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Sunday 16 March 2025
  Build a Website

Discover what runs a website
A free browser extension that helps you identify technologies used on any website at the click of a button.
Build a website
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Simple, free, fully responsive one-page sites for pretty much anything.
Whether it's a personal profile, a landing page to capture emails, or something a bit more elaborate, Carrd has you covered.
Simple, responsive, and yup — totally free.
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Google Sites is awesome (let's build one together!)
Google Sites is awesome (let's build one together!)
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hPage.com - Create your own website
hPage.com is a free website builder that allows businesses, professionals, bloggers, and organizations to create their own website easily. Users can select from over 300 awesome design templates, use features like guestbook, sitemap, contact form, member area, password protection, etc. for their websites, own a domain, create e-mail addresses, and much more.
Over 10 years in the market, more than 2 million websites have already been successfully created with hPage.com.
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Wix .. website builder
We believe anything is possible with the right website builder. Whether you're about to create a website for the first time or you're a long time pro, we've got you covered. To start, you have two options.
Get a free website designed for you with Wix Artificial Design Intelligence or get total design freedom with the Wix Editor. You can always add advanced functionality to your website with Wix Code. It’s time to get your professional website.
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How to Build a Website
How to Build a Website
Step-by-step tutorial for creating a simple website using WordPress, Joomla, Drupal and HTML5.
Are you looking for a quick, dummy-proof way to build your first website? Great, you are on the right direction.
In 2014, the game has changed a lot. WordPress sites have started to rule the competition. Why?
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Pikock: A multi-platform website creation tool
Pikock: A multi-platform website creation tool for people who can’t code
Pikock, a French company founded in 2012, has launched an all-in-one website creation platform that allows users to build and launch sites that automatically adapt to a range of devices without needing to know any code at all.
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Google Web Designer [inc. building animations]
Google Web Designer ... download software to run on your computer
Create engaging, interactive HTML5-based designs and motion graphics that can run on any device.
It doesn’t matter how brilliant your work is if people can’t see it. Now everything you create is accessible on any screen – desktop, tablet or mobile – without compatibility issues.
Let us handle the HTML5 and CSS3 so you’re free to focus on what you love to do: creating gorgeous visual experiences. A full design suite lets you easily bring any vision to life.
If you’re feeling more hands-on, all the code behind your designs is hand-editable, so you’re never locked out of your own work. Your ideas are now amplified by code – not restricted by it.
In Quick mode, build your animations scene by scene and we’ll take care of the frames in between. In Advanced mode, animate individual elements using layers, easily changing the location of elements within the stack.
Create and manipulate 3D content utilizing an array of tools and the power of CSS3. Rotate objects and even 2D designs along any axis, visualizing 3D transformations and translations as you author.
Import assets from any other creative suite or use the built-in illustration tools to create vector-style artwork – keeping your designs light. To create new HTML tags in your designs, just draw them in with the Tag tool.
Google Web Designer makes it simple to publish ads through any platform. Choose from DoubleClick Studio or AdMob, or go for the Generic option to push content through any other ad network. No coding required.
Suitable for students you feel need challenging ... not for the faint hearted
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Google Sites More Than You Think
Google Sites More Than You Think
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SnackWebsites launched in 2012, the website builder that lets you create Google-friendly responsive websites and use all our widgets watermark-free.
You will be able to customize style elements such as fonts, colors and backgrounds. Everything else is either main navigation, intrinsic architecture or actual content (that you need to enter yourself). In the future, we may enable more advanced customization options, but for the moment, we tend to keep a few restrictions in place.
You can edit your site as much and as many times as you want. Just open the site for editing and add or edit pages as you like.
If you created a free website, it will stay free forever. However, if you don’t want the copyright note in the footer (the SnackWebsites logo), if you want to use very high quality pictures, and prefer a completely personalized domain, you should get a premium subscription.
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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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Build a Mobile Website from your Facebook Page
Build a Mobile Website from your Facebook Page
. Creating a fantastic mobile site with Duda is as simple as picking a template and entering your business's Facebook page URL. Not convinced? Go ahead, you can try it for FREE!
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Unitag : create a mobile version of your website
Build a mobile version of your website
With U.me you can create a user friendly mobile web page in just a few clicks. Edit your content (images, pictures video etc) to enhance all aspects of browsing your web pages on all smartphones.

QR Code
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Sqworl is a web application that provides a clean and simple way to visually bookmark multiple URLs.
Make a personalized homepage for yourself.
Create a step-by-step tutorial for other users.
Take notes when comparing items.
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Host Web Pages on Google Drive
Host Web Pages on Google Drive
Google has added a feature to Drive: You can now serve up web content from within your Google Drive folder, even ones that run JavaScript. All you need to do is upload your HTML files and assets (e.g., images) and make them public.
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On Squidoo, you can write a page. A single, beautiful, personalized webpage focused on a single topic.
Then you can build another page. And another one. Each page on a different interest. Tell a story, recommend a product you love, teach someone something and so much more. We call these pages lenses because they snap your original point of view into focus.
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Web Page Creator for iOS - HTML Egg iOS App (US$16)
Web Page Creator for iOS - HTML Egg iPad App (US$16)
Video Tutorial
Introducing HTML Egg, a web page maker developed exclusively for the iPad, iPhone and iPod touch. Tap, Swipe, Pan and Pinch! Create and publish a beautiful web page in minutes, zero coding required.
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Divshot is a powerful drag-and-drop editor for creating websites that work on desktops and mobile devices. Build once, host everywhere.
Rapid Web App Prototyping
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SnackTools is a suite of web applications designed to simplify the way you create and publish rich media widgets. Our goal is to enable you to easily create your own blog and website widgets, in a fun and effortless way.
All the SnackTools apps are licensed for free with the option to pay for a few premium publishing options mainly intended for professional use.
Our apps work with most blog platforms, CMS and social websites like Blogger, Wordpress, Tumblr, Joomla, Drupal, Webs, Weebly, Jimdo, Facebook, Hi5, Orkut, Ning. Technically, anywhere you can post a YouTube video, you can post a SnackTools widget as well.
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Scoop It
Create your topic-centric media by collecting gems among relevant social media streams Publish it to people sharing the same interest
There’s one button in Scoop.it that you cannot miss: the Bookmarklet. The principle is easy: while you are browsing the web, if you stumble on a very interesting link (it can be a video, a song, an article, a picture, or whatever), you can share it directly on your Topic on ...
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SCOOP : Google Sites resources
SCOOP : Google Sites resources
Brilliant set of resources
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Create a own free website with hPage.com
Make a free website on hPage.com within only 2 minutes. It's very simple and you have over 380 design templates to choose from.
Moreover, you will get 300 MB storage space for your pictures, music, etc. and a lot of extras (i. e. guestbook, forum, member area, counter, etc.). 100% for free!
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Get started with Google Sites templates
Get started with Google Sites templates
Google Sites makes creating and sharing a website easy. It is powerful enough for a company intranet, yet simple enough for a family website. Today, we’re happy to simplify the site creation process even further with the introduction of the Google Sites template gallery. When you select a template from the new Sites template gallery, your new site will come setup with custom page layouts, links for navigating to each page, embedded gadgets, themes and much more.
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Weebly ... create a free class website
Weebly ... create a free class website
Easily create a classroom website and blog
Manage your students' accounts
Accept homework assignments online
Keep your parents up to date.
See a recording of the webinar presentation from one of the founders on 10th October 2009 at Classroom 2.0
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Google Sites ... in the classroom e.g.s
Google Sites ... in the classroom
Use a Google Site to Prepare for a School Trip | Create a Website for your School | Oregon Middle School Library Site | School Technology Site | Major School Event Site | Geography Project: The Amazing Race | Sophomore Research Project: Famous Poets | Reading Workshops | 7th Grade Social Studies Class Site | 5th Grade Class Sites | U.S. History Class Site | 2nd Grade Class Sites | Learn about the human body with Survivor MD |
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13 Free and Cheap Website Monitoring Services
13 Free and Cheap Website Monitoring Services
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Synthasite ... The Quick & Easy Website Builder that Requires NO Technical Skills
100% FREE - No Hidden Fees
No Ads, No Banners - It's Your Website!
Customize Your Website Template - Make Your Site Unique
Free Subdomain or Free Hosting for Your Custom Domain
No Download - It Works In Your Browser
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WIX : build a free website in minutes
Wix helps you create professional websites that look great
At Wix, we believe everyone deserves to have their own stunning website with no coding or special design skills needed. Better yet, it should be free!
​ Since 2006, our founders Avishai Abrahami, Nadav Abrahami and Giora Kaplan have brought this vision to life for over 25 million Wix users with a dedicated team of professionals based in Tel Aviv, New York, San Francisco, and Dnepropetrovsk.
With 30,000 new users joining every day, Wix is growing quickly. We offer the only drag n' drop website building platform with HTML5 capabilities, 100s of designer made templates, top grade hosting, innovative Apps and tons of features for free.
All you need in one place. Create websites, mobile sites, Facebook pages & blogs too.
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Create dynamic, stylish, and ad-free web pages.
Publish & host your site for free.
Webon is powerful, yet easy to use—no code required. If you've used Microsoft Word or dragged files around your desktop, our web-based site builder will look familiar. It's also extensible: you can embed widgets from services like YouTube, Flickr, and Slide.
Developers can even extend Webon's library of add-ons using the OpenSocial standard.
Webon lets you build the site you've always wanted. Want to have a blog, a photo album, and a video gallery in one site? No problem. Need one site for your home business and another for your upcoming wedding? You can create both with the same account.
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CushyCMS is a Content Management System (CMS) that is truly simple and also happens to be free.
It's built from the ground up with ease of use in mind - for both content editors and designers. It's such a simple CMS that it takes less than 3 minutes for a web designer to implement. No PHP or ASP required for this CMS. If you can add CSS classes to HTML tags then you can implement CushyCMS. It's also a hosted CMS, so no installation or maintenance is needed either.
Content editors will love managing their content with this system. No training required, it's just that easy.
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Google Sites : One-stop sharing for team information
Google Sites : One-stop sharing for team information
Google Sites, a new offering from Google Apps, makes creating a team site as easy as editing a document. Use Google Sites to centralize all types of information -- from videos to presentations -- and share your site with just a few people, your entire organization, or the world.
Building a site is as simple as editing a document, and you don't need anyone's help to get started.
Create a single place to bring together all the information your team needs to share, including docs, videos, photos, calendars and attachments.
Invite co-workers, classmates, or your entire organization to edit your site with you to keep it fresh and up-to-date. And let as many or few people view your site as you want.
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Jimdo - Pages to the People
Jimdo is a completely novel website creation tool which allows people to build their own unique homepage – for free!
The use of Jimdo is very easy: within seconds users can integrate texts, picture galleries and videos. Additionally, Jimdo-Pages have a passwordprotected area, a newsletter system, a guestbook, interfaces to YouTube, flickr, del.icio.us – and the data transfer is of course also included!
Jimdo is available in several languages: German, English, Chinese and French. More languages will follow soon!
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Weebly : Build a website
Weebly is the easiest way to create a great looking website and share it with the world for free.
From personal to professional sites, Weebly will enable you to spend your time on the most valuable part of your site, its content.
web2.0 web 2.0
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Squidoo is a co-op run on behalf of its members, the Lensmasters.
We have built a new online platform and community that makes it easy for anyone to build a single page--called a lens--on a topic, idea, product or cause he is passionate about.
These lenses in turn help finders get unique, human perspectives instead of computer-selected and often irrelevant search results.
Not only can Lensmasters spread their ideas, get recognized for their knowledge, and send more traffic to their Web sites and blogs?hey could also earn royalties.
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SiteKreator is a complete Web 2.0 publishing solution that enables you to instantly build and host elegant, integrated, and engaging business or personal sites - without any technical or design skills.
You can achieve professional results by using upscale design templates and mixing any type of content. SiteKreator's global hosting ensures 24/7 availability and fast loading of your site from any part of the world, even in peak traffic.
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MyWebDesktop is your personal and collaborative desktop on the internet.
Use your webdesktop for personal use only, or use it for collaboration.
There is no charge for the service. If there, in the future, is a charge for the service, all users will be notified three months in advance.
File storage | Bookmark manager | Notebook application | Web agent (personalized search engine) | Message board | Messaging | web 2.0 |
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Interactive Tools
Interactive Tools
We make easy to use, private label software for updating and enhancing websites. Whether you resell our software to your clients, or use it on your own website, our products will save you time, save you money, and give you a competitive edge.
Article Manager is a content management software tool for non-technical users to manage a news-oriented website.
Page Publisher is an advanced content management system that allows non-technical users to easily update information on their websites without learning HTML or fear of ruining the site design.
Job Manager Great content management system for updating and maintaining your job section.
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Merchant Accounts
The ability to establish a merchant account is crucial to the success of most merchants, and credit card processing has never been so easy, thanks to Merchant Card Services by Takepayment.com.
Includes a Verisign payflow link account!
website | shopping cart | credit cards |
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Desktop web editor comparison
Desktop web editor comparison
Through our work and personal experience, the staff at the CTLT know the strengths and weaknesses of several popular "WYSIWYG" ("What you see is what you get") HTML editors. Here are the collective thoughts on those supported in the center, as well as a couple new editions.
Macromedia Dreamweaver | Netscape Composer - Free download | Adobe GoLive 6.0 - $89.95 (Free with Adobe Web Collection) | Microsoft FrontPage | Microsoft Word 2000 |
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Hostway - webhosting
Hostway - webhosting ... servers in USA, Korea, UK, Netherlands
Founded in 1996 and headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, Hostway? mission is to offer customers industry-leading Web hosting services and tools coupled with superior customer service. Our goal is to provide you with innovative Web hosting services and online tools to broaden your customer reach and grow your business.
Hostway has been growing rapidly in the past few years. In 2000, we opened our Korea office offering services to the Asian markets, and in 2001 we opened our London office to cater to the European market. Our international and domestic expansion strategy does not stop there; we are looking to open more offices in the near future!
web | website | hosting | data center | email | domain | name | registration |
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Accept Creditcards Payments on Your Webite
Accept Creditcards Payments on Your Webite
It's easy to accept credit cards with Charge.Com. Sign up now, and join the more than 75,000 merchants who have already applied to accept credit cards with Charge.Com!
Our account managers are recognized for their professional approach to business solutions and work diligently to provide unparalleled service.
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vBulletin! ... Bulletin Board Software
vBulletin is a powerful, scalable and fully customisable forums package for your web site. Based on the PHP language, backed with a blisteringly fast MySQL back-end database, vBulletin is the ideal community solution for all medium-to-large sites.
BBS | forum | bulletin board | bulletinboard |
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Download the entire Internet
Download the entire Internet ... please note that this will take several thousand years and may fill up your hard-disk.
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Moonfruit .. build a website online
Build your own website in 5 easy steps.
It uses Flash as its 'construction' engine. Moonfruit used to be free, but now gives a 14 day trial period, then you pay 34.99 a year or 3.99 a month.
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HTML Validators and Checkers and Editors
Open Directory HTML Validators and Debuggers A list of validation and checking links. / free cross-platform utilities for cleaning up HTML.
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ShamblesPAD (built on Etherpad) .. Collaborate on documents in really real-time

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The Education Project Asia
Support Shambles with a donation (through PayPal) if you feel suitable ...  many thanks if you do  .... Chris

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QR Code leading to a Shambles mobile web page

niXtech Solutions is The Boutique Data Center offering dedicated IT facilities along with cloud based computing with a full array of appliances and services. Located near Copenhagen, Denmark, with secure infrastructure, state-of-the-art equipment, privately financed, debt free.

The Shambles.NET Home Page: curating and sharing - teaching and learning experiences ... managed by Chris Smith (Shamblesguru)

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