SEN Teacher
SEN Teacher
SEN Teacher provides cost-free teaching & learning resources for students with special needs and learning disabilities. Many resources here may also be of use to educators of primary and elementary students.

SEN Blogs listed by Google
SEN Blogs listed by Google

SpeEdChange (Blog)
SpeEdChange (Blog)
The future of education for students who are "different."

Teaching in the 408 (Blog)
Teaching in the 408 (Blog)
I teach language arts to ELL and SpEd students.
We must erase the distance between the type of teachers we are, and the type of teachers they need us to be.

The Life That Chose Me (Blog)
The Life That Chose Me (Blog)
High School Special Education Teacher, serving students with severe and profound disabilities. Parent to two boys with ASD.

UCP-Infinitec AT Blog
UCP-Infinitec AT Blog ... programs and technologies for the assisting children with cerebral palsy.
Infinitec is the Assistive Technology Program of United Cerebral Palsy of Greater Chicago.

Diary of a Bronx Teacher (Blog)
Your Mama's Mad Tedious: Diary of a Bronx Teacher (Blog)
Special ed teacher. Berkeley journalism grad.

Soapy Water (Blog)
Soapy Water (Blog)
A blog about mothering a child who didn't come out of the cookie cutter.
This a child who is more: more excitable, more exuberant, more emotional and sometimes more fun.
The Kid, as he is known here, has a string of diagnoses, including ADHD, (Bipolar) Mood Disorder, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder (on the Autism Spectrum).

Special Education Teacher (Blog)
Special Education Teacher in Washington DC (Blog)

Special Education (Blog)
SPECIAL EDUCATION: The Rise and Fall, Rise and Fall, and so on, and so on, and so. (Blog)
The Mis-Adventures Of Students And Adults Living Through No Child Left Behind And Special Education Co-Existing.
Is Every Student Destined For College And What Became Of Vocational Technical Education?

Mentor Matters (Blog)
MENTOR MATTERS: Collegial Support in Desperate Times (Blog)
A veteran emotional disabilities teacher contemplates the challenges and joys of teaching in a 30 kid, self-contained special ed program.

I Speak of Dreams (Blog)
I Speak of Dreams (Blog)
Passions: Effective parenting and education, learning disabilities, non-profit management, horses, and fun!

A Preemie's Journey ( Blog)
A Preemie's Journey from Early Birth to Special Needs (Blog)
This is the blog of a stay at home mum to four amazing kids, one of whom was born at 24 weeks.
This is Michael's Journey.... Want to know the background, then please visit our web-site at Thanks for visiting

Creating Ideal Lives (Blog)
Creating Ideal Lives (Blog)
This is a place to settle in, get comfortable and talk about how to survive and thrive as the parent of a child with special needs. I'll share my tips, ideas, and resources about inclusion and disability awareness in today's often LESS than Ideal world!

Liquid Waffle Girl (Blog)
Liquid Waffle Girl (Blog)
From a Behavior Disorders teacher ... "I am thought by my students to be a ware-wolf. I have a dog named Asthenosphere, and I loVe cookies"

Autism Diva (Blog)
Autism Diva ... autism topics and discussions

SEN Blogs listed at
Special Education Needs SEN Blogs listed at "Best of the Web"
