BBC Technology TV programme Click made on mobiles
BBC Technology TV programme Click made on mobiles
We are coming to the end of a very stressful week, filming and editing an episode of Click on mobiles. As in, the programme is about mobiles.
We have been to the massive Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. But we are also filming, and editing it, just using mobiles.
We think this is the first time professional television has attempted this, especially since we are using a wide range of devices, and not just sticking to one type of phone.

Touchcast : iPad App Video Production and Authoring
Touchcast : brilliant iPad App to create a TV programme
Anyone can easily create professional-quality videos combined with all the interactivity you expect to find inside a browser. We call these TouchCasts, a new medium that looks like video, but feels like the web.
TouchCast is a foundational technology platform for the future of the video web. You will soon find our video tools and players on phones, tablets, desktops and in broadcast control rooms and studios. Join us in ushering a new age of the web, where video is the canvas and all the interactivity happens inside.

TAS iPad Apps
TAS iPad Apps
One of the hardest things with using the iPad in the classroom is finding the time to go through all of the apps in the iTunes Store listed under the education banner. We have started to list some of the apps we've found under each of the Key Learning Areas.
Gregory Swanson NSW Australia

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