SodaDB : free easy online database
Sodadb (Simple Online Database) is a new approach to online databases.
Stripped and downsized to the bare necessities, but still very powerful. Create your own online database in minutes. No manual needed.
Sodadb is donationware. If you like Sodadb, you can make a donation to help us with costs. Or you can become a supporter, this will unlock more functionalities.
Sodadb offers unlimited number of users and unlimited number of databases (there is only a maximum record limit).

Grubba : Your online database
The free online database for home and office.
Grubba is the free and online alternative for MS access and Filemaker pro.
Choose a template or create your own forms and database to fit your individual needs.
Suitable for beginner and advanced users.
Grubba is so called Donationware. If you use Grubba and like it, you can make a (small) donation to support us.
Keeping Grubba running is expensive, so every donation is very appreciated. You can use Grubba up to 10.000 records and 5 forms.

TeamDesk is a hosted database-driven platform for creating, maintaining, organizing and sharing business information over the Internet.
With TeamDesk you create the solution in days, not months.
No special IT skills required to use it.

Zoho Creator ... online database creation
Zoho Creator : Create Online Database Applications in minutes
Build forms and data views with easy drag and drop controls to create custom applications.
Convert spreadsheet to online database ...
Import .xls .csv, .tsv files and start managing your data collaboratively over the web.
Build powerful applications ... Incorporate complex logic in Deluge scripting language effortlessly using Script Builder.
Embed Forms and Views ... Make your forms and views available in your website and blog.

Using Computer Databases In The Classroom
Using Computer Databases In The Classroom
One of the most salient points to consider when evaluating the importance of the creation and use of databases in the classroom is their ability to be revisited throughout the year. They can serve as a year long unit at the K-12 level.
Creating a database of any kind requires students to critically think from the very beginning. Maintaining that same database requires students to revisit those initial levels of thought and move to a higher plane of thought. Manipulating a database requires students to basically "Think Outside the Box!" It enables students to reach higher levels of thinking as student .....

Caspio Web Database Solutions
Caspio Web Database Solutions
Caspio ExpressDB is an instant, easy-to-use web database for any online form. It is compatible with web forms, PDF forms, Flash forms, PDA and WML forms. Activating a new form takes less than 5 minutes and requires no database or programming skills. Caspio ExpressDB is for data capture only.
Caspio Bridge Online is an on-demand solution for building end-to-end web applications to capture, publish and manage data online.
Free trials

MyOwnDB, the web database
MyOwnDB, the web database
Myowndb is a web application with the goal to let you manage your data easily.
You can view it as a database with which you get an interface to enter, modify, delete and search data once you've define its structure.

Primary (Y1-Y6) Spreadsheets and Databases
Primary (y1-y6) Spreadsheets and Databases
Code Breaking | Textease Branch: Musical Instruments | Word Grid Excel | Spreadsheet Formatting | Vocab Poster: Spreadsheets | Introduction to spreadsheets planning | Vocab Poster: Databases | Ben's Burger Bar - Australian Currency | Budget for Class Party | Introduction to Formulae |

Free Survey Software
Students and Academic Research : Free Access to survey software.
Commercial : Free 1 Month Trial
Create and Deploy surveys using an intuitive web interface. Analyze results in real-time

DataSuite Software from Kudlian Soft
DataSuite Software from Kudlian Soft
DataSweet has been developed specifically to meet the needs of data handling for the National Curriculum at Key Stages 1, 2 & 3.
DataSweet is a powerful, yet clear and easy to use application which means that pupils are able to concentrate on the data handling activities without worrying about the complexity of the software.
The suite comprises of a graph drawing application, databases and a spreadsheet.
DataSweet contains an easy-to-use graph drawing application, a spreadsheet* and three card file databases, which support different field types. A frequency count is maintained for each field in a database so that data can be easily extracted and used for creating graphs. A picture file can also be loaded into each card, and descriptive text may also be entered into a 'free text' area.

Online Survey Software (one month free)
Provides a service to create online surveys in a few minutes, publish them, and analyze the results instantly. Easy to use, advanced, inexpensive.
One month free, with adverts

| - ZipSurvey Online Surveys
Web-based survey tools available by subscription for creating, administering and analyzing internet surveys. Includes survey templates and survey consulting services.

Survey Software Services (one month free)
Key Survey provides online survey software solutions and professional research services to business.
We provide our customers with immediate online survey capability at a reasonable cost and offer them the option to outsource their projects.

Web Online Surveys
Online Surveys is a do-it-yourself, easy-to-use web survey solution for your business.
This is an all-in-one service especially designed for people who aren't computer experts and have the need to conduct online surveys or web surveys by themselves at a next to nothing cost.
With our service there are no special downloads or products to install as it all works via the internet and your web browser.

Collecting and Analyzing Data : Lesson Plan
Collecting and Analyzing Data
Objective - Each group of students will collect and interpret data for a specific question and create a multimedia presentation to present their findings to others.
This lesson would be a great activity to do as a part of a unit on graphs.

Introduction to Databases for the Web
Introduction to Databases for the Web
Introduction to Databases for the Web is a four-part course designed by Selena Sol
Part One: Database Basics
Part Two: Retrieving and Manipulating Data
Part Three: CGI Interfaces to SQL Databases
Part Four: Java Database Connectivity
This tutorial is for the more technical webmasters although the first module may be of more general interest.

Databases at Teaching Ideas
Databases at "Teaching Ideas"
This activity is for use with the QCA ICT scheme of work (Unit 3c databases) and is based on a worksheet which can be found here (in PDF).
The first page has four record cards which should be photocopied onto card and cut up. There need to be sufficient sets for the children to work in pairs. The second sheet is the worksheet which goes alongside the cards.
database | databases | data | worksheet | lesson plan |

Filemaker Pro
FileMaker Pro may well be the best database you can buy for a small business or school. It works with Macs and Windows and the files are interchangeable.
FileMaker Pro can be used to publish a database directly to the web.
FileMaker Pro 6 enables you to easily organize and track people, projects, images and information. Workgroups can quickly share content over a cross-platform network or their intranet via a browser.
A free 30 day trial is downloadable.
