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Sunday 16 March 2025

18 Insanely Addictive Font Games
18 Insanely Addictive Font Games
Typography helps you engage your audience and establish a distinct, unique personality on your website. Knowing how to use fonts to build character in your design is a powerful skill, and exploring the history and use of typefaces, as well as typographic theory, can help.
But it doesn't have to be boring. This selection of online and mobile font games will help test and expand both your knowledge and identification skills.
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Typography : a curation of resources at Pinterest
Typography : a curation of resources at Pinterest
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24 Famous Fonts You Can Download for Free
24 Famous Fonts You Can Download for Free
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15 Crazy Fonts That Punch Comic Sans in the Face
15 Crazy Fonts That Punch Comic Sans in the Face
Helvetica, Georgia, Arial — these are just a few of the best-loved fonts available. But after a lifetime of reading papers, documents and articles in these standard fonts, it's likely you're looking for something a little more exciting to spice up your otherwise uninteresting emails.
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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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Typography [Prezi] by Travis Hitchcock
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The History of Typography - Animated Short

The History of Typography - Animated Short from Ben Barrett-Forrest on Vimeo.

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How To Turn Your Handwriting Into A Font
How To Turn Your Handwriting Into A Font
Add the ultimate personal touch to any document: turn your handwriting into a font and use that. There’s a lot of creative potential here, and it’s a lot easier to do than you’d think thanks to MyScriptFont.
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The new Helvetica maybe ?
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Fontspace : collection of 14,864 fonts that have been shared by designers around the world.
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8 Essential Web Typography Resources
8 Essential Web Typography Resources
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Font Squirrel
Font Squirrel
Free fonts have met their match. We know how hard it is to find quality freeware that is licensed for commercial work. We've done the hard work, hand-selecting these typefaces and presenting them in an easy-to-use format.
Here are some of our favorites ...
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Google Tries to Simplify Fonts on the Web
Google Tries to Simplify Fonts on the Web
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Typekit ... Cloud-Based Web Font Service
Typekit ... Cloud-Based Web Font Service
This will change the way you design websites. Add a line of code to your pages and choose from hundreds of fonts. Simple, bulletproof, standards compliant, accessible, and totally legal.
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The Font Kingdom
The Font Kingdom: Search, Explore, Create, and Download Fonts for Free
A review of different places on the web to find fonts
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Over 100 Free Handwritten Fonts
Over 100 Free Handwritten Fonts
Plus create your own fonts ...
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Font Capture
Font Capture ... Create a font from your own handwriting
There's no software to download and install, all you need is a printer and a scanner. Simply fill in the font template, scan and upload it to our website, and download your completed font.
The fonts you create using fontcapture.com can be used on both Windows and Mac computers.
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Typedia ... A Shared Encyclopedia of Typefaces
Typedia is a resource to classify, categorize, and connect typefaces.
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The fonts presented on this website are their authors' property, and are either freeware, shareware, demo versions or public domain.
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Free Fonts Reviewed at Smashing Magazine
Free Fonts Reviewed at Smashing Magazine
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GMK Free Fonts
GMKFreefonts, download, typeface, fonts, free, true type, ttf, freeware, typefaces, typography, dingbats, fuentes, tipografs, tipos, gratis, libre, descarga
Over 3,000 fonts
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What the Font?
What the Font?
Ever wanted to find a font just like the one used by certain publications, corporations, or ad campaigns?
Well now you can, using our WhatTheFont font recognition system. Upload a scanned image of the font and instantly find the closest matches in our database. If WhatTheFont can't figure it out, you can submit your image to the WhatTheFont Forum where cloak-draped font enthusiasts around the world will help you out!
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Use your handwriting as a font
Use your handwriting as a font
Fontifier lets you use your own handwriting for the text you write on your computer. It turns a scanned sample of your handwriting into a handwriting font that you can use in your word processor or graphics program, just like regular fonts such as Helvetica.
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Jardotty and Jarman Fonts
Windows true type font (.ttf) to download directly from this link. Jardotty is a dotted alphabet good for creating your own traceable handwriting worksheets. Created by Christopher Jarman.
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1001 free fonts
1001 free fonts first opened its doors in December 1998 and has since grown to become the most popular free fonts archive online. We receive more than 35,000 visitors daily and we have been visited by over 25,000,000 visitors since 1998.
Over 350,000,000 cool fonts have been downloaded since 1998.
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simplythebest.net ... FONTS
SIMPLYTHEBEST Fonts - this is a selection of the finest free Truetype fonts to be found on the Internet. We are adding to this free fonts section on a daily basis.
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Free School Fonts
Free School Fonts
These fonts mimic the style of type used to teach print and cursive handwriting skills.
Each link goes to a larger sample, author and description info, and download link. Some downloads are available only at the author site and are so noted and linked on each description page.
font | fonts | Jarman | Jardotty | Learning Curve BV | Learning Curve Dashed BV | Penmanship Print | Primer Print | Zyia Learns Letters | Print Clearly | Print Clearly Dashed |
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abc typography : a virtual museum
This virtual museum presents some of the most famous typefaces ever created. One of the goal of abc typography is to underline the fact that every typeface has its own history.
Typography : typographic art, news, resources
Typefaces : foundries, dowloadable types
History of printing : biographies, regional monographies, periods
Institutions : organisations, museums and exhibitions, libraries
font | fonts | typography |
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Cool Text cooltext
Cooltext.com is an online graphics generator for web pages and anywhere else you might need an impressive logo without a lot of work. We provides real-time generation of graphics customized exactly the way you want them. Simply choose what kind of image you would like to create. Then, fill out a form and you'll have your own images created on the fly.
graphics | text | font | fonts |
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