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Sunday 30 March 2025
  Film/Video Making

How we made BBC Click on a smartphone
How we made BBC Click on a smartphone
We have been to the massive Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. But we are also filming, and editing it, just using mobiles.
We think this is the first time professional television has attempted this, especially since we are using a wide range of devices, and not just sticking to one type of phone.
We are coming to the end of a very stressful week, filming and editing an episode of Click on mobiles. As in, the programme is about mobiles.
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Genero : Music Video Maker
Genero brings the power of a global creative community to the music, brand and advertising industries
Genero brings the power of a global creative community of over 250,000 filmmakers to the music and advertising industries. We run a variety of video projects that give filmmakers access to opportunities they would often never get a chance to work on, while our community generates amazing video content for our clients.
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OMPT : One Media Player per Teacher
OMPT : One Media Player per Teacher
OMPT envisions a world where electricity, illiteracy, location, language, and materials are no longer barriers to positive social change. Through mobile video instruction, small improvements in knowledge dissemination fuel progress for individuals and communities.
OMPT fosters the transfer of knowledge in underserved communities by providing training and self-powered, mobile video education technologies to international NGOs

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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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The History and Techniques of Filmmaking

The History and Techniques of Filmmaking
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Mobile Movie Making
Mobile Movie Making ... how, what, why
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Vimeo Video School
Vimeo Video School is a fun place for anyone to learn how to make better videos. Start by browsing our Vimeo Lessons, or find specific video tutorials created by other members.
If you’re new to Vimeo Video School, we recommend starting at Video 101, a fun, basic guide to making videos. If you have a DSLR camera, we’ve enlisted DSLR master Philip Bloom to run you through the ins and outs.
Vimeo Featured Lessons give you in-depth information and tutorial videos that you can follow, or you can just browse thousands of tutorial videos we’ve organized into different categories and skill levels. It’s up to you!
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Making Videos on the Web

Making Videos on the Web - A Guide for Teachers -
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Openfilm Offers Film Lovers and Filmmakers a Place to Shine
One company that is really looking to leverage the web, social media and established players, all in a bid to help filmmakers and film fans discover and share great content, is Openfilm.com. We had a chance to talk with the team behind Openfilm to see what makes this community sharing site unique in both its message and its approach.
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Celtx (free download)
Celtx is the world's first all-in-one media pre-production software. It has everything you need to take your story from concept to production. Celtx replaces 'paper, pen & binder' pre-production with a digital approach that's more complete, simpler to work with, and easier to share.
Celtx helps you pre-produce all types of media - film, video, documentary, theater, machinima, comics, advertising, video games, music video, radio, podcasts, videocasts, and however else you choose to tell your story.
Unlike scriptwriting software and sites, you can use Celtx for the entire pre-production process - write scripts, storyboard scenes and sequences, develop characters, breakdown & tag elements, schedule production, and prepare detailed and informative production reports for cast and crew.
More than 500,000 media creators in 160 countries create with Celtx in 28 different languages. Celtx is used by independent filmmakers and studio professionals, and by students in over 1,800 universities and film schools - many that have adopted Celtx for teaching and class work submission.
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5min Film Making
Instructional video tutorials ... film making
5min is a syndication platform for broadband instructional, knowledge and lifestyle videos. Our library includes tens of thousands of videos across 20 categories and 140 subcategories, which are professionally produced and brand-safe.
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Filming Skills (BBC)
Filming Skills (BBC) ... excellent advice and training if you or your students are considering making videos.
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The Art Director (online video)
The Art Director (online video)
A set is a created place where the action of a film or TV show happens. Actors, animals and objects are placed on a set for filming. Creating a set where everything fits just right calls for an understanding of "area".
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dotSUB is a resource and gathering place for subtitling films from one language into many languages using our unique subtitling tools. These tools expand the power and reach of films by making it possible for people to view and enjoy films in their native languages.
dotSUB provides free browser based tools that allow anyone to translate films from one language into countless other languages.
dotSUB locates and obtains appropriate permissions from filmmakers and rights-holders around the world who seek a wider audience for their work.
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Video and Movie editing : section on Shambles
Video and Movie editing : section on Shambles
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Tools and Utilities for Film Makers
Tools and Utilities for Film Makers
You've now entered the Dependent Films Download Center.
It's unbelievable ...
1) how much these files can help, and 2) how hard all of these tools are to find on the net.
This is why we've assembled this compilation for all of you aspiring filmmakers out there. Best of all, they're all FREE (a favorite word for all independent filmmakers).
These programs have really helped our productions, and hopefully they can help yours as well.
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