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Saturday 01 March 2025
  Forensic Science

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Forensic Science Kits
Easy to teach curriculum for science class, after school, gifted and talented students.
Each unit teaches students about forensics as they solve a crime, the guilty party is not disclosed until the final lesson. Great fun!
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Forensic Science Lesson Plans
Learn more about this 9-week unit for junior high students exploring the world of forensic science.
Topics include crime scene analysis, eyewitness accounts, fingerprinting, trace evidence, impression evidence, blood evidence, arson investigations, and more! PowerPoint presentations, student worksheets, review activities, and quizzes are available for each unit.
The site also provides an assortment of puzzles, daily class warm-up activities, student activity sheets for online resources.
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Forensic Science Education Consulting
Forensic Futures Education Group provides workshops and curriculum in forensic science for both the high school and univesity setting.
Ten years of teaching experience in forensic science as well as professional experience working on the World Trade Center Disaster.
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Science clarified: Forensic sciences
General description of forensic sciences provided in a detailed and coherent way.
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Forensic Identification
Forensic Identification
Call them detectives of a different sort. Investigate the world of forensic anthropology with University of California, Santa Cruz doctoral candidate and “bone detective” Chelsey Juarez.
She has developed a novel technique to help identify the remains of migrants who die crossing the border between the United States and Mexico.
You may choose to watch the television segment twice with your students: once to elicit emotional responses and get an overview of the topic and again to focus on facts and draw out opinions.
Watch the online video at ...
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Forensic Science for High School
Forensic Science for High School is a one-year introductory forensic science course for high school that focuses on practices and analysis of physical evidence found at crime scenes.
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American Academy of Forensic Sciences
American Academy of Forensic Sciences
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Interactive Investigator - Forensic Science
Interactive Investigator: Your Introduction to the World of Forensic Science
Welcome to the fascinating world of forensic science. This site has been developed for anyone with an interest in the different scientific methods used to solve crimes. You will be able to obtain general information and an introduction to the main aspects of forensic science from a database on the subject.
You can also explore a Historical Cabinet containing actual evidence gathered from crime scenes throughout this century. Or, test your deductive skills and your forensic knowledge playing our fun interactive game where you must help Detective Wilson and Detective Marlow solve a gruesome murder!
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It is a Mystery - Lesson Planning
It is a Mystery - Lesson Planning
Education World provides five lessons to set you on your way to a mysterious learning adventure! Included: Five mysterious lessons that focus on language arts, history, and forensic science!
Also ... Mystery Lessons Students assume the identity of private investigators as they read, solve, and write mysteries in this winning lesson plan
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