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Friday 28 March 2025
  Visual Search Tools

Reverse Image Search by HostingChecker
A meta reverse photo lookup that can combine the major search engines and save a lot of time. Works on mobile too.
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instaGrok .. visual search engine
instaGrok .. visual search engine
Can be used by individuals or teachers can create a class account
In a nutshell, instaGrok allows teachers to track their students’ progress. Teachers can see their students’ browsing history, view and leave comments in journals, and see students’ quiz results. This teacher-student connection is set up using a class code, a unique case-sensitive string that identifies teacher(s) and students belonging to a given class.
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Macroglossa [identify unknown images]
MACROGLOSSA is a search engine based on the comparison of images.
The operation is simple: Have you taken a picture of something you could not identify? Maybe you’re not sure what animal is contained in the image?
In order to learn more about the content of your image, you can simply upload the image file to MACROGLOSSA and begin your search.
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Omoby: Visual Search for the iPhone
Omoby: Visual Search for the iPhone
Omoby can essentially be summed up in four words: Google Goggles for iPhone. The visual search app allows you to snap a pic of any object and get back a list of convenient search results, retailer pricing, and information about that product.
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Google Goggles is a visual search App
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3 Awesome Image Search Tricks using Google
3 Awesome Image Search Tricks using Google
Search pictures of people | Filter for News Items Only | Search by Style |
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Shahi is a visual dictionary
Shahi is a visual dictionary that combines Wiktionary content with Flickr images, and more
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oSkope ... a visual search engine for several sources, including YouTube that presents the results as thumbnails on a desktop and allows you to hover over them for information, and move them around to your satisfaction.
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HTML2GDL for aiSee
A free Perl script for visualizing the hierarchical structure of HTML files. Features:
- specify which tags to remove, flatten or fold during graph construction.
- which color scheme to use (by tag, by descendant size, tag level). etc.
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ExitReality : ExitReality is a free internet plug-in that allows anyone to view every web page in 3D
View any webpage in 3D... every website is now a virtual world
Turn your standard 2D web page into your own unique 3D space
Meet and chat with people in 3D
Search and explore thousands of online 3D communities and meet new people!
... a 3D experience and know who is on the website
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TinEye : image search engine
TinEye is an image search engine
Give it an image and it will tell you where the image appears on the web.
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All My Favs
All My Favs
We have searched the web and provided you with a visual directory that includes the best sites in each category!
We know we don't have everything, but we are trying hard to get you the most of what you need, in a unique and innovative way.
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oSkope allows you to search for items on eBay, Amazon, flickr, and YouTube and gives you a visual result.
The results can be viewed on a graph, as a list, in a pile in the center of your screen, or lined up in rows. You can drag and drop the images anywhere on the screen
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Musicovery .... visual search engine for music online
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Touchgraph produces a Java applet that renders interactive graphics and/or visualises networks
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The InfoVis:Wiki project
The InfoVis:Wiki project is intended to provide a community platform and forum integrating recent developments and news on all areas and aspects of Information Visualization.
Using editable?y?nyone Wiki technology turned out to be the only way of keeping the presented information up to date and knowledge exchange vivid.
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WorldKit is an easy to use and highly flexible mapping application for the Web. It's a Flash based app, configured entirely by XML, data fed by RSS, and requires no programming or extra software. It's in the style of World as a Blog, with many more features: customizable design elements, multiple projections, thumbnails to plot points, ...
If you have any sort of geographic information .. such as environmental data, weblog, site visitors, travel diary, photo albums, news .. on worldwide or local scale, check out worldKit. Take a look at the examples, and the manual. Download for free, for personal or non-commercial use.
My intention is to provide a very simple, powerful toolkit for mapping. If you require assistance with using worldKit, or have a suggestion for a new feature, please get in contact.
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The Education Project Asia
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niXtech Solutions is The Boutique Data Center offering dedicated IT facilities along with cloud based computing with a full array of appliances and services. Located near Copenhagen, Denmark, with secure infrastructure, state-of-the-art equipment, privately financed, debt free.

The Shambles.NET Home Page: curating and sharing - teaching and learning experiences ... managed by Chris Smith (Shamblesguru)

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