Spanish Tutoring Online
An online resource for Spanish learners. All the material is free to use. Detailed online Spanish lessons with audio aids.

Spanish conjugation trainer
Web app for practicing over 12,000 Spanish verbs, multiple training modes and speech synthesis.

ConjuGato app
iOS and Android app for practicing Spanish verb conjugations on the go.

Podcasts for spanish
Podcasts for spanish

Weekly News in Slow Spanish (subscription service)
Weekly News in Slow Spanish
We at News in Slow Spanish are thrilled to have schools, universities, colleges, and study groups among our subscribers. We're excited to learn that more and more schools use our Spanish course as part of their curriculum. The News in Slow Spanish team believes that Spanish language education should be available to everyone who is serious about learning. That is why we offer deep educational discounts on our Spanish online courses and we are willing to work with you individually on adjusting your subscription to fit your budget and your academic structure.

Online Spanish Course Comparison
A comparison and user-voting of courses to learn Spanish online.

Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream

Spanish Flash Cards
Build Spanish vocabulary at home or on the go. This website automatically adapts to your device, working equally well on your smartphone or desktop computer. Thousands of Spanish words and dozens of categories in the database.

Aprende español callejeando por Madrid
Blog for students of Spanish as a second or foreign language. It comments vocabulary and grammar displayed in photos of banners, advertisements, street art... Everything I find in the streets!

Spanish Language videos at youtube.EDU
Spanish Language video resources at youtube.EDU

FREE Spanish Tutor : iPhone iPad App
FREE Spanish Tutor - 24/7 Language Learning : iPhone iPad App
24/7 Tutor Spanish goes beyond the simple talking phrasebook or flashcard programs, providing a set of engaging, interactive study tools that help you really learn the language. FREE Spanish Tutor lite edition is a fully functional version containing a useful subset of vocabulary and phrases drawn from several of the learning modules in the 24/7 Spanish series.

Prezi Tutorial in Spanish

Interesting facts about Spanish Internet users
Interesting facts about Spanish Internet users ... Infographics

Spanish language tests
Spanish language tests contains quizzes and essays on Spanish langauge literature made by a university doctor in Argentina

Spanish Playground
This is a “how to” blog with a wealth of ideas, techniques and resources for teaching Spanish to children.
Directed toward parents, teachers and care providers who want to introduce Spanish to children, it presents vocabulary in small, manageable quantities. Each vocabulary set is followed by games, books, videos and songs that reinforce the words.
There are lots of suggestions on how to use these materials, and practical advice about the challenge of teaching children a second language.

Pracising Spanish verb conjugation on the internet
On this website you can practise (inter)actively the conjugation of Spanish (ir)regular verbs in all common tenses.
The website also offers you the option of viewing all your results , checking the errors you have made and if you wish you can repeat those questions.

Lenguajero is a free language learning community where people meet to practice conversational Spanish and English. Practice and share your knowledge of these two languages with other learners around the world.

We decided to start Bablingua because it was very difficult for us to find good learning materials during our stay in USA. Most of the Spanish videos and readings that we tried to use in our classrooms were too hard for our students, or they lacked interest or realism.
We decided then to start Bablingua once we were back to Spain. Our goal is to provide great videos that really show our country, and that can be interesting and understandable for a foreign student.
n February 2008 we had our first video ready, “De compras en el Rastro”, that we hope is the beginning of a long series.
We have put a lot of effort in everything that comes with the video: activities to help with your lesson plan, a forum so you can exchange ideas with other teachers, vocabulary cards to play and reinforce the words learned. As teachers, we think that our videos are a valuable resource, and we look forward to your feedback to make them better, and to keep growing.

We created this site to offer free Spanish lessons for children and parents.
In this site you'll find a series of interactive activities that teach introductory Spanish.
These free online activities make learning Spanish fun and easy for the entire family and, our purpose is to include new, exciting and fun lessons each week.

Learn Spanish Online
In this visual and interactive Spanish course you can learn Spanish online in your favourite subject area.

English to Spanish Online Dictionary and Translator
Site translates words and phrases from English to Spanish and Spanish to English

Cela's free Spanish online lessons
Free Spanish Online lessons developed from Cela Spanish School

Rocket Spanish Review
Use our free information and beginner Spanish lessons to introduce yourself to the Spanish language - Plus comprehensive reviews of Rocket Spanish and other top Spanish courses.

Online Spanish Help
Free online spanish games and tool with audio by native speakers to help you learn spanish online quickly for free.

The World News in Spanish
The World News in Spanish is a global news service providing the latest in business, politics, sport, technology and current events. with news available in 20 languages, we offer instant access to most of the world's leading news sources as well as a number of specialist publications and radio channels.

MansionSpanish - Free Spanish Course
Free online Spanish course.
Site dedicated to the study of the Spanish language. Courses, grammar and supplementary material.

Spanish Songs
Spanish Songs

Spanish Flashcards
Spanish Flashcards

Learn Spanish Online
Learn Spanish Online Via Audio-Conference - Online Spanish Courses and Lessons - One-on-One Interaction - Fully Customized Courses
Athough a commercial website there are some useful free resources

Learn or Teach any language - online, on a mobile phone or in the classroom!
An interesting new resource for learners and teachers of words in almost any language - includes online, mobile and printable materials.

Google Search Engine : Spanish Front Page
Google Search Engine : Spanish Front Page

Free Spanish exercises
TODO-CLARO.COM offers interactive Spanish exercises for beginners, intermediate and advanced students.
Grammar exercises vary with daily situations and vocabulary exercises.

Spanish Academic Network for Advanced Learning
Spanish Academic Network for Advanced Learning
The Spanish Academic Network helps students advance their studies, conduct research, and provide educators effective, cost-free ways to publish their writings.
The Spanish Academic Network provides fully interactive study sheets to help students explore the variety, richness and creative power of the Spanish language.

Spanish learning resources
Spanish learning resources
Online grammar tests; basic vocabulary in several topics and related interactive word practice; a game to learn Spanish proverbs; a collection of Spanish language radio stations categorized by country [400+ altogether]; and a list of free online dictionaries and learning resources.

Learn Spanish Free Online
Learn Spanish free online using interactive Spanish lessons that really work.
Commercial package with some worthwhile free options.

Spanish grammar espanol ispanyolca gramer
Spanish grammar espanol ispanyolca gramer forum chat music lyrics

Learn Spanish Online : Rocket Spanish
Learn Spanish Online : Rocket Spanish
Loads of fantastic information and free lessons for students learning Spanish including a free 6 part mini course
You?e not just going to learn to speak Spanish. If you want to learn more grammar or vocabulary, I also have a program for you. Rocket Spanish Premium Edition includes more than three hundred pages of grammar for beginning and advanced students. It also includes interactive games to make things more fun and easy to follow.

The Internet Picture Dictionary: Spanish
The Internet Picture Dictionary: Spanish

Spanish-Language Educational Quizzes
Are you studying Spanish for school, business or just for fun? On this site you will find free interactive quizzes that will test your knowledge and even help you improve your Spanish vocabulary.
Many of the quizzes come with sound clips recorded by a native Spanish speaker. Listen carefully, try to imitate the correct pronunciation and you'll be well on your way to mastering modern Spanish.
You can take each quiz as many times as you like. Then return to this site the next day and compare your results.

Learn Spanish
Learn Spanish : free online tutorial

Espanol Extra
Espanol Extra (UK)
If you are a learner or a teacher of Spanish, this is the website for you - online and interactive exercises to help you or your pupils make solid progress in mastering the key vocabulary, language and grammar topics covered. Whether you are working on your computer at home or in a school IT suite or in a classroom using an interactive whiteboard, espa?l eXtra provides a huge range of interactive exercises and games to enable users to improve their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in a fun and stimulating way.

List of Spanish Search Engines by Country
List of Spanish Search Engines by Country

Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia in Spanish
Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia in Spanish
Wikipedia is the free-content encyclopedia that anyone can edit.

Learn Spanish Language Online Free
Provides information about study abroad opportunities, spanish schools directory ... also lots of free resources to learn Spanish online.

ABC Spanish Newspaper
ABC Spanish Newspaper ... this contains updated current events so it is very topical.

Spanish Courses in Spain.
Language school in Santander is offering a wide variety of Spanish courses and culture classes for adults, professionals and Spanish teachers.

Spanish Games at Quia
Spanish Games at Quia
Spanish numbers | Los Colores | Body Parts | Basic Spanish Vocabulary | Weather Game | Mi familia | Food and drink | La Ropa | Countries and Capitals | Verb Conjugations | Ven Conmigo 2, Capitulo 7 Primer Paso | Bienvenidos Cap?ulo 2 ?u?hora es? |

Quia - Spanish Activities at Quia
Quia users have created activities in the following topics. These activities have been created by Quia's subscribers and are of varying quality. Quia has not reviewed these, and some activities may contain inaccuracies.

Spanish at the BBC
Spanish at the BBC
Courses | Phrases | travel | games | News | Semanario Internet | How do you spell in Spanish? |

Super Spanish Web Sites
Super Spanish Web Sites Created by: Jim Becker ... over 300 links
Also see

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