later that someone else deleted it.
Etherpad updates every copy of the document every half second. This 30x increase in speed changes the experience completely. Your edits hardly ever clash with other users'. So you work confidently instead of tentatively.
Why doesn't Google Docs update every half second like Etherpad does? Because it's really, really hard. We're fairly experienced programmers, and to make this work we had to solve problems that, as far as we know, no one had solved before.
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JDarkRoom : A simple full-screen text editor
JDarkRoom : A simple full-screen text editor
This free Windows/.Net application transforms your entire computer screen into a dark background and removes all the usual word processor toolbars and quick buttons. The only thing you’ll see is the words.
Darkroom is quite primitive because of the lack of features and in my opinion, that’s one of the reasons for its charm. You can tweak Microsoft Word and other standard processors to get the same look but I’ll rather use a simple application like this and keep the default look/feel of Word for other editorial purposes.
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Zoho Writer : Online Word Processor
ZoHo Writer
Online tool to create a document, edit in your way, and share with anyone... Online Word Processor
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PagePlus SE - Desktop Publishing : Free Software
PagePlus SE - Desktop Publishing : Free Software
That's right, 100% completely free software. No gimmicks. It's yours for free. Download today and start using the most user friendly software around.
PagePlus SE is the easiest way to get professional desktop publishing results on your desktop printer. With your PC, printer, and PagePlus, you can save time and money. No experience required!
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FreeText : Free Word Processor from Kudlian
FreeText : Free Word Processor from Kudlian Software
It is very similar in functionality to WordPad that comes bundled with the Windows?operating system. FreeText allows you to create Rich Text documents, where you can change; the font, font size, colour, style, add bullet points and have a fully editable ruler. Graphic files can also be imported.
But more importantly, FreeText has the following additions;
- Spell checker, which includes both typographic and phonetic look up;
- Larger and more friendly tool bar;
- Word bank, in which you can create your own word lists, including whole sentences;
- Multi-document interface;
- Configurable options for appearance, default file locations and the spell checker.
There is no catch, just download the FreeText installer and try it for yourself.
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Summitsoft - Bilingual Editors (Word processors)
Summitsoft is a leading software developer providing advanced Bilingual solutions, established in the UK since 1999.
Currently our products are used in over 32 countries by clients from more than 150 organisations, universities and companies, and very many individual users.
We are the first and only software company to build Bilingual Editors (Word processors) with full bilingual user interface including Menus, Help, Toolbars, Dialogs etc, which can be read in two languages simultaneously.
Summitsoft has also developed unique bilingual ActiveX components for use on the Internet and by other companies allowing them to develop their own bilingual software.
Arabic Editor | Urdu Editor |
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OpenOffice.org is both an Open Source product and a project. The product is a multi-platform office productivity suite.
It includes the key desktop applications, such as a word processor, spreadsheet, presentation manager, and drawing program, with a user interface and feature set similar to other office suites’. Sophisticated and flexible, OpenOffice.org also works transparently with a variety of file formats, including those of Microsoft Office.
Localizations of OpenOffice.org are available in 27 languages with more being constantly added by the community.
OpenOffice.org runs stably and natively on Solaris, Linux (including PPC Linux), and Windows. Additional ports, such as for FreeBSD, IRIX, and Mac OS X, are in various stages of completion.
DTP | Office | spreadsheet | database | presentation | word processor |
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ThinkFree Office
The award-winning ThinkFree Office is an affordable suite of word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation graphics applications.
Its powerful, yet easy-to-use applications can seamlessly open, edit, and save directly to the corresponding Microsoft(R) Office file formats like .doc, .xls, and .ppt. ThinkFree Write, Calc and Show allows users to effortlessly exchange files with friends and co-workers using Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint.
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