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Learn Russian Tools
A free to use collection of more than 20 tools for learning and teaching Russian: printable worksheets of different kinds, such as fill in the gap, scramble sentences, scramble words as well as word searches, bingo sheets with Russian numbers.
You can type in Cyrillic with a normal keyboard, convert text from Cyrillic to the Latin alphabet, convert Russian words from single to plural and much more.
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Learn Russian with Masha
This site is for everyone who is interested in learning how to speak Russian and getting acquainted with its culture and traditions.
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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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Russian Language videos at youtube.EDU
Russian Language video resources at youtube.EDU
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Russian Plus
Russian Plus
Russian online video and audio lessons, podcasts and grammar
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Write out Russian numbers
Online translator for numbers (Russian and English languages).
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Online Russian Language Courses
Online Russian lessons, exercises, tests and games for both beginners and experienced students.
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Digital Dialects Russian
Free to use interactive games for learning Russian. Includes versions in both Cyrillic alphabet and transliteration.
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Learn and practice Russian online
This site features English-Russian dictionary, transliteration tool, phrasebook and some learning materials.
The main strength of this site are online language games including crossword puzzles in Russian, hangman, memory game and quizzes.
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Wikijunior Languages : Russian
Wikijunior Languages : Russian
From Wikibooks, the open-content textbooks collection | free | online | textbook
| What writing system(s) does this language use? | How many people speak this language? | Where is this language spoken? | What is the history of this language? | Who are some famous authors or poets in this language? | What are some basic words in this language that I can learn? | What is a simple song/poem/story that I can learn in this language? |
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Russian Vocabulary
Russian Vocabulary
List of 2000 Most Common Words in Russian Language for English-speaking learners and matching exercises.
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Google Search Engine : Russian Front Page
Google Search Engine : Russian Front Page
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List of Russian Search Engines at Colossus
List of Russian Search Engines at Colossus
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Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia in Russian
Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia in Russian
Wikipedia is the free-content encyclopedia that anyone can edit.
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Russian Language Games at Quia
Russian Language Games at Quia
Russian Numbers | Russian Numbers Quiz | russiske verber1b - infinitiv/Russian verbs + pictures | russisk: farver med billeder/ Russian colours +pictures | russian/russisk - Pronouns in the dictionary/pronominet i ordbogsformen | Live from Moscow, Unit 9, nouns1 | Russian Months | Russian: Counting 1-10 | Tranzit Unit 2--Mass Media | Tranzit Unit 3-Business | Tranzit - Unit1 Holidays | russisk: ALDER |
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Russian Translation USA
Translation services in all major areas between the Russian and English languages; includes technical translations, website and software localization, business/personal correspondence.
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Super Russian Websites
Super Russian Websites from Jim Becker University of Northern Iowa
Here you will find lots of sites that can be helpful for you for learning more about Russia and the Russian language and culture.
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Russian Language News and Magazines
Russian Language News and Magazines
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