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How do they teach PE in China? (video),,2059094,00.html
Global lessons: How do they teach PE in China?
Schools in China have interesting and unusual stories to tell about the teaching of sport in the run up to the Olympics in China in 2008, and of course the London Olympics in 2012.
This fascinating and visually spectacular programme gives unique insights into how Chinese schools - and the country at large - value physical education and the extraordinary lengths which schools go to in order to engender a lifelong habit of exercise.

Resource Packages Physical Education (Canada)
BC Integrated Resource Packages Physical Education Standards and suggesitions

Curriculum Information (UK)
Curriculum Information | Schemes of Work | Good Practice |

A level physical education online study guide
A level physical education online study guide
Made available by Human Kinetics publishers, this online guide is based on the book: A-Level Physical Education: the Reflective Performer, by David Kirk and is designed as a tool for A level students and teachers.
