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Instructables : Pets Classroom Projects
Instructables is a web-based documentation platform where passionate people share what they do and how they do it, and learn from and collaborate with others.
The seeds of Instructables germinated at the MIT Media Lab as the future founders of Squid Labs built places to share their projects and help others.

5 Cute Animal WebSites to Make You Go Aww
5 Cute Animal WebSites to Make You Go Aww ....

Power Pets
Power Pets
Adopt virtual pets (60+ species)

Animals (online videos)
Animals (online videos)

Bandicoots of Australia
Information about bandicoots, their habitat, diet and vocalisation. Site includes humourous short stories of rescuing injured bandicoots.

Pictures of Farm Animals
Pictures of Farm Animals

Cat, kitten, puppy and dog names
Suggestions for naming your new or newly adopted pets. Cat and dog names based on color, gender, country of origin and other categories.

Origami Animals
Origami Animals ... dragging + visual discrimination + creativity
... assemble parts of origami animals into a whole or create your own mythical creature. These puzzles are arranged from easy to hard --- a bird, a horse and a dog.

Animal Stories at Story Circle
Animal Stories at Story Circle .. these are read online and have excellent ilustrations ... highly recommended !

Farm Animals at Enchanted Learning
The Farm and Farm Animals at Enchanted Learning
Rhymes, Crafts, Coloring Printouts, and a Quiz

Sharks - Virtual Field Trip
A field trip created with TourMaker guides you through a sequence of Web pages on any given topic. For each page, there is simultaneous commentary in an accompanying frame. You move forward and back through the Field Trip using the tour Control Panel and you can leave the Tour to explore links and return to it whenever you want.
Did you know that about 80% of the shark species have never attacked humans? Sharks are found in all the oceans of the world, but there are only four species that are considered dangerous: the great white shark (known to most of us courtesy of the movie "Jaws"), tiger shark, bull shark and oceanic whitetip shark. Humans are not the preferred food of sharks despite public hysteria and opinion to the contrary. Research suggests it to be a case of mistaken identity.
Read about this and much more on this virtual tour of sharks.

Switcheroo Zoo
Welcome to Switcheroo Zoo!
Switch the animals' heads, legs and tails to make new creatures at this surrealistic virtual zoo.
Includes a section for teachers with lesson plans.

Old McDonald had a Farm
Old McDonald had a Farm ... music and rhyme... sheep.

All About Sharks
Sharks are amazing fish that have been around since long before the dinosaurs existed. They live in waters all over the world, in every ocean, and even in some rivers and lakes.

Classroom animals and pets
Welcome to Nora's
Classroom Animals and Pets Home Page
This site is here to give you some positive input and helpful ideas about animals in the classroom.

Wild Animal Watch ; Dolphins
All About Dolphins

San Diego Zoo
Today, the San Diego Zoo cares for more than 4,000 individual animals representing 800 different species. Its collection of animals, as well as its plant collection of over 6,500 species, is acknowledged as one of the finest in the entire world.

Animal Planet
Lots of information and news about animals and pets from the 'Discovery Channel'

Game: Match words & pictures
Click on the word that describes the picture

Pet Portraits
........ and other activities from LearnFree

Animal Diaries
Have you ever wondered what it might be like to live as the elephant does in the African tundra? What about what happens when a polar bear dives into the icy water? What is the butterfly thinking about as it flutters to and fro... and where is it flying to ? Why does the ostrich hide its head?

The Tiger Talks Back
This tiger is happy to answer your questions ... where do they live? / why do they have stripes? / do tigers eat people? / .... you can send your own question....

An Internet Tour of Zoos

Forest Preserve / Illinois
This is a collection of writings about animals... some by young children... but I suspect it is aimed more at older children.... so may be unsuitable for KS1 .. you decide!

All Creatures Great and Small
This is actually a lesson on using the internet .... in fact it could be a whole days acticities .... part of the lesson involved some great links to animal sites.
