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  Learning IT Skills Online

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Grovo is an online education and training platform that helps people find and use sites, and helps sites reach and educate users. Before Grovo, there was no single, centralized location for Internet education and training.
Grovo produces free and Premium Business video tutorials that cover the Web's most popular and useful sites as well as essential cloud services in social media, productivity, and online marketing. Applications include Facebook Profile, Advertising, and Pages, Google Analytics and Apps, Twitter, Yelp, Basecamp, and LinkedIn. Currently, our library contains over 800 video tutorials, and we produce 20 more every week.
The videos are delivered through our proprietary education and training platform, which includes the lesson, pre-written notes, quizzes, and glossary terms.
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Free Functional Skills ICT Resources
Free Functional Skills ICT Resources
Do you teach ICT at Functional Skills Levels 1 or 2? If so, this is the place to access:
-Printable worksheets to download;
-Guidance on lesson delivery;
-Auto-marking assessments;
-Homework tasks;
-Fun interactive learning games.
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ALISON : Free Digital Literacy & IT Skills Course
Free Digital Literacy & IT Skills Course
ALISON is a free online learning resource for basic and essential workplace skills.
ALISON stands for "Advance Learning Interactive Systems Online"
ALISON provides high-quality, engaging, interactive multimedia courseware for certification and standards-based learning. All courses on ALISON are accessible for free to individual learners.
The mission of ALISON is to enable anyone, anywhere, to educate themselves for free via interactive self-paced multimedia. It is our belief that through ALISON, the cost of access to high-quality education can be removed.
Through the ALISON learning platform we can assist people around the world in educating themselves, thereby creating a more equitable and sustainable global society.
Free Digital Literacy & IT Skills | Free Enterprise & Business Skills | Free Financial & Economic Literacy | Free Health & Safety & Compliance | Free Health Literacy | Free Leadership & Management Training | Free Language Skills | Free Personal Development & Soft Skills | Free Teacher Training |
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EPICT: The European Pedagogical ICT Licence
EPICT: The European Pedagogical ICT Licence
The EPICT licence was specifically designed for the needs of teaching and training. It is professional development for tutors, developed by lead educators within educational training institutions and delivered by the same. All themes of the course have a pedagogical rationale and participants work with ICT skills related to these themes. The methods comprise problem-based learning, team-based activities, peer teaching, and critical response.
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Computer Certifications
Computer Certifications
Free online computer training and computer certification resources. Tutorials, study guides, practice questions, certification information and more.
Articles | Security Certs | CIW | Cisco | CompTIA | Microsoft | Novell | Oracle | Linux | UNIX |
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Provider of exam simulation software containing mock tests and study notes with technical articles, tips & tricks, how tos… for IT certifications such as MCSE, MCSD, CompTIA, CIW, SCJP, OCA and OCP.
Commercial website but some free trials.
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LearnThat : Free Online Tutorials
LearnThat : Free Online Tutorials
Operating System Tutorial | Word XP Tutorial | Free Windows XP Tutorials | Windows XP Tips | Word 2000 Tutorial | Free Comptia A+ course | Using Windows XP | Lotus Notes Tutorials |
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BeneFIT Online Course : ICT / IT
A free online version of the "Fluency with Information Technology" course offered by Washington University and NSF (USA)
The site is a public service of UW and NSF for citizens to learn the basic fluency, knowledge, skills, concepts and capabilities, to use computers and information technology effectively.
Fluency with Information Technology (FIT) has been jokingly described as = computer literacy on steroids. It comes from a National Research Council (NRC) report answering the question: "What should everyone know about IT?"
The course is free, but UW Extension will also offer a "for credit" version (with instructor and exams) for tuition.
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The IT Training Shop
Welcome to The IT Training Shop. Here you can buy a complete range of computer based training (cbt) courses on CD-ROM from NETg for beginners through to IT Professionals. These products, formerly only sold to large organisations, are now available to everyone.
Since then TGi has supplied bespoke e-learning courses to companies such as Mars, Oracle, The Arcadia Group, and Storagetek. While serving this market, TGi has built up it's own proprietary Educational, Programming and Development Methodologies which have resulted in the company gaining a high level of expertise in the creation of CD ROM training and e-learning. To date, TGi have never had a customer complaint or had a product rejected. We hope to keep it that way.
Wishing to expand the breadth of our offerings to the marketplace we reviewed the products available. This revealed the NETg range of courses as, in our opinion, the best available. We have pleasure in offering the full NETg range to you and hope to make a valuable contribution to your career.
To find out more about NETg and their courses, please visit our NETg page.
IT | ICT | INSET | Courses | skills |
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iBoost Journal ... web building
» General » Design » HTML/CSS » Dreamweaver » Flash » Search Engines » Affiliate Progs » Advertising |
Go behind-the-screens and learn about databases, information architecture, site planning, and servers.
The concepts and terminology behind GIF, JPEG, pixels, raster, resolution, vector, and other formats.
Everything you need to know -- and more -- about CGI, CSS, HTML, and Javascript programming.
A handy collection of browser safe colors for both PC and Mac, HTML tags, and special character codes.
Reviews and tutorials on Dreamweaver, Flash, GoLive, LiveMotion, Photoshop, PSP, and other favorites.
One of the largest directories of affiliate programs on the Web, divided into categories and ranked by users.
The best way to build an online store, just the way you want it, and sell products your customers need.
Tips and advice on running your own eBusiness, freelancing, industry trends, and software.
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Computer Edu, Training, & Tutorial Resources
We constantly search the web and find all the latest and best free online training resources available. Then we categorize and post them immediately on these pages. These contain over 12,000 computer and technical training and tutorial website resources along with titles and some descriptions.
Learn programming for Free and how to develop and write computer programs and IT applications. Get Free knowledge, information, references, and resources about computers now. Many Free training courses, tutorials, books, training guides, tips, articles, and helps are available to you.
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Computer Education, Training & Tutorial Resources
Intelinfo offers a huge collection of links to free training courses and material. Whether you're going for technical certification or teaching yourself programming, web design, or networking, this site provides plenty of destinations.
It offers multiple links to courses, books, tutorials, and other links and resources.
This is the place to go if you have a thirst for knowledge but little cash.
Our free monthly newsletter features and describes all the new Free IT and Computer Education and Training sites which we have discovered and researched during the previous month.
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Electronic Publishing Resources
XML, Programming, and Internet resources
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Technology Tutorials found on the Web
Claris HomePage | AppleWorks | FrontPage | HyperStudio | iMovie | Inspiration | Integration | KidPix | Macintosh | Access | Excel | Word | Works | Netscape | Networking | Photoshop | PowerPoint | Publisher | Digital Cameras | Tutorial Sets | WebQuest | Win95/98/00 |
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VUE : Certification exams for
Certification Exams for:
Microsoft Novell / IBM / iGeneration / Lucent Technologies / Lucent ENG Certification / Ericsson / PTC / Certified Internet Webmaster / CompTIA / Linux Professional Institute / Informix Software / Allaire / Siebel Systems /
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Teach ICT
Links to Resources and online courses to help with MicrosoftApplication Skills ... useful for staff and students
Word | Excel | Access | Powerpoint |
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Tech Tutorials
Welcome to TechTutorials.com - The directory of free computer and networking tutorials for the I.T. professional. The directory currently contains 1335 free tutorials!
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Learn PowerPoint skills online.. written for K-12 students... the site also includes some tutorials on other MS programmes.
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The Education Project Asia
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niXtech Solutions is The Boutique Data Center offering dedicated IT facilities along with cloud based computing with a full array of appliances and services. Located near Copenhagen, Denmark, with secure infrastructure, state-of-the-art equipment, privately financed, debt free.

The Shambles.NET Home Page: curating and sharing - teaching and learning experiences ... managed by Chris Smith (Shamblesguru)

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