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Friday 28 March 2025
  Shambles Glossary

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Educational Jargon Generator
Educational Jargon Generator
This fine academic tool was designed to assist in the writing of reports, grant applications, and other documents related to public schools. I believe that it will be particularly useful for people involved in writing reports for WASC accreditation. Amaze your colleagues with finely crafted phrases of educational nonsense!
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CASE : Council for Advancement and Support of Education
CASE : Council for Advancement and Support of Education
Headquartered in Washington, DC, with an office in London, the Council for Advancement and Support of Education is the professional organization for advancement professionals at all levels who work in alumni relations, communications, and development.
Today CASE's membership includes more than 3,000 colleges, universities, and independent elementary and secondary schools in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and 42 other countries. This makes CASE the largest nonprofit education association in terms of institutional membership. We serve more than 38,000 advancement professionals on the staffs of our member institutions and have more than 23,500 professional members on our roster.
CASE helps its members build stronger relationships with their alumni and donors, raise funds for campus projects, produce recruitment materials, market their institutions to prospective students, diversify the profession, and foster public support of education.
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ANSN : Australian National Schools Network
ANSN : Australian National Schools Network
The Australian National Schools Network (ANSN) is a network of educational groups committed to improving teaching and learning for all Australian students.
All Australian state education systems and several non-government systems are members of the ANSN.
The network works collaboratively with these education systems to deliver professional learning initiatives to improve learning for students.
The organisation is guided by a National Coordinating Committee comprised of education employing authorities and teacher organisations in both the government and non government sectors, representatives from the state steering committees, colleagues in universities and the broader community.
ANSN has its own web page on the Internet which provides a link between schools for sharing ideas and experiences, and conducts on-line chats and discussion groups.
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ISBI : Independent Schools of the British Isles
ISBI : Independent Schools of the British Isles
Current: the information on schools on isbi.com is provided by the schools themselves. They are able to update their details throughout the year and are asked to do so every six months. Their new information is uploaded weekly to the website.
Comprehensive: isbi.com includes all the 3,000+ independent and fee paying schools and residential special needs schools in the British Isles, including the SBSA (formerly STABIS) state boarding schools.
It also features Summer schools, English language schools, Revision and retake courses and 1,800 International schools worldwide.
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CIS : Council of International Schools
Council of International Schools
The Council of International Schools (CIS) is a not-for-profit association of schools and post-secondary institutions working collaboratively for the continuous improvement of international education.
CIS offers a comprehensive range of services. In keeping with the diversity of our membership and the constant change associated with international education, these services are varied and flexible.
Accreditation | Head Searches | Effective Governance | Teacher Recruitment | Resources and Information | Financial Management | Consultancy Service | Admissions to Higher Education | New School Development |
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UKCOSA : The Council for International Education
The Council for International Education : UKCOSA
UKCOSA: The Council for International Education is an independent, not-for-profit organisation committed to promoting educational mobility and providing support to international students and the professionals who work with them.
Founded in 1968 and registered as a charity in the United Kingdom, UKCOSA is a membership organisation which provides information, advice and training about the various aspects of the recruitment and support of international students. We work with the providers and funders of education to ensure a quality educational experience for international students, monitoring trends and developments and fostering global links.
One of UKCOSA's main areas of activity, and possibly the best known, is the specialist advice service giving expert information and guidance on key topics related to international education, and international student mobility in particular.
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NSBA : National Schools Board Assoc. (US)
NSBA : National School Boards Association USA
The mission of the National School Boards Association, working with and through all of its Federation Members, is to foster excellence and equity in public education through school board leadership.
The National School Boards Foundation (NSBF) releases its second major survey on schools' use of technology.
ITTE: Education Technology Programs offers resources about issues related to educational technology. The site contains materials to help promote excellence and equity in education through the wise and innovative use of technology.
Resource Exchange Network is a clearinghouse of materials and information on local school governance issues and practices.
School Health Programs: Looking for resources on HIV/AIDS, coordinated school health programs, and other school health topics? Access resources, complete a request form, sign the guestbook…all online!
Self-assessment tool for boards where you can get an instant analysis of your school board's strengths and areas for improvement.
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NASSP National Assoc. of Sec.Sch.Principals (US)
NASSP :National Association of Secondary School Principals USA
In April 1916, 78 high school principals met to form a new professional organization, the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP). Since that time, membership has grown to approximately 40,000 middle level and high school principals, assistant principals, and aspiring principals from the United States and more than 60 other countries.
Our mission is to promote excellence in school leadership
principal | principals | headteacher | headteachers |
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NAFSA : Association of International Educators
NAFSA: Association of International Educators (USA)
NAFSA: Association of International Educators promotes the exchange of students and scholars to and from the United States. Our members share a belief that international educational exchange advances learning and scholarship, builds respect among different peoples and encourages constructive leadership in a global community.
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AAIE : Association for the Advancement of Int. Educ.
AAIE : Association for the Advancement of International Education
... where you can find colleagues, resources and what's new and exciting in the world of international education. You can experience what schools are doing on the net, go on a Mayan quest, visit the moon and even preview on-line curricula, which is also available to you on CDROM.
International | Education | Schools | school to school projects | curriculum | technology | How to Develop a Classroom Project | On-Line Curricula | Examples Using Internet in the Classroom |
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EI : Education International
EI : Education International
Welcome to the website of Education International the world's largest educators' federation representing 24.5 million members through its 309 member organisations
Regional Offices are based in Africa (Lomé, Togo), Asia & Pacific (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and Fiji), Europe (Brussels, Belgium), Latin America (San José, Costa Rica) and North America and the Caribbean (St. Lucia).
Regional conferences are convened every three years by member organisations in each region in order to agree on EI regional policies and activities.
School Groups and Associations | Shambles Glossary |
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NEASC : New England Association of Schools and College
NEASC : New England Association of Schools and College
Founded in 1885, the New England Association of Schools & Colleges, Inc. (NEASC), is the nation’s oldest regional accrediting association whose mission is the establishment and maintenance of high standards for all levels of education, from pre-K to the doctoral level.
NEASC serves some 1,800 public and independent schools, colleges and universities in the six states of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont and 86 American/International schools around the globe.
School Groups and Associations | Shambles Glossary
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ACSI : Association of Christian Schools International
ACSI : Association of Christian Schools International
The Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) was founded in 1978, the outgrowth of a merger of three associations, namely: The National Christian School Education Association (NCSEA); The Ohio Association of Christian Schools (OACS); and the Western Association of Christian Schools.
Today, in addition to our headquarters facility, ACSI has 16 Regional Offices in North America and around the globe. Current membership includes 5,000 member schools from 115 countries with an enrollment of 1,030,000 students. Programs and services are designed to assist Christian schools at every grade level including early education and higher education.
School Groups and Associations | Shambles Glossary
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BSME : The British Schools of the Middle East
BSME : The British Schools of the Middle East
Members of the Association can be found in the countries of Bahrain, Cyprus, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Syria, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, U.A.E. and Lebanon.
By definition, a member School is "An English Medium, essentially British Curriculum School in which the Principal / Head Teacher, together with the majority of teachers (apart from those teaching local languages) have qualifications which are recognised by the Department of Education in the U.K."
School Groups and Associations | Shambles Glossary
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ECIS : European Council of International Schools
ECIS : European Council of International Schools
ECIS is the largest association of international schools ... a non-profit corporation registered in the USA and administered by a professional staff from offices in three continents.
Founded in 1965 it now has over 570 international schools, both primary and secondary, around the globe from Japan in the east to the United States in the west, from Norway in the north to Lesotho in the south and in Australia.
Over 430 institutions of higher education and education-related organizations, Associate and Affiliate members, in many parts of the world ...
School Groups and Associations | Shambles Glossary
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FOBISSEA : Fed. of British Int. Schs in South & East Asia
FOBISSEA : Federation of British International Schools in South and East Asia
FOBISSEA is a federation of British international schools which promotes excellence, high achievement and good practice.
The Federation exists to provide a forum for professional dialogue between the Heads and staff of British schools in Asia.
School Groups and Associations | Shambles Glossary
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ISAT : International Schools Association of Thailand
ISAT : International Schools Association of Thailand
This website contains useful information for students, parents and educators who are interested in international schools in Thailand. Readers will see thirty-seven international schools currently listed as members of the International Schools Association of Thailand
School Groups and Associations | Shambles Glossary
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MSACS : Middle States Assoc. of Colleges and Schs
MSACS : Middle States Assoc. of Colleges and Schools
The Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools is a voluntary, non-governmental, nonprofit, peer administered organization of diverse educational institutions in the Middle Atlantic States region of the United States, American territories in the Caribbean, and American and International educational institutions in Europe, Africa and the Mideast.
School Groups and Associations | Shambles Glossary
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NESA : Near East South Asia Council of Overseas Schs
NESA : Near East South Asia Council of Overseas Schools
To serve member schools by being the catalyst for their continuous improvement and for on-going innovation based on the best practices of American education.
School Groups and Associations | Shambles Glossary
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NICS : Network of International Christian Schools
NICS : Network of International Christian Schools
The mission of NICS is to establish a worldwide network of international Christian schools staffed by qualified Christian educators, instilling in each student a Biblical world-view in an environment of academic excellence and respect for people of all cultures and religions.
School Groups and Associations | Shambles Glossary
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QSI : Quality Schools International
QSI : Quality Schools International
It is the belief of QSI that all students can learn. It is the schools' responsibility to provide the conditions for success and to equip all students with the competencies, knowledge, and orientations that enable them to lead successful lives as a result of their schooling and experiences in an international environment.
School Groups and Associations | Shambles Glossary
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WASC : Western Association of Schools and Colleges (US)
WASC : Western Association of Schools and Colleges (US)
The Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) is one of six regional associations that accredit public and private schools, colleges, and universities in the United States.
The Western region covers institutions in California and Hawaii, the territories of Guam, American Samoa, Federated States of Micronesia, Republic of Palau, Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands, the Pacific Basin, and East Asia, and areas of the Pacific and East Asia where American/International schools or colleges may apply to it for service.
School Groups and Associations | Shambles Glossary
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WES : World Wide Education Service
WES : World Wide Education Service
WES Home School families live in a variety of places in over 100 countries and in every continent; some may even be sailing around the world.
WES clients include employees working for multi-national companies, development agencies, missionary organisations, or families working independently.
School Groups and Associations | Shambles Glossary
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Mont : Montessori
Curriculum / Programmes
Mont : Montessori
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O(C)C : Ontario (Canada) Curriculum
Curriculum / Programmes
O(C)C : Ontario (Canada) CurriculumForeign Language
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US : USA Curriculum
Curriculum / Programmes
US : USA Curriculum
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SAT: Scholastic Assessment Test (US)
Examinations / Assessment
SAT : Scholastic Assessment Test (US)
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IB : International Baccalaureate Diploma
Examinations / Assessment
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CIE : Cambridge International Examinations
Examinations / Assessment
CIE : Cambridge International Examinations
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AP : Advanced Placement (US)
Examinations / Assessment
AP : Advanced Placement (US)
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