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Rubrics for Teachers : Physical Education
Rubrics for Teachers : Physical Education

Physical Fitness Testing (PFT)
Physical Fitness Testing (PFT) : Includes information regarding the physical fitness test required to be administered to students in grades 5, 7, and 9 in USA
Test Variation Matrix | Physical Fitness Testing and SAT9 Press Release | FITNESSGRAM Criterion-Referenced Standards |

Assessment in physical education
Assessment in physical education is more important than ever. It is a great way to see if students are learning. Written assessments are a terrific medium for showcasing what students have learned to administrators and parents. The following ideas are presented to help teachers incorporate assessment into their programs.
Assessment Defined (Alternative, Authentic, Performance, Rubrics) | Assessment Tips (List of tips to help with assessment) | Why Assess In PE? | Assessment Articles | Online Quiz Sites for Kids | Paper & Pencil Assessments | Alternative Assessments (Fitness, motor skills, scoring rubrics) | Student Work Gallery | Assessment Publications from PEC (K-6 Assessment System, PEC's Assessment Tasks) | PE Central's Kids Quiz |

Student Test Reviews Online (USA)
Student Test Reviews Online - test reviews when you need them
Access test information online exactly as it appears in the Mental Measurement Yearbook series
Search by alphabetic or category listings of test titles or by keyword ... free information on almost 4,000 commercially available tests.
