Home-study network
Home-study network
"Home-study network", a central website for home-school or home school members in Thailand, can contact and exchange knowledge in doing home school.
In which members will be able to Search the member's home database, write online education plans, write assessments and learning traces and can write any content or notes.

Homeschooling in Thailand
Homeschooling in Thailand
A growing number of families are choosing to homeschool in Thailand with Wolsey Hall Oxford. We have a mix of both local Thai children and expat families looking for an international curriculum that is recognised by universities and employers worldwide.
Homeschooling in Thailand was legalised in 2004, although Thai families must submit an application if they wish to homeschool and their children need to be assessed annually.

Coronavirus homeschooling
Coronavirus homeschooling
Families across the UK are scrambling to figure out how they can keep their children's education going at home. Sky News asked the experts.
Tom Rose and Jack Pannett are qualified teachers and sports coaches and run an activity business that helps children learn. They also broadcast their own podcast.

Five ways to keep your children occupied
Five ways to keep your children occupied (and learning!) at home.
If you're feeling out of your depth, the BBC has put together a guide to supporting kids while they're learning at home, full of useful tips and professional advice that'll help.

Free homeschooling apps and websites 2020
Free homeschooling apps and websites 2020
Schools may be closed, but your kids can keep learning
Your kids' school will recommend tools, set work and provide resources so they can keep up with the Curriculum, but these extra tools can help give their learning a boost and provide some variety while they're out of the classroom.

covid19 home schooling Facebook Group
covid19 home schooling Facebook Group

Special Home Educator (Blog)
Special Home Educator (Blog)

Twitter #hashtag live stream for #homeschool

Home School 2013 Conference Recordings
Home School 2013 Conference Recordings
Listings are alphabetical by the last name of the primary presenter.
Amazing collection of sessions and topics from the August 2013 online conference

Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream

70 Twitter Hashtags for Homeschoolers
70 Twitter Hashtags for Homeschoolers
If you’re teaching homeschool, you may already be using Twitter to keep in touch with friends, family, and other homeschoolers. But did you know that there are so many resources available through the messaging service?
By simply following hashtags, you can get connected with discussion groups, resources, advice, and more. Check out these hashtags to get help with homeschooling and so much more.

Network Tutors - Online Math and Science Tutors, Math Worksheets , Lesson Plans
We tutor in all subjects at school and college level through Email, Fax and on line Chats.
We also have Online Courses, thousands of problems in hundreds of Worksheets, Customized one on one tutoring based on individual evaluation and a whole lot more...

Home Education Information, UK
Home Education Information, UK
Information about home education, particularly for those in the UK.
Resources, ideas for getting started, informal maths, articles about parenting and personality type.

Virtual K-12 Schools
Virtual K-12 Schools

Home Education Diary from Scotland
Home Education Diary from Scotland
Details day to day activities, resources we use, photos of places we visit and books.

Muslim Home Education Network Australia
The Muslim Home Education Network (est.1999) provide information and general awareness to the Muslim Community of/on the legal option to Home Educate (home School) your children in New South Wales, Australia
Introduction to Home Education | What is Homeschooling? | Is Home Schooling Legal in Australia | Home Schooling - A Muslim Alternative to Classroom Education | The Public School and the Muslim Child | The Various Approaches to Home Education | .. plus lots more.

HomeschoolMath.net is a comprehensive math resource site for homeschooling parents and teachers: find a homeschool math curriculum guide, free worksheets, math ebooks for elementary grades, an extensive link list of games, interactive tutorials & quizzes, and teaching tips.
The resources emphasize understanding of concepts instead of just mechanical memorization of rules.

Home Education Advisory Service (UK)
Home Education Advisory Service (UK)
HEAS is a national home education charity based in the United Kingdom. It is dedicated to the provision of advice and practical support for families who wish to educate their children at home in preference to sending them to school. Interest in home education is increasing and HEAS recognises that reliable information should be available for everyone.
HEAS was established in 1995 by a group of experienced home educators in order to provide good quality information on both the legal and practical aspects of home education. Since then HEAS has given information to many families and also to education authorities, other professionals, academic researchers, politicians, voluntary agencies, the media and other bodies.
HEAS offers information for home educators including advice about educational materials, resources, GCSE examinations, special educational needs, information technology, legal matters and curriculum design. HEAS produces a range of leaflets and the Home Education Handbook.

HomeschoolMath.net is a comprehensive math resource site for homeschooling parents and teachers: find a homeschool math curriculum guide, free worksheets, math ebooks for elementary grades, an extensive link list of games, interactive tutorials & quizzes, and teaching tips. The resources emphasize understanding of concepts instead of just mechanical memorization of rules.

Heritage Home School Academy
Heritage Home School Academy
Each family will pay $75.00 registration plus $25.00
per child for diagnostic testing. This will include the parent's package
and instruction curriculum for the Home School.
If at any time within the first 30 days after your curriculum is shipped you are not satisfied with the product or service, you may receive 100% of "Tuition."
Nationally Recognized Curriculum [School Of Tomorrow] | High School Diploma Upon Completion of Work | Christian Character Enhancement | K-12 Home School Curriculum Packs For Distance Learning | Mastery Based [Concept by Concept] Education | To Make Home Schooling Understandable | To Place In Your Hands The Tools To Assure A Positive Result |
