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Sunday 16 March 2025

Seolearner is a digital marketing blog that helps you to get better at SEO and marketing detailed tutorials and tips to optimize your blog content.
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SEO audit tool
SEO Audit Tool (GrowthRobotics) SEO Audit Tools (Website Checker) is a Free SEO tool that enable you to assess how friendly your website is to search engines and identify any missed SEO opportunities.
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Best Free SEO Tools
SEO Magnifier an online free seo tools platform for the webmasters. Paraphrasing tool, plagiarism checker and character counter are featured seo tools.
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SEOptimer is a tool which provides an audit of any URL, then shows key improvements to help improve your site's optimization.
It breaks down the code of your site, provides a list of your external and internal links, and even will shows you social media metrics.
Use all of this information to help you improve your site's visibility.
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Free YouTube Advertising, Twitter Cards, and more
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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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SEO for startups in under 10 minutes
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The Periodic Table Of SEO Ranking Factors
The Periodic Table Of SEO Ranking Factors
Search engine optimization — SEO — may seem like alchemy to the uninitiated. But there is a science to it. Search engines reward pages with the right combination of ranking factors, or “signals.” SEO is about ensuring your content generates the right type of signals. Our chart below summarizes the major factors to focus on for search engine ranking success.
The Search Engine Land Guide To SEO explains factors in more depth, with tips and a tutorial on implementing them. Read on!
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Inside Google's Search Office
Inside Google's Search Office
Google's search leaders Matt Cutts, Ben Gomes and Amit Singhal give you an inside look on how search works, share stories on what it has been like to work together over the past decade, and discuss where they see search heading in the future. Moderated by Search Engine Land's Danny Sullivan.
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Infographics about SEO
Infographics about SEO ... Search Engine Optimisation This is in fact a collection of infographics visualisations about SEO ... impressive.
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Website Grader
Website Grader by HubSpot - Marketing Reports for 1,000,000 URLs and Counting...
Website Grader is a free seo tool that measures the marketing effectiveness of a website. It provides a score that incorporates things like website traffic, SEO, social popularity and other technical factors. It also provides some basic advice on how the website can be improved from a marketing perspective.
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WooRank evaluates Web sites based on 50 criteria in an automated fashion, free of charge, and provides helpful SEO and other tips.
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How much is your website worth
How much is your website worth?
Now Check Your Website Worth, daily pageview and monthly possible income
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SEO Tools - Multiple Data Center Google Search
SEO Tools - Multiple Data Center Google Search
This tool searches for your keyword/phrase in different Google data centers. There are many different Google data centers. Each of these may respond with different results for the same search query. If you see results that vary from data center to data center, it means that Google is in the process of updating its index.
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Google Offers Robots.txt Generator
Google Offers Robots.txt Generator
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Top 10 SEO Mistakes and SEO Toolkit
Top 10 SEO Mistakes and SEO Toolkit
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20 Resources For Google Analytics
20 Resources For Google Analytics
Google Analytics has quickly become one of the most popular analytics software available, additionally there are numerous resources available which deal with configuration, implementation, analysis, and reporting. Here I have compiled some of the most useful resources for Google Analytics related strategies
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SEO Tools : Search Engine Spider Simulator
SEO Tools : Search Engine Spider Simulator
This tool Simulates a Search Engine by displaying the contents of a webpage exactly how a Search Engine would see it.
It also displays the hyperlinks that will be followed (crawled) by a Search Engine when it visits the particular webpage.
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SEO : Videos and PowerPoints
The link above goes to one of the Shambles "Forest of Theme Blogs" pages that provides videos and other multimedia resources to support the topic here.
If you would like to see all of the Theme Blogs then go to the full list at http://www.shambles.net/blogforest or click where you see this button The Shambles Forest of Theme Blogs
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How To Analyze Your Website
How To Analyze Your Website
Most people responsible for their company's websites have stats packages and counters to tell them how many hits, how many unique visitors, where they are coming from, what their IP addresses are, what browser they're using, and of course the all important monitor resolution. So what! Who cares? The real question is do we have an effective website?
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Subscribe to Search Engine Report Newsletters
Subscribe to some SEO relevant newsletters:
Search Engine Report Newsletters (monthly) (text) : Provide a recap of major search engine-related stories, as well as in-depth looks at search tools and developments.
Search Engine Marketing Track : To succeed in search engine marketing you need to get a handle on the latest technology and be conversant with the search engines' techniques and philosophies. Optimize your site for better positioning in search databases, get the scoop on industry trends, and discover how best to employ relevant keywords, keyword phrases, and design.
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SEO Tools
SEO Tools
SEO for Firefox | Browser Buttons and Bookmarks | Search Marketing Conferences | Keyword Research / Keyword Generation / Analysis | Keyword Phrase List Generator | Keyword Misspelling Generator | Free Meta Tag Generator | Google Suggest Scraper Tool | Link Analysis Tools | Link Harvester | Page Comparison Tool | Link Checker |
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Build your Site Map online
Build your Site Map online
This website is to let you:
- Create an XML sitemap format that can be submitted to Google to help them crawl your website better.
- Create a Text sitemap to submit to Yahoo.
- Generate an HTML site map to allow human visitors easily navigate on your website.
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Cool SEO Tool
Cool SEO Tool
"This tool allows you to compare your site against the top 10 listed sites in Google for a particular keyword or phrase.
You simply enter your keyword and the system will begin comparing 9 different metrics for the top 10 rankings.
This allows you to quickly compare the Yahoo rank, MSN rank, Google pages indexed, altavista pages indexed, backlinks to page, backlinks to domain, allinanchor rank, age of url, and whether or not the phrase is on the page."
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SEO Extension for the Firefox Browser
SEO Extension for the Firefox Browser
Want to know why Google or Yahoo! ranks pages? If so this is the Firefox extension for you. SEO for Firefox pulls in many useful marketing data points to make it easy get a more holistic view of the competitive landscape of a market right from the search results.
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Everything Google
Everything Google
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Google Trends
Google Trends : You can compare searches in Google by separating words with commas.
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Search engine optimization : entry at Wikipedia
Search engine optimization : entry at Wikipedia
Search engine optimization (SEO) is a set of methods aimed at improving the ranking of a website in search engine listings, and could be considered a subset of search engine marketing. The term SEO also refers to "search engine optimizers," an industry of consultants who carry out optimization projects on behalf of clients' sites.
Some commentators, and even some SEOs, break down methods used by practitioners into categories such as "white hat SEO" (methods generally approved by search engines, such as building content and improving site quality), or "black hat SEO" (tricks such as cloaking and spamdexing).
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What is Search Engine Optimization?
What is Search Engine Optimization?
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the science of search as it relates to marketing on the web.
It is mostly technical in nature, combining programming with business, persuasion, sales, and a love for competitive puzzle solving into a written form capable of maintaining desired revenue goals while achieving high rankings in the organic sections of search engine results pages.
It is not just technical, nor copywriting, nor links, nor just search engine submission, but an intricate blend of over a hundred variables into the fabric of a website. It is difficult to accomplish without a formal proven methodology and strong proprietary tools.
We offer you a tutorial on all of that and more on these pages...
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Search Engine Watch
Search Engine Watch is the authoritative guide to searching at Internet search engines and search engine registration and ranking issues.
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Page Strength : a SEO Metric from SEOMOZ
Page Strength : a Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Metric
The tool is designed to satisfy the curiosity of webmasters, surfers and web marketing professionals seeking a better metric to quickly assess a site/page's relative importance and visibility.
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Google Adwords Keyword Tool
Google Adwords Keyword Tool
The Keyword Tool generates potential keywords for your ad campaigns and reports their Google statistics, including search performance and seasonal trends.
Start your search by entering your own keyword phrases or a specific URL.
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Web CEO 6 (software) Free option
Search engine optimization, the Free Edition of Web CEO 6 could help you:
- Increase traffic from search engines
- Understand visitors' behavior
- Ensure your Web site is ultra-reliable
Web CEO Free Edition + Training and CSEM (Competent Search Engine Marketer) Certification for Free
Web CEO is a unique Web Survival Kit. It is an easy and cost-effective software solution for search engine marketing, Web traffic analysis, Web site management, and maintenance.
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SEO News
Search Engine Optimization Strategies for Webmasters
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