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All About Me
All About Me
Preschool Activities and Crafts
Come and have fun with the educational theme All About Me preschool and kindergarten.
This theme will address skills and concepts that are important in growing up such as: recognizing and learning our name, learning about emotions, personal hygiene (e.g. brushing our teeth), peace education and most of all knowing that every one is unique and special
Magnificent Me : Lesson Plan
Magnificent Me : Lesson Plan
I Am Special Book
I Am Special Book
I had a request to make a "I Am Special" book that you can print out and enjoy with your students or family.
I hope you will enjoy it. The front cover has a cutout to show the child's picture from the second page. If you have any trouble printing the booklet out, please email me. Click on the small pictures below to get to the printable copies.
I Am Special
I Am Special
Rebecca does not want to be like anyone else.
How can she show she is special?
She uses picture graphs. | Let's look at her picture graphs |
I am special song
I am special song
Baby Names Country
Origins and Meanings of Baby Names from all over the world!
Build a face : identikit online
Build a face : identikit online ... print or save to the server.
Behind the name .. all about family names
Behind the name .. all about family names
Etymology and history of surnames
Think Baby Names
Baby names compendium on the etymology and history of first names.
Find out how old you are.
Find out how old you are .... Alice in Wonderland
Mr Picassohead
Mr Picassohead ... create your own face identikit
Get a Chinese Name
Get a Chinese Name - Get a Chinese name inspired by your English name
Watercolor Self-Portraits Lesson Plan
Watercolor Self-Portraits Lesson Plan
High School/Beginning Art ... Drawing and painting the human face can present challenges to beginning students of art. The proportions are generally the biggest hindrance to successful portraits. This project will allow students to explore facial proportion, practice working in transparent watercolor, and produce a large, colorful, self-expressive portrait of themselves.
Make a Timeline
Make a Timeline - A timeline is a way to understand the relationship between events and the dates they took place.
Make a timeline of your life. Start by listing the years in which the following events took place.
Dental Health Worksheets
Dental Health Worksheets
Character Tooth | Blank Tooth | Tooth - With Writing Lines | Brushing Up On My Math Facts (Add and Sub 1-10) | Fabulous Facts I Learned About Keeping Healthy Teeth | literacy | numeracy |
Take a Good Luck at Glasses
When Tara went back to school in September, she couldn't wait to see her friends. But the one thing she couldn't see was the blackboard. When the teacher started writing down the assignment on the board, she couldn't read it. Tara later found out she needed glasses.
Sometimes all the parts of the eye don't work together the way they should. When this happens, people wear eyeglasses or contact lenses, also called corrective lenses, to help them see more clearly. The eyeball has several layers that include the cornea (say: core-knee-eh), clear tissue that helps the eye focus; iris, the colored part; pupil, which lets light into the eye; and retina, at the very back of the eye. When all of the eyes' parts are working properly, a kid doesn't have vision problems.
How the Eyes Work | Why Do I Need Corrective Lenses? | How Do Corrective Lenses Help? | How Can I Tell if I Need Corrective Lenses? | and Choosing the Best Glasses or Contact Lenses | Lenses for Sports, How to Take Care of Your Glasses or Contact Lenses | What About Surgery | Light |