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Monday 31 March 2025

A Multicultural Kindergarten Holiday Unit: Hanukkah
A Multicultural Kindergarten Holiday Unit: Hanukkah
Multicultural learning is an important part of today's elementary curriculum, and teachers are always looking for units on holidays and customs.
Here is the first of a 5 article series full of easy to prepare Kindergarten lesson plans. Day one focuses on Hanukkah.
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Hanukkah at Wikipedia
Hanukkah at Wikipedia
| Origins of the holiday | Name | Historical sources | In the Talmud | In the Septuagint and other sources | The story | Hanukkah rituals | Judith and Holofernes | Interaction with modernity and with other traditions | Green Hanukkah | Hanukkah music | Hanukkah foods | Hanukkah games | Alternative spellings based on transliterating Hebrew letters | Chronology | Battles of the Maccabean revolt | When Hanukkah occurs |
| Songs | Videos |
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Hanukkah Lesson Plans
Hanukkah Lesson Plans
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Hanukkah Activities and Games for Kids
Hanukkah Activities and Games for Kids
Coloring pages, crafts for kids, party games, word searches
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Chanukah is an eight day holiday which begins on the 25th day of the month of Kislev. It marks the miraculous victory of the Jews, led by the Maccabees, against Greek persecution and religious oppression. In addition to being victorious in war, another miracle occurred: When the Maccabees came to rededicate the Temple, they found only one flask of oil with which to light the Menorah. This small flask lasted for eight days. In order to commemorate this miracle, we light a Menorah for the eight days of Chanukah.
View the Jewish calendar for this year
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Hanukkah Recipies
More than 40 Hanukkah Recipes
Once at this site just type in "Hanukkah" into the site search engine to see a selection of recipes
Hanukkah | recipes | doughnuts | cookies | apple latkes | fet yogurt sauce | brownies |
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