12 Alternative Search Engines
12 Alternative Search Engines That Find What Google Can't
Google Search still can't do everything. These alternative search engines can take care of a few niche queries for you.
Ecosia | Qwant | Qwant | SearchTeam | Yippy | Kiddle | JustWatch | Giphy | Thangs | NASA | SearchCode | Ludwig |

Startpage by ixquick search
Startpage by ixquick search
The only search engine that does not record your IP address.
Ixquick will wholeheartedly continue on its mission to offer you great search results in the best possible privacy!

Yandex looks like is offers the search functionailty that Google does
Yandex is a Russian multinational technology company specializing in Internet-related services and products. Yandex operates the largest search engine in Russia with about 60% market share in that country.

Similarto.us : find similar sites
Similarto.us helps find similar sites in quickest and easiest way. Similarto.us finds the similar sites and also provides the similarity score.
Users can also use similarto.us's search utilities to find a product which is available on different websites.

Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream

Teaching with Gooru - Xenia Shih #webinar #liveclass20

Bottlenose : Social Networks Search Engine
Bottlenose : Social Networks Search Engine
Bottlenose is a real-time discovery engine for the social web. It measures what the crowd is paying attention to, so you can discover and focus on what’s important now.
Bottlenose is used by individuals and organizations to keep up with news and interests, gain live insights, and engage in real-time.

DuckDuckGo : search engine
DuckDuckGo : search engine

Safe Searching
Safe Searching

Search Engines List by Types of Searches
Search Engines List by Types of Searches
This list of the various search engines, is posted here mainly for research and education purposes.
We felt it is nice to be able to reference and have links to some of the different search engines all in one place. While the list below does not cover each and every search engine online, it does provide a broad list of most of the major search companies that are available.

SearchTeam : Collaborative Search Engine
SearchTeam.com is a collaborative search and curation engine, where users work in real-time.

YaCy is a free search engine that anyone can use to build a search portal for their intranet or to help search the public internet.
When contributing to the world-wide peer network, the scale of YaCy is limited only by the number of users in the world and can index billions of web pages.

Moreofit finds you similar websites
Moreofit finds you similar websites
Moreofit is the first (and best) website similarity search engine. Give moreofit a website you're interested in, and it'll suggest to you alternative highly related and popular websites to explore.

SearchReSearch (Blog)
A blog about search, search skills, teaching search, learning how to search, learning how to use Google effectively, learning how to do research.
It also covers a good deal of sensemaking and information foraging.
I study the way people search and research. I guess that makes me an anthropologist of search. While I work at Google, this blog reflects my own thoughts and not those of my employer.

Put Wolfram Alpha To Good Use Everyday
10 Search Terms To Put Wolfram Alpha To Good Use Everyday
Calling Wolfram Alpha a computational knowledge engine surely puts off a lot of people who are mathematically and statistically challenged. I am one of them, so it took me a fair amount of time to get around to using Wolfram Alpha and the way it takes a query and spits out factual data.

10 Search Engines For Kids for Safe Browsing
10 Search Engines For Kids That Help Out Parents With Safe Browsing
Browsing safe content is the single most reason for calling up search engines made specifically for kids. A search page that appeals with its looks could be the second. Letting a kid having the run of the web using a search engine for kids helps to lessen the worry load on a parent’s mind.

Using Wolfram Alpha in the Classroom
Using Wolfram Alpha in the Classroom
Wolfram|Alpha is a free online computational knowledge engine that generates answers to questions in real time by doing computations on its own vast internal knowledge base. Our long-term goal is to make all systematic knowledge immediately computable and accessible to everyone. This can be valuable to educators in many ways.

Kngine is Web 3.0 Search Engine (i.e. revolutionary Semantic Search Engine and Question Answer Engine) designed to provide customized meaningful search result, such as: Semantic Information about the keyword/concept, Answer the user’s questions, List of things, Discover the relations between the keywords/concepts, and link the different kind of related information together such as: Movies, Subtitles, Photos, Price at sale store, User reviews, and Influenced story.
Kngine started as a research project in October 2008. Over times, We succeeded to collect, representing, and indexing a lot of human binges systematic knowledge but we have only just begun. As of now, Kngine contains 1.2+ billion of pieces of data about more than 8 million concept.

FindHow is a family, school, and library-friendly how-to search engine. We index many trusted sources, including government and educational institutions.

Kidrex : Search Engine for Kids
Kidrex : Search Engine for Kids
KidRex is a fun and safe search for kids, by kids!
KidRex searches emphasize kid-related webpages from across the entire web and are powered by Google Custom Search and use Google SafeSearch technology.
In addition to Google SafeSearch, KidRex maintains its own database of inappropriate websites and keywords. KidRex researchers test KidRex daily to insure that you and your child have the best web experience possible.

Googles 15 second search tips .. videos
Googles 15 second search tips .. videos n YouTube
Excellent series

Google Insights for Search
With Google Insights for Search, you can compare search volume patterns across specific regions, categories, time frames and properties. See examples of how you can use Google Insights for Search.

Bing ... Microsoft Search Engine
Bing ... Microsoft Search Engine

Sputtr : build you own search engine
Sputtr : build you own search engine
Multi search engine ... Customize Your Page

All About Websearch
All About Websearch
Web Search 101 | Free People Search Tools | top ten basic Web search skills |

Search by Creative Commons
Search by Creative Commons
http://search.creativecommons.org will help you find photos, music, text, books, educational material, and more that is free to share or build upon utilizing Creative Commons enabled search services at Google, Yahoo!, and Flickr.
You can also access this tool via the Firefox web browser.

Search using the keyboard only
Search using keyboard only ... could be a useful website if a student is not able to control the mouse very well.
Navigate with arrow keys. Open with enter.
Assistive technology

midomi is the ultimate music search tool because it is powered by your voice. Sing, hum, or whistle to instantly find your favorite music and connect with a community that shares your musical interests. Give it a try. It's truly amazing!

We have searched the web and provided you with a visual directory that includes the best sites in each category!

A Search Engine Showdown Online Tutorial
A Search Engine Showdown Online Tutorial
This online tutorial is primarily set up to be used in a live, hands-on instructional setting. It is also made available here as an example of hands-on instructional techniques and for those who would like to try it on their own.
This tutorial explores basic Internet search strategies and some standard Web search tools. It covers URL guessing, the basics of multiple word searches, and basic Web searching strategies and the differences between portals, directories, and search engines.

The Flamenco Search Interface Project
The Flamenco Search Interface Project
The Flamenco search interface framework has the primary design goal of allowing users to move through large information spaces in a flexible manner without feeling lost. A key property of the interface is the explicit exposure of category metadata, to guide the user toward possible choices, and to organize the results of keyword searches.
FLAMENCO stands for FLexible information Access using MEtadata in Novel COmbinations. This research is supported by a CAREER grant awarded to Prof. Marti Hearst from the National Science Foundation

ixquick .. meta seach engine
ixquick .. meta seach engine
Ixquick is a metasearch engine: when you search Ixquick, you are searching many popular search engines at the same time. Combined, these engines cover more of the Internet than any one search engine covers.
An Ixquick result is awarded one star () for every search engine that chooses it as one of the ten best results for your search. So a five star () result means that five search engines agreed on the result.
This is significant because search engines choose results in different ways, and each approach works well in some cases and poorly in others. A result with many stars was chosen for many different reasons, and is a consensus choice of many search engines.
Search in any of 18 languages - even Chinese, Japanese and Korean. In each language, Ixquick metasearches local and international search engines so you'll find exactly what you're searching for.

The Boolean Machine
The Boolean Machine ...
simple online interactive diagram that explanes AND OR NOT

Google Guide
Welcome to Google Guide, an online tutorial making searching even easier.

Compare Searches on Yahoo and Google
Compare Searches on Yahoo and Google
Graphical representation ... interesting!

Googling to the Max
Googling to the Max : UC Berkeley - Teaching Library Internet Workshops
Google is widely recognized as the best general web search engine. Recognizing this, we have decided to offer a "Googling to the Max" course in which we teach how use Google really well, taking advantage of its features and negotiating around its weaknesses. This page reflects the content of much of this new one-hour course. See the Handouts page for copies of the PowerPoint and other materials used in the class.

Educational Cyber Playground | Effective Searching |
Educational Cyber Playground | learn effective ways to search |

Google Scholar
Google Scholar
Google Scholar enables you to search specifically for scholarly literature, including peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, preprints, abstracts and technical reports from all broad areas of research. Use Google Scholar to find articles from a wide variety of academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories and universities, as well as scholarly articles available across the web.
Just as with Google Web Search, Google Scholar orders your search results by how relevant they are to your query, so the most useful references should appear at the top of the page.

Google Help : Cheat Sheet
Google Help : Cheat Sheet

Web Searching Tips
Web Searching Tips
This section of Search Engine Watch provides tips on using search engines better, along with some fun facts such as what people search for on search engines.
Using Search Engines Better | Fun Stuff | What People Search For - Most Popular Keywords |

How Stuff Works
HowStuffWorks.com is an amazing, award-winning online destination for anyone who wants to know how anything works!
An online magazine called HowStuffWorks.com is taking the Internet by storm with its approach to demystifying everyday life through clearly written and "cool" articles, such as How a Car Engine Works, How Caffeine Works and How Tattoos Work.

Welcome to the first free online article-search service. Search for quality articles in more than 300 reputable magazines and journals.

Finding 'stuff' using the internet
A comprehensive set of resources and links here on Shambles.

"Mamma" searches the search engines

Search Engine Watch
How do searches work? ... all about search engines ... search engine software





Starting Point
Useful directory/search engine .... inc. free email
