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What Television Will Look Like in 2025
What Television Will Look Like in 2025, According to Netflix
In the future, Netflix will know exactly what you want to watch, even before you do. You won’t have to spend all that time browsing through endless lists of shows on your television.
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15 TV Shows That Debuted in 1999
15 TV Shows That Debuted in 1999 ... last century
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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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TV or Not TV: That’s Not the Question
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DTV in the USA
DTV in the USA
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The Future of Television
The Future of Television
TV is a pervasive and powerful medium, and it is in a period of major transition. In the "Future of Television," NBR New York bureau chief Scott Gurvey examines how high-definition, digital video recorders, and the Internet will change that little black box that sits in 99% of all American homes.
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MZTV Museum of Television
MZTV Museum of Television
Website for this Canadian museum started by collector Moses Znaimer (MZ) devoted to the history of television, with an emphasis on television technology before World War II.
The site features online exhibits of quotes about television, a timeline with images of artifacts, background about television pioneers (such as John Logie Baird and Philo Farnsworth), discussion of television and the 1939 New York World's Fair, and a 3-D interactive historical television set gallery.
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Web TV and VoD area on Shambles
Web TV and Video on Demand area on Shambles
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Classic TV Database
Classic TV Database
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Television History - The First 75 Years
Television History - The First 75 Years
Once you are inside a major time period, you will find photographs of television sets from around the world, year-by-year links to important facts, magazine covers and advertising. See examples of the world's first television sets, up to and including HDTV models.
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Shamblesguru 'Television' Video Picks on YouTube
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