Your Voice - a whisper project
Your Voice is a digital platform that allows you to share your story and experience the stories of others ... dedicated to raising awareness about mental health
Our mission is to raise awareness about mental health by showing how many of us struggle and ultimately prevail over the same issues.
We also provide resources for those struggling with mental health issues like Anxiety, Depression, Suicide, Stress, Body Image, Sexuality, Bullying and Sexual Abuse.
Your-Voice Facebook Page
Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
Anxiety and Panic site put together by ex-sufferer Paul David. You will find plenty of valuable information here from someone who went through it and came out the other side.
Managing Persistent Anxiety
This website presents free articles that presents a general overview of techniques that are effective in managing persistent fears and anxieties.
A Layman's Guide to Managing Fear
Using Psychology, Christianity and Non Resistant Methods
Stress Area on the Shambles website
Stress Area on the Shambles website
Self Assessment Questionnaire on Anxiety
Self Assessment Questionnaire on Anxiety
This questionnaire will help you to assess important aspects of your daily life relating to anxiety, stress, and depression and attempt to help you to understand how you can manage each more effectively.
The anxiety questions focus on how anxiety affects your life, what your individual fears and concerns are, and how much they disrupt your life experience.