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  Internet & IT Safety

Internet Safety 101
Uniquely actionable and easy-to-read toolkit for parents. It's called Internet Safety 101
This is the ultimate, easy-to-digest guide to keeping your family safe online.
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Oyoty : AI based personal assistance for children
Oyoty : AI based personal assistance for children
Oyoty detects threats and risks on smart devices and social networks using Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Oyoty alerts the child to risks and threats- parents can also choose to receive an alert
Oyoty guides the child how to deal with risks/threats and delivers educational content to encourage safer online behaviour
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Safer Internet Day (SID)
Safer Internet Day (SID) is organised by Insafe in February of each year to promote safer and more responsible use of online technology and mobile phones, especially among children and young people across the world.
Safer Internet Day 2017 will be celebrated on Tuesday, 7 February 2017 with a theme of 'Be the change: Unite for a better internet'.
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Why screen time before bed is bad for children
Why screen time before bed is bad for children
Sleep is an essential part of our development and wellbeing. It is important for learning and memory, emotions and behaviours, and our health more generally. Yet the total amount of sleep that children and adolescents are getting is continuing to decrease. Why?
Although there are potentially many reasons behind this trend, it is emerging that screen time – by way of watching television or using computers, mobile phones and other electronic mobile devices – may be having a large and negative impact on children’s sleep.
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Parents Look to Teachers for Internet Safety Training
Survey: Parents Look to Teachers for Internet Safety Training
Who's responsible for making sure students get an education in online safety?
According to four out of five teachers, parents are relying on the schools too much in this regard. A recent survey by security company AVG of 1,800 teachers around the world also found that 38 percent of teachers said they believe parents don't know enough about online safety to be able to teach their own kids.
Two-thirds of respondents said that schools should provide better training on using the Internet as an educational tool; only 28 percent reported that they've had formal training. Seventy-seven percent added that Internet safety should show up in the syllabus.
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Ofsted’s eight e-safety demands (England and Wales)
Ofsted’s eight e-safety demands (England and Wales)
E-safety continues to be a key priority for schools. Education technology expert Chris Pates offers advice to help achieve the eight key features of good and outstanding practice identified by Ofsted.
The first key feature called for is a whole-school approach to e-safety. This means ensuring that all teaching and non-teaching staff can recognise and are aware of e-safety issues, that the senior leadership and management team make it a priority across all areas of the school, and that there is a commitment to training, the development of policies, and a straightforward consistent approach when tackling an incident.
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14 Signs You Spend Too Much Time on the Internet
14 Signs You Spend Too Much Time on the Internet
As you log more hours online, you might notice subtle changes in your offline behavior. If your finger has ever absentmindedly flicked the air in an effort to scroll, you understand.
Every Internet addict reaches a point when the time comes to close the laptop and go outside. Don't worry — Tumblr will still be there when you get back.
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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP)
YouTube Channel : Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP)
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5 Reasons Working with Computers is Bad for You
5 Reasons Working with Computers is Bad for You
Working on the computer may sound like the most relaxed job in the world, but it’s quite the contrary. It’s very tough on your body, which is not used to this modern type of work.
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SecEd Guide To... Web-filtering & e-safety
SecEd Guide To... Web-filtering & e-safety
SecEd's latest Guide To focuses on effective e-safety and web-filtering in schools. We look at best practice, Acceptable Use Policies, bring your own device schemes, and meeting Ofsted criteria.
It looks at the role effective web-filtering has to play in ensuring high-quality teaching and learning and how e-safety management has a crucial role in successfully negotiating school inspections. We also look at a case study of one school's approach to e-safety and web-filtering.
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How to Teach Internet Safety in K-6
The Internet is a wonderful resource for kids for researching school reports, communicating with teachers, staying in touch with friends, and entertaining themselves. They can literally hit a few keystrokes an find out about culture in China, the history of Europe, or take a tour of the American White House.
But with that access comes risks, even if you’re careful. For example, in our class project on life cycles, we never allow the students to search “chicks”, rather they must type “baby chickens” to avoid the problems the former carries.
The digital natives we are educating don’t want to hide from these sorts of problems, though. They want to learn to manage them. What we as teachers must do is show them how to avoid the internet’s bad neighborhoods so they can benefit from the good.
Here’s my year-by-year teaching run-down:
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Internet Safety
Internet Safety
Phishing, Trojans, Spyware, Trolls and Flame Wars! Oh my! If the idea of these threats lurking around online makes you nervous, then you can now be at ease. Our Internet Safety course will provide you with the strategies, skills and mindset needed to protect yourself, your computer and your privacy when you connect with the internet.
Visit our Internet Safety for Kids tutorial for lessons related to your kid's safety
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360 degree safe
Welcome to 360 degree safe, the free self review tool produced by the South West Grid for Learning.
The 360 degree safe online tool provides a user friendly and interactive means for schools to review their eSafety provision and to develop an action plan to bring about improvements. The tool is currently free of charge to schools on completion of a simple registration process.
South West Grid for Learning collected the prestigious Nominet "Making the Internet Safer" Award in recognition of 360 degree safe on the 28th July 2011
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Professor Garfield Online Safety : iPad App (free)
Professor Garfield Online Safety : iPad App (free)
Internet Safety with Professor Garfield - Online Safety
After buying a special anniversary issue of the PET FORCE comic book, Nermal goes online to the PET FORCE message board.
Excited to connect with other fans, Nermal starts chatting with someone who uses the online name “comic_cat12.” When comic_cat12 asks Nermal to meet in person and bring the special issue, Arlene is a bit skeptical. Enter Professor Garfield and Dr. Nova, who talk to Nermal about keeping his personal information safe online.
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5 Tips For Using A Laptop In Comfort
5 Tips For Using A Laptop In Comfort
Using a laptop as your primary PC doesn’t demand that you sacrifice comfort, however. The problems they cause can mostly be resolved.
Let’s look at five easy laptop ergonomics tips to take make sure your laptop doesn’t become a pain in your, uh, back.
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4 Serious Health Issues From Sitting Too Long
4 Serious Health Issues From Sitting Too Long & How To Avoid Them
When you work at any job that requires long hours sitting at a computer – programming, accounting, writing – it is very easy to stay in that one position for eight to nine working hours every day.
Sure, you might get up for a drink of water, a bathroom break, or for lunch, but I’m sure you can remember days when, before you knew it, you’d been sitting in that chair for two to four hours at a time. Deep down you know that sitting for such long period of time can’t be good, but really, how bad can it be?
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Robyn Treyvaud - Keynote #21CLHK Hong Kong 2012
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Stay Safe Online : Advice from Google
Stay Safe Online : Advice from Google
… tips and advice for staying more secure on the web
Signing out | Passwords | Phishing | Malware | Secure sites | Safe networks | Mobile security | Check your Gmail account | Family safety | Shopping safety | Google’s security tools |
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Worlds Simplest Online Safety Policy
World’s Simplest Online Safety Policy
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Conference on Internet Safety and Responsible Use

Josie Fraser Keynote from ISRU Conference2 on Vimeo.

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Free Internet Safety and Responsible Use Cartoons
Free Internet Safety and Responsible Use Cartoons to use for Professional Development
At a Learning and Teaching Scotland Internet Safety and Responsible Use Conference we wanted to provide something that people could use after the conference.
One of the things that we created was a really good conference website that contains an archive of all of the keynote and workshop presentations.
But the other thing that we produced was a set of conference cartoons that show the main discussion points from the conference.
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Technology addicts offered treatment
Technology addicts offered treatment
Technology addicts can now seek treatment at a London hospital which has launched bespoke treatment for those diagnosed with the condition.
The programme is designed for young people who spend large amounts of time each day playing computer games or using social network websites.
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Choose What Happens Next (sexting)
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Thinkuknow (TUK) Teachers and Trainers area
Thinkuknow (TUK) Teachers and Trainers area
Here you’ll find the Thinkuknow resources for teachers and all other professionals working with young people.
There are films, presentations, games, lesson plans and posters covering a range of issues from grooming by child sex offenders to cyber-bullying. All of these resources encourage young people to have fun with new technology, whilst staying in control of the risks.
Importantly, they also teach young people where to go if they have any concerns.
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Shamblesguru 'Internet Safety' YouTube Channel
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UK Council for Child Internet Safety (UKCCIS)
UK Council for Child Internet Safety (UKCCIS)
The UK Council for Child Internet Safety (UKCCIS) will unite over 100 organisations from the public and private sector working with Government to deliver recommendations from Dr Tanya Byron's report 'Safer Children in a Digital World'.
Reporting directly to the Prime Minister, the Council will help to improve the regulation and education around internet use, tackling problems around online bullying, safer search features, and violent video games.
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Child Safety on the Internet
Sage Advice: Child Safety on the Internet
How do you teach your kids to be safe online? As a parent, your job is to personalize the remote messages on Internet safety your kids hear in school, to make the subject important in your home and to your family.
Print a weekly report of your child's online activity and look over this report with your child.
No one can deny the presence of technology within our schools, our places of employment, and our homes. The 21st century has imposed technology as a mainstay within our society; now, we must examine how to facilitate a relationship between our youth and technology.
How do we teach our children to be safe online?
Although at first glance one may think that this is a difficult question to answer, it's actually quite simple: parenting.
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BBC: Top five ways to stay safe online
BBC: Top five ways to stay safe online
This page aims to help you use the internet in a safe way.
It links to sites that are kept up to date with useful information, along with explanations and helpful hints for you and your family to get the most out of the internet.
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Ask Professor Pixel....
Ask Professor Pixel.... "What can I do to be Net Safe?"
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Know IT All : for (UK) Primary Schools ... teach e-safety
UK "Child psychologist, Professor Tanya Byron, has launched a new set of resources called 'Know IT All for Primary Schools'.
The resources - developed through funding from the Training and Development Agency for Schools, Becta and the UK Council for Child Internet Safety - are designed to empower all primary school employees to understand, tackle and teach e-safety issues to children."
This resource is part of a set of award-winning 'Know IT All' resources including 'Know IT All for Parents' which Childnet has produced, sponsored by Becta.
"This new resource also includes a rich 3D animation called 'Captain Kara and Winston's SMART Adventure' produced especially for young children just starting out in using new technology. It can be used in an assembly or classroom setting. Presented as 5 separate chapters the SMART Adventure illustrates Childnet's SMART rules and includes a real life SMART Crew of young people who guide the cartoon characters in their quest and help them make smart online decisions."
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IWF : Internet Watch Foundation (UK)
The Internet Watch Foundation .... The UK Hotline for reporting illegal content specifically:.. Child sexual abuse content hosted worldwide and criminally obscene and incitement to racial hatred content hosted in the UK
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Online Safety Tips for Kids (pdf for printing)
Online Safety Tips for Kids (pdf for printing)
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Enhancing Child Safety and Online Technologies
Enhancing Child Safety and Online Technologies
Final Report of the Internet Safety Technical Task Force to the Multi-State Working Group on Social Networking of State Attorneys General of the United States
The Internet Safety Technical Task Force was created in February 2008 in accordance with the Joint Statement on Key Principles of Social Networking Safety announced in January 2008 by the Attorneys General Multi-State Working Group on Social Networking and MySpace.
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Internet Safety (Disney)
Internet Safety (Disney)
The best form of Online Safety begins at home with you, the parent. We offer you the following tips to keep your child safe on the Internet.
The best way to know what your child is doing online is to ask. Whether you ask other parents, an Internet-savvy friend, or your child about how they use the Internet asking the right questions will help you understand what your child is doing online so you can make sure they are making safe online choices.
While the Internet offers amazing opportunities for entertainment, education, connectivity, and more, anyone who goes online should understand basic Online Safety.
Teaching these basics to your children is essential. .... see this list
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Helping Your Kids Blog Safely
Helping Your Kids Blog Safely
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KS3/4 ICT - Online Safety (online video)
KS3/4 ICT - Online Safety (online video)
This programme outlines simple classroom activities to help teachers to take practical steps to keep pupils safe online and to increase awareness of the potential dangers of internet usage.
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Safe Searching
Safe Searching
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UK Discussion Group for Parents
UK Discussion Group for Parents to discuss issues particularly related to safety ... including online safety.
chat | discussion | online | internet | safe | safety | policy | parent | parents |
Come in to find the latest information on the sites you like to visit, mobiles and new technology.
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Youth, Pornography and the Internet
The National Research Council has released "Youth, Pornography, and the Internet," a 420-page study focused on keeping children safe on the Internet. The panel took a moderate stance, advocating for teaching children how to use the Net safely.
A 14-chapter report published by the National Research Council in 2002 takes a sober look at the legal, technological and social means that parents and teachers can use to shield children and teenagers from virtual smut.
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Safe Surfing with Doug
A parents guide to Safe Surfing The Internet offers children wonderful opportunities for entertainment, learning and personal growth.
However, you may have concerns about the potential risks that could face your children when they navigate the online world.
Disney Online is committed to helping families to use and enjoy the Internet safely. This is why we have launched Safe Surfing Week in order to help families to become more informed about Internet safety.
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Photosensitive Epilepsy
Photosensitive epilepsy is the name given to that form of epilepsy in which seizures are provoked by flickering light encountered in everyday life. Both natural and artificial light sources may precipitate seizures, but the commonest precipitant appears to be television.
Visual display units (VDUs)
Contrary to public belief, the use of professional VDUs rarely presents any risk to the person with epilepsy. The risk of a seizure occuring depends on the material being displayed. Most current computer displays have scan frequencies of 60 per second and above. These are unlikely to provoke seizures. Computer displays with liquid crystal screens are flicker free. However, there are still some computer games where a conventional television monitor is used and these have the same drawbacks as television.
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Staying Healthy At Your Computer
Staying Healthy At Your Computer
This web page is developed to provide a reference guide for readers in setting up an ergonomically sound computer workstation and to adopt healthy work practices. The subject is addressed under the following headings:
The Furniture | The Computer | The Working Environment | Work Habits | Exercises |
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Take the Internet Stress Survey
Take the Internet Stress Survey
This nine item survey is designed to test your tendency to become addicted to the 'Net.
Please review each of the questions below and make a note of how many times you answer "Yes." After completing the survey, click the button below that best corresponds to your score, and you will be taken to a special report for your score.
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