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Friday 14 March 2025
  Class Newspapers

Lucidpress in the classroom
Use Lucidpress in the classroom to create engaging class materials, supplements, handouts, and more. Enable students to easily collaborate on group projects.
Lucidpress has become an integral part of the classroom in hundreds of schools around the world. Because our Educational accounts can scale to all sizes, it can work for a class of 5 students or an entire school district of 10,000.
With decreasing state education budgets, many schools are looking for cost-effective alternatives to expensive desktop software like InDesign. We are pleased to offer Lucidpress free of charge to public K-12 educators and students. These educational accounts are the equivalent of our Team accounts and come equipped with all the premium features.
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Make and print your own newspaper
Use our free online layout tool to make your paper, or just upload a PDF. We print twice a week and ship internationally.
We offer two types of printing, digital and traditional, and a handful of sizes.
Digital printing is for small runs, from 1 to 300 copies, and Traditional is for larger runs of 300 copies or more.
All our pricing is clear and transparent, with prices in Pounds Sterling, US Dollars and Euros.
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10 ways to create digital magazines
Top 10 ways to create digital magazines
With the growing number of smartphones, tablets, and eReaders, why limit your audience? Create content that works for everyone, no matter what technology they prefer. Martha Rotter, co-founder of Woop.ie, reviews 10 of the best tools
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MagCloud, the revolutionary new self-publishing web service from HP, is changing the way ideas, stories, and images find their way into peoples’ hands in a printed magazine format.
Whether you are a novice or experienced publisher, MagCloud offers you a way to create commercial quality magazines, printed on demand with no upfront costs or minimum print runs.
With MagCloud photographers can create photo magazines for their next gallery exhibit, bands and celebrities can build buzz and connect with their fan bases, designers can create amazing brochures and catalogs, corporations can build a brand in style and media companies can breathe new life into their valuable content catalogs.
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Calaméo is a program that instantly creates interactive web publications.
We offer you a new publishing method that has an incredibly wide variety of options and is simple to use. From a PDF file, you create magazines, brochures, sales catalogs, annual reports, presentation brochures...
What is an interactive publication?
It's an interactive electronic document, accessible from a computer and capable of reproducing the feeling of reading a paper document: turn the pages, mark the pages, zoom ... magazines, brochures, sales catalogs, annual reports, presentation brochures.
This may be a useful site to make a class newspaper.
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Snippet .. The Newspaper Clipping Generator
Snippet .. The Newspaper Clipping Generator
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Nabble : Create a Newspaper
Nabble : Create a Newspaper + Other Embeddable Apps
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NIE : Newspapers in Education
NIE : Newspapers in Education
NIEonline provides online lesson plans and other innovative materials for use on NIE websites to provide valuable newspaper-oriented resources to teachers through the Internet.
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