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Thursday 27 March 2025
  P.E. and ICT

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Apps in PE

Apps in PE by Jarrod Robinson

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ICT and Cricket
ICT and Cricket
Some of the most common concerns about ICT are investigated here as well as some more unusual uses of computers at school. See how ICT can be used in cricket coaching, on a field trip to the seaside and more, in this problem-solving series.
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Using Geocached QR Codes for Revision
Using Geocached QR Codes for Revision in a PE Classroom
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Skimble, a web based service that helps you track and share your sports activities.
Skimble is the ultimate companion for your active life. With the mission inspire active lifestyles, Skimble provides a location-based, social iPhone and web application to help you plan, track and discover activities nearby and far.
Use Skimble to can connect with other active people and share your achievements with friends. Track all your sports activities, compete on the leaderboards and win prizes just for being active.
Skimble will automatically remember your Personal Bests and help you monitor your progress over time.
Whether you run, hike, bike, rock climb, ski, snowboard, kayak, canoe, do cardio, lift weights, or practice yoga and pilates, join the fun and skimble it!
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RunKeeper ... iPhone App
Fitness tracking for your iPhone 3G.
Using the iPhone's GPS capabilities, you can track your fitness activities, including distance, time, speed, pace, calories burned, elevation, and path traveled on a map.
Store all of your activities on your personal web dashboard at www.runkeeper.com, where you can keep track of all of your historical activities and monitor your progress.
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100+ Free Sports Apps for the iPhone
100+ Free Sports Apps for the iPhone
The iPhone and iPod Touch have numerous applications for just about every hobby and desire, especially when it comes to sports apps.
There are tools for tracking scores in baseball, hockey, football, and even fencing; playing fantasy sports games; and much more.
Need to know how the slopes are in Utah? Keeping track of your oxygen mix on a dive? There are hundreds of applications for sports .....
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Totalleague is the easiest way to stay connected with your team
Join the easiest way to create a great website for your team.
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Daily Mile
Daily Mile: A social training log for runners, cyclists, and triathletes.
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FitBit produces a small gadget that can be clipped discreetly to your clothes. It tracks your movement throughout the day and delivers reports on how active you’ve been.
Did I get enough exercise today? How many calories did I burn? Am I getting good quality sleep? How many steps and miles did I walk today? The Fitbit Tracker helps you answer these questions.
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OpenSports is a Feed Reader for Sports
OpenSports is a Feed Reader for Sports
OpenSports is a sports news network designed to deliver up-to-date sports news based on user preferences.
What makes OpenSports different from many other sports news networks is that it’s designed to operate a bit more like a feed reader geared towards sports news.
There are various sports that you can subscribe to, and OpenSports also has social networking features for users to take advantage of participation and engagement capabilities.
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weplay is the ultimate destination for the youth sports community.
Our mission is to enable and enhance the joy of sports for kids, families, coaches and fans both online and on the field. We take this mission seriously, so we built a fun, educational, informative and safe site that allows people to connect, share, learn and have fun!
Once you're a registered weplay user, which takes just a matter of seconds, you'll find activities, teammates, friends and all sorts of groups that cater to your many diverse interests in youth sports and activities. Create a group and invite friends and family around common interests or specific teams and clubs.
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The EyeToy is a digital camera device for the PlayStation 2 similar to a webcam. The camera is manufactured by Logitech, although newer Eye Toys are manufactured by Nam Tai. The camera is mainly used for playing Eye Toy games developed by Sony and other companies. It also features a built in microphone. It is not intended for use as a normal PC camera, although some people have developed unofficial drivers for it.
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Schedule Star
Schedule Star is the premier sports scheduling software; designed by an Athletic Director for Athletic Directors.
It's your silent assistant, keeping your department organized and on-time - and more of your time your own. Schedule Star Now! is Internet-delivered and your scores and schedules automatically post to HighSchoolSports.Net, allowing your fans instant access.
Schedule Star is for all computers - Windows, Macintosh, and even Linux and Unix!
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Web-Teams is the free Internet service which allows you to easily create a professional looking web site for your football team.
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GASP Video Coaching Software
GASP Video Coaching Software
The GASP video coaching software system is available for MS Windows 98SE-XP.
The flexibility of the program is currently being used by badminton, swimming, gymnastics, dance snooker, athletics, skiing, football and many more. The systems ease or use as well as the most advanced video tools on the market makes the GASP software the market leader in sports analysis.
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LRS Sports : Digital Video Editing Systems
LRS Sports : Digital Video Editing Systems
LRSSports offers a wide range of products so you can choose the solution that meets your team's specific needs. You may need a complete network solution with multiple editing stations, coach's stations for viewing video and analyzing data, and a system for archiving video for future use. Or you may need a laptop solution that delivers portable power without hurting your budget.
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Elite Sports Analysis
Elite Sports Analysis
Developed from our world-wide experience of providing Performance Analysis Consultancy, we have released our video analysis software as a stand-alone product - Focus X2. This exciting software enables you to objectively assess performance and provide accurate visual feedback to your athletes.
Unlike most video analysis products, Focus X2 is completely affordable and you can also try out Focus X2 for free by downloading the software.
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niXtech Solutions is The Boutique Data Center offering dedicated IT facilities along with cloud based computing with a full array of appliances and services. Located near Copenhagen, Denmark, with secure infrastructure, state-of-the-art equipment, privately financed, debt free.

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