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Sunday 09 March 2025

Simple German Grammar tutorials (eBooks + videos) in English and many other languages.
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German Language videos at youtube.EDU
German Language video resources at youtube.EDU
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Basic German Lessons
Our motto is: German has to be fun.
We have German lessons for beginners. We use a unique method called TPRS.
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German Language Tutorial
Free online German grammar tutorial covering nouns, cases, verbs, and more. Also includes free vocabulary lists and useful phrases.
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Deutsched - German Lessons
A free website with German pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar lessons. Also contains other features such as daily German words, and weekly jokes and comics.
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Germany Travel Guide by German Places
Germany Travel Guide by German Places
Germany travel portal with information, sights, pictures and tips for tourists with destination Germany
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Nordamerikanische Wochenpost
The American Newspaper written in German
North America's leading German language newsweekly
Since 1854 we have been providing our readers with an informational bridge to the homeland. Through the years, as the community has changed, we have adapted to meet it's needs.
news, business and economic reports, up-to-the-minute sports coverage, feature pages, and more to the homes and desks of our subscribers.
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List of German Search Engines by Country
List of German Search Engines by Country
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Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia in German
Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia in German
Wikipedia is the free-content encyclopedia that anyone can edit.
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German Speaking Tour Guide
Here is a site in German that provides information about different cities in Europe. If you teach German this is a safe place for your pupils to surf around
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Talk German
Talk German
A lively introduction to the language in ten short parts. Try these online topics with audio, video and quizzes. There are also Talk TV programmes, which are repeated regularly on BBC Learning Zone, as well as the corresponding TV transcripts. Also available, a BBC book plus two audio cassettes or two CDs.
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Deutsch Plus from the BBC
These 10 online topics with audio, video and quizzes complement the 20-part TV series, and build on the absolute basics of Talk German. The programmes are repeated regularly on BBC Learning Zone (TV transcripts are available).
An accompanying student's book or tutor's guide with cassettes or CDs and other resources are also available.
hospitality | shopping | telling the time | accommodation | careers | banking | travelling | using the telephone | German |
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German Games at Quia
German Games at Quia
Tiere | Food and drink | German days of the week and Numbers 1-100 | Clothes | Das Fr?st?k (breakfast) | House & Home | Descriptions-The Body | HABEN/SEIN | Familienw?ter | M?elst?ke | Countries | D 8 Speisen und Getr?ke | Ankunft in K?n | German | MFL | games | game |
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German Activities at Quia
Quia users have created activities in the following topics. These activities have been created by Quia's subscribers and are of varying quality.
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Links to Lots of German Websites
"Super German Websites" .. By: Jim Becker Professor Emeritus
Here you will find lots of sites that you can use to enhance your knowledge of the German language and on German culture.
Also try
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Interactive Activities for German Teachers and Learners - GUT!
Interactive Activities for German Teachers and Learners - GUT!
More than 200 exercises, over 50 of which have audio samples of native German speakers and also includes exercises for the interactive whiteboard.
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German Links at CCSF Language Center
German Links at CCSF Language Center
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