Disaster Resource Center https://bit.ly/19rO7nK Disaster Resource Center
A disaster is frightening to children and adults, alike. It is important to explain the event in words children can understand. Adults should also acknowledge the frightening parts of the disaster when talking with a child about it. Minimizing the danger will not end a child's concerns. Several factors affect a child's response to a disasters.
The way children see and understand their parents' responses are very important. Children are aware of their parents' worries most of the time, but they are particularly sensitive during a crisis. Parents should admit their concerns to their children, and also stress their abilities to cope with the disaster.
How do natural disasters affect people https://bit.ly/d30rMV How do natural disasters affect people and the
This unit provides students with the opportunity to investigate significant natural disasters around the world.
This involves students explaining how significant natural disasters occur and how they affect people and the environment.
What? .. A Disaster https://bit.ly/dpbdN6 What? .. A Disaster
Disaster Education. Middle Primary Unit Of Work
This Unit of Work is designed to follow the various stages of an inquiry process for learning.
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