Resource: Mission: Explore – Water
Resource: Mission: Explore – Water

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Water and Sanitation : UNICEF Resources
Water and Sanitation : UNICEF Resources
The units, lesson plans, videos and stories in this collection of teacher resources raise student awareness of the problems facing children with inadequate access to clean water and explore how organizations, agencies and individuals are working to address the problems.
TeachUNICEF is a portfolio of free global education resources.
They were designed and collected by the U.S Fund for UNICEF for educators and students. TeachUNICEF resources cover grades PK-12, are interdisciplinary (social studies, science, math, English/language arts, foreign/world languages), and align with standards.
The lesson plans, stories, and multimedia cover many topics.

The Ocean Portal
Welcome to the Ocean Portal – a unique, interactive online experience that inspires awareness, understanding, and stewardship of the world’s Ocean, developed by the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of Natural History and more than 20 collaborating organizations.

The Sound of Rain and Thunder
The Sound of Rain and Thunder

Chapter 8 - Water Resources
Chapter 8 - Water Resources
In this chapter, we will be looking at the following:
1) Understand the reasons for water constraints in the world
2) Understand and evaluate the various responses to the rising demand of water
3) Case Study of Singapore's Water Supply and Responses to rising demand of water.

Cleaning muddy water (LP/MP)
Cleaning muddy water (LP/MP): Students will make a simple sand and gravel filter to clean muddy water and make it suitable for washing (not drinking).

Water Supply (video)
Water Supply (video)
The water that comes out of your tap has traveled a long way to get there.

Water Conservation : Virtual Field Trip
Water Conservation : Virtual Field Trip
On this virtual field trip you will learn about water conservation, why it is important, and how you can practice water conservation in your home every day. It is important for everyone to use only the water they need and not be wasteful and this field trip will give you some ideas about how to do this.

Water : Videos and PowerPoints
The link above goes to one of the Shambles "Forest of Theme Blogs" pages that provides videos and other multimedia resources to support the topic here.
If you would like to see all of the Theme Blogs then go to the full list at or click where you see this button

Rain and Floods
Rain and Floods
How does rain form? | What causes rain? | How big are raindrops? | How fast do raindrops fall? | What is a flash flood? | How much water is needed for your car to float away? | What is radar? | What is NEXRAD Radar? | Flood Safety Tips | Rain Activities and Lesson Plans | Watercycle Experiment | Rain Experiment | Rain Gauge Experiment |

Water Applet in Your Browser
Water Applet effect in your Browser

The home of Professor Bubbles, who has plenty of advice for anyone wanting to know more about bubbles.

Oceans Virtual Field Trip
Oceans Virtual Field Trip
How many oceans are there? You might say four or five, or you might say seven. In fact, there is one tremendous global ocean which is categorized into regions or "sub oceans". The Pacific Ocean is the largest, containing more than half of the world's water. Oceans cover 70% of the earth's surface and hold 97% of the water on our planet Earth.Of the remaining water, less than 1% is fresh. On average, it is estimated that there are 25,000 species of fish in the oceans! The largest animal is the blue whale which grows to more than 100 feet and weighs the equivalent of 50 full-grown elephants!

Water at Snaith Primary School (UK)
Water at Snaith Primary School (UK)

Ocean World
Ocean World
oceanography | fisheries | coral reefs | currents | El Ni? | icebergs | weather | waves |

Water : 4 2 Explore
This web project provides "four to explore" for each topic.
On each page you'll find definitions, activities, 4 good starting points, and many more links and resources for the thematic topic.
In some cases, we've listed more than four websites on a particular topic. For example, we might provide a few for younger readers and others for more advanced learners.
Each school, classroom, and teacher is unique. As such we didn't try to provide specific activities for particular grade levels. Instead we suggest that teachers explore each link, then design specific, developmentally appropriate activities such as discussion questions, small group activities, or webquests to fit the needs of their curriculum.
The links on this site are safe for children.
Water | Liquid | Ice | Steam |

Tides | currents | wave bottle | seawater | shells | whales | eclipse | islands | coastline | plate-tectonics | continental drift |

Maverick 's Paper Boats
Free instructions are given below for making simple paper boats.
The procedure used to make these boats is always the same. But, different size circles will result in a variety of boats

Water Science for Schools
Lots-a-info... including and 'interactive centre' .. plus links to other sites

Drinking Water ..... Kids' Stuff
