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Saturday 29 March 2025
  Image Manipulation

Magic Eraser
Magic Eraser
Remove unwanted things from images in seconds
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AI Image Enlarger and Enhancer Tools
AI Image Enlarger & Enhancer Tools
All-in-one AI toolkits help you enhance and upscale images. Increases image resolution without losing quality.
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PIXLR Photo Editing
PIXLR Photo Editing
There’s no better time to create and share beautiful imagery to the world than today. Our comprehensive suite of editing tools are designed to be easily accessible. Whether it’s a powerful web app or a nifty mobile app, you’ll definitely find a PIXLR just for you!
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FotoJet is an online art designer for creating collages, photo cards, social media arts, posters and other photo designs with personal photos.
FotoJet uses a template-based approach to creating collage projects and, best of all, you don’t need to be a graphics pro to turn out some “pro looking” imaging projects.
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VISME : What can I create with Visme?
VISME : What can I create with Visme?
Traditionally you have had to rely on multiple tools to create various forms of content.
Visme is changing that by becoming the “Swiss Knife” for creating engaging content. This means that it is one tool for all your visual content needs starting with:
Visme for...
Website Banners

How to Use Visme for Your Visual Content Needs from Easy WebContent on Vimeo.

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Tridiv : web-based editor for creating 3D shapes
Tridiv is a web-based editor for creating 3D shapes in CSS.
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Make Reaction GIFs With These 7 Tools
Make Reaction GIFs With These 7 Tools
The inability to make GIFs is nothing to be ashamed of, and there are already enough on the Internet to last you a lifetime, if you're content to feed off the work of others. But, knowing you, you want to create your own.
Understanding that desire, we've compiled a list of seven GIF generation tools that you can use to create and share animations without ever laying a finger on Photoshop.
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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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Gimp | GimpShop |
GIMP is an acronym for GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed program for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring.
Video Tutorials
It has many capabilities. It can be used as a simple paint program, an expert quality photo retouching program, an online batch processing system, a mass production image renderer, an image format converter, etc.
GIMP is expandable and extensible. It is designed to be augmented with plug-ins and extensions to do just about anything. The advanced scripting interface allows everything from the simplest task to the most complex image manipulation procedures to be easily scripted.
It is a freely distributed piece of software for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring. It works on many operating systems, in many languages

GIMPSHOP www.gimpshop.com Windows & Mac.
Gimpshop is an exceedingly powerful Photoshop look alike that has far more features than you, or most people you know, will ever use. If you're looking to do something as simple as touch up photos, or something far more sophisticated, like work in multiple layers, it has the tools you need
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Skitch : Get your point across with fewer words using annotation, shapes and sketches, so that your ideas become reality faster.
From the guys at Evernote

The basics : #4T2013 presentation

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Fotor Photo Edit : All Operating Systems inc iPhone
Fotor Photo Edit : All Operating Systems inc iPhone
... an online editor ... FREE
The heart and soul of Fotor is photo editing, and as always, we provide some of the best tools available online. Using Fotor photo editor, you can resize your photos, crop them, adjust the lighting curve, rotate them, adjust brightness, contrast, saturation, and sharpness, adjust the tone and colors, or just straighten a crooked shot! But wait! That's just in the basic edits module.
You can also add a photo effect, photo frame, clip art, text, or use our unique color splash, mosaic, and tilt shift tools!
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Make images come alive with music, videos and any web content.
Feature music, fashion and e-commerce.
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Making Animated Gifs
Making Animated Gifs
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Photo Editing in Google+ with the Creative Kit
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The next generation of Pixelmator — codenamed Chameleon—brings tons of new features and improvements
Award-winning, affordable, exclusively available on the Mac App Store, and offers a collection of amazing tutorials
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FotoFlexer : Online image editing
FotoFlexer : Online image editing
FotoFlexer is the world's most advanced online digital photo editor. It performs advanced effects previously only available to professionals using expensive software. FotoFlexer was founded by Arbor Labs, a team of graduate students and alumni from the Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology, University of California at Berkeley (and just one MIT/Stanford alum too).
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BeFunky simplifies photo editing and effects for everyday people.
Choose from our constantly growing library of photo effects to turn your ordinary photos into extraordinary art with virtually no effort.
Photo editing made smart. Fix your common photo problems like bad lighting, digital noise, fuzzy colors and details with one click.
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Imagechef ...drop your photos in over 100 frames ... create instant slide shows.
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Blabberize at a Glance (in comic form for printing)
Annotate a Photograph
Blabberize ... comic annotate a photo
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Aviary Debuts HTML5 Photo Editor
Aviary Debuts HTML5 Photo Editor
Like Aviary’s other apps, the HTML5 photo editor — code named Feather — is easy to use and surprisingly powerful. Beyond its use of HTML5 (as opposed to Flash, Silverlight or other RIA frameworks), what sets this app apart is that it’s designed to be portable and embeddable.
Aviary already has a very solid Flash-based image editor, Phoenix. It’s been around for more than two years and has a wealth of features.
So what makes Feather different and special ....
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Free Online Photoshop
Free Online Photoshop
Photoshop.com is the online complement to Adobe's family of Photoshop software, offering:
free web-based photo-editing tools
easy photo sharing in online albums and on sites like Facebook, Flickr, Photobucket, and Picasa
photo and video file backup and storage
inspirational photographer spotlights, content, and tutorials
information about Photoshop products
links to www.adobe.com to try, buy, and learn more about the features of Photoshop products access to Photoshop Express Mobile tools for Android devices, and iOS devices (Apple iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch)
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PhotoFunia ...
PhotoFunia is an online photo editing tool that gives you a fun filled experience. You upload any photo and just wait to see the magic. Our proprietary technology automatically identifies the face in the photo and let's you add cool photo effects and create funny face photo montages.
PhotoFunia is free and very easy to use. Just select an effect you like from over 100 different effects, upload your photo, and PhotoFunia will handle the rest for you.
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Crop and/or resize your pictures online (free)
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BeFunky simplifies photo editing and effects for everyday people.
Choose from our constantly growing library of photo effects to turn your ordinary photos into extraordinary art with virtually no effort.
Photo editing made smart. Fix your common photo problems like bad lighting, digital noise, fuzzy colors and details with one click.
Give your digital creations a whole lot of character with BeFunky Goodies. Add speech bubbles, frames and more...
BeFunky makes it easy to get photos from your favorite web sites. Turn your photos into artwork and save back to your accounts on other websites.
Also have an iPhone App
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EDITOR by Pixlr
EDITOR by Pixlr
This online photo (image) editor works in your browser .. is free ... and has amazing functionality.
Pixlr is the creator of online cloud-based image tools. We have two applications in our suite, one we call Pixlr Editor and the other is Pixlr Express. They are built in Flash and you need to have a Flash plug in to get it to work.
The pixlr services is built for both non-professionals, the users that have basic editing needs like editing web images to be posted on social networks like Facebook, Myspace Bebo, image sites like Flickr, Fotolog, Photobucket etc.
It's also widely used by professionals for fixing images for news sites and blogs etc.
For more info see FAQs
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Pho.to Can Edit Photos
Pho.to Can Edit Photos and Turn You Into a Cartoon, Too
Pho.to enhances digital photos with automatic yet powerful editing tools and services and provides a photo editing API.
Pho.to is actually a collection of 8 image editing products, ranging from enhance photo (a one-click option to enhance a photo and fix common issues), fun generators (apps that will animate your photo, turn you into an avatar, and more), photo sharing tools (including the ability to embed photo albums), and finally the online photo editor.
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Create a magazine cover
Create a magazine cover from your digital photographs.
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Google Book Search Tools
Cool Text is a free graphics generator for web pages and anywhere else you need an impressive logo without a lot of design work.
Simply choose what kind of image you would like. Then fill out a form and you'll have your own custom image created on the fly.
Cool Text also features a free font archive with over 1,200 fonts available.
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Photofunia : put faces on images easily
Photofunia : put faces on images and in locations easily .. e.g. on billboards or magazine covers .. brilliant fun .. and MUCH less painful than Photoshop
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Create Rounded Corners For Images with RoundPic
... an image editing site where simple, square photos can be uploaded and smoothed out to create sleek, rounded corners.
Online tool for making anti-aliased rounded corners (very Web 2.0!) for avatars and images.
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Lunapic : completely free photo editor in your browser! ... lots and lots of effects ... and fun
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Animoto Productions is a bunch of techies and film/tv producers who decided to lock themselves in a room together and nerd out.
Their first release is Animoto, a web application that automatically generates professionally produced videos using their own patent-pending technology and high-end motion design.
Each video is a fully customized orchestration of user-selected images and music. Produced on a widescreen format, Animoto videos have the visual energy of a music video and the emotional impact of a movie trailer.
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Create Photo Slide Shows to embed in ...
Create Photo Slide Shows to embed in your Blog or webpage or leave on Bubbleshare
Just upload your photos, and if you care to, remix them and add comments or your own voice to them. BubbleShare generates a private link for your friends and family to view and sends it with one click. You can even add your album to your blog.
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Button Maker
Call it a badge, sticker, button, or whatever you'd like.
Create yours below. Pick some colors, enter some text, and you'll get a button you can download for your website
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Inkscape : vector graphics editor, (Open Source)
Inkscape is an Open Source vector graphics editor, with capabilities similar to Illustrator, Freehand, CorelDraw, or Xara X using the W3C standard Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file format. Supported SVG features include shapes, paths, text, markers, clones, alpha blending, transforms, gradients, patterns, and grouping.
Inkscape's main goal is to create a powerful and convenient drawing tool
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ArtRage : FREE Download
ArtRage is a painting package designed to provide a realistic and fun simulation of using paint on a canvas, along with pens, pencils, crayons, and other tools.
You can run ArtRage on a normal Windows machine with a mouse, but it works particularly well if you have a graphics tablet. Even better, running ArtRage on a TabletPC takes advantage of the unique interaction of pen and screen to produce a realistic painting feel.
ArtRage is all about playing with paint without the mess, and having fun in the process. You can paint your own image from a blank canvas to completed work, or load in a picture to trace and have the tools pick their colours for you as you paint over it.
FREE Download
ArtRage for Mac OSX is currently (May05) in Beta testing and we will we updating with more information soon
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Xara X
XARA X is quite simply the best value vector graphics package you will ever see.
Ideal for creating both print and web graphics, Xara X is so simple to use, literally anyone can produce professional quality vector or bitmap images within a matter of minutes.
It can even import the old Acorn DRAW files.
Other files it will import are (impressive list):
| 301Brook Trout | BMP Windows Bitmap | CAL CALS (2 color) | CUT Halo CUT (256 color) | DCX DCX | GIF CompuServe Graphics | GX2 Storyboard | ICA IOCA (2 color) | ICO Microsoft Windows Icon (16 color) | IFF Amiga IFF | IMG IMG (16 color) | JPG JPEG | KFX KOFAX | LV LaserView (2 color) | MAC MacPaint (2 color) | MSP Microsoft Paint (2 color) | PCD PhotoCD | PCT PICT | PCX PCX Paintbrush | PBM UNIX monochrome | PGM UNIX grayscale | PNG PNG (see Importing transparent bitmap files) | PPM UNIX color (up to 24 bit) | PSD Photoshop | RAS Sun Raster | TGA TrueVision TARGA | TIF TIFF (RGB, RGBA with alpha-channel transparency & CMYK) | WPG Word erfect Group (256 color) | XBM X Windows (2 color) | XPM X Windows (256 color) | AI Illustrator EPS | EPS Illustrator EPS | EPS CorelDRAW 3 & 4 EPS | EPS FreeHand 3 | 0 EPS | EPS ArtWorks EPS | XAR CorelXARA (1 | 1 and 1 | 5) | ART Xara Studio | WEB Xara Webster files | AFF Acorn Draw | CDR CorelDRAW (3,4 & 5) (see Importing CDR files) | CDT CorelDRAW Template | CMX Corel CMX 5 & 6 (see Importing CMX files) | DRW Acorn Draw | HTM Graphics on HTML pages | WMF Windows Metafile | WIX For internal use by Xara |
Note: Xara X cannot import Photoshop EPS files; use PSD files instead |
image | imaging | software | xara | vector | bitmap |
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Coral DRAW
Carefully designed to make work more enjoyable, CorelDRAW?Graphics Suite 11 delivers powerful software for graphic design, page layout, photo editing and vector animation.
It offers live feedback, extensive compatibility and a full range of output options. It also reduces the number of steps it takes to complete your tasks. For example, use new 3-point Ellipse, Rectangle and Curve tools to achieve exact size and rotation in two clicks. Draw both curves and lines with the Polyline tool.
And create Web animations in minutes. With more time to create and less hassle, CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 11 lets you enjoy what you do.
graphics | vector |
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