Building Cultural Awareness Through Dance
Building Cultural Awareness Through Dance ... Grades 6-8 / Arts / Dance

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Lesson Planning Pack - Dance
Lesson Planning Pack - Dance
Innovative and inspiring ideas for using dance in PE lessons, as well as for cross-curricular teaching, including history and physics.
There are 4 videos in this series.

Learn For Yourself in Dance : Grade Level: 3-5
Learn For Yourself in Dance : Grade Level: 3-5
Elementary and Middle School students are learning many new basic elements in academic subjects such as: sequences and formulas in Math; patterns and cycles in Science; vocabulary and grammar in Language Arts; and personal and cultural histories in Social Studies. Did you know that these elements of learning are also the building blocks of dance?
Give your students an opportunity to experience these essential elements in a creative way through the art of Dance. It is uniquely through the arts that students can integrate and express what they know and learn.

Telling Stories through Dance : Grade Level: K-2
Telling Stories through Dance : Grade Level: K-2
For young children, body language is their first language. Gestures, expressive movements and postures are well known to teachers as ways children communicate their feelings, thoughts, and ideas.
Whether sullenly slumped down in the desk chair, jumping for joy, or twirling madly on the playground, the child's movements can convey meaning and tell a story. Movement activities provide a natural pathway for young children to integrate, communicate, and express learning.

Dance Lesson Plans at P.E.Central
Dance Lesson Plans at P.E.Central .. large selection

Dance Lesson Ideas : Funkytown
Dance Lesson Ideas : Funkytown
A fun and exciting warmup activity to prelude your lesson.

Why Dance?
Why Dance?
In this lesson, students identify reasons why people dance.
