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Friday 14 March 2025

Sesame Street - Desperate Houseplants
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Fruits and plants
Fruits and plant pictures.
Also botanical facts. Fruits album is good for science projects.
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Biology of Plants
Biology of Plants
Plants are alive, just like people and animals. How do we know this? Living things all do certain things ....
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Lewis Bamboo
Bamboo Nursery specializing in cold hardy bamboo to add tropical beauty to your landscape, provide privacy screens and put ornamental plants in your gardens
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The Great Plant Escape
Welcome to the Great Plant Escape, an elementary program for 4th and 5th grade students.
Each of the lessons in this program is interdisciplinary, designed to introduce students to plant science and increase their understanding of how foods grow. Activities enhance student's math, science, language arts, social studies, music and art. You have many options in this program. Choose any or all of the suggested activities for your class. Many activities are for students to work independently and some are for group work.
If you fill out our online request form, I will send you a poster for your classroom featuring the Great Plant Escape and The Adventures of Herman the Worm.
Students can help Detective Leplant and his partners investigate plant mysteries. The site presents six cases for students to solve, including soil, plant growth, seeds, and reproduction, among others.
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Plants at Enchanted Learning K-3
Plants at Enchanted Learning
Rhymes, Crafts, a Quiz, and Printouts to Color
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Find Out How Plants Use Water
An experiment you can try
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Composting for Kids / Junior Master Gardener / Food in the Garden ... and more about growing plants
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The Great Plant Escape
Help detective Le Plant and his partners "Bud" & "Sprout" un;ock the amazing mysteries of plant life.
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The Education Project Asia
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