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Tuesday 18 March 2025
  Podcasting Tools

VEED Online Podcasting Transcription
If you’re doing a podcast and want to also provide transcripts to your audience, the best way to do it is to convert your podcast audio file to text.
Doing this will make your show more accessible to all audiences. Help people with hearing loss access your content. VEED’s auto transcription tool will allow you to provide your audience a written copy of your podcast episodes. It’s a great way to get more subscribers and grow your following!
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Kit is a community of creators sharing the products they swear by.
Kit is where you create shoppable collections of your favorite products—grouped into kits—so your followers can buy the tools you can’t live without.
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Digital Audio Editing Software
Record • Restore • Convert • Analyze
Fully loaded to do everything from the simplest recording and editing to the most sophisticated audio processing, restoration, enhancements, analysis, and conversions. Over 20 years in the business. Easy to learn, so get started now by downloading the fully functional evaluation version!
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Anchor .... make Podcasts (Audio recordings) on Mobiles
Anchor .... make Podcasts (Audio recordings) on Mobiles
Make cool audio, right from your phone. Broadcast your voice, music, and conversations, all for free.
Share anywhere, or turn your audio into a podcast with one tap.
We’re giving everyone the ability to broadcast from anywhere, and instantly reach listeners everywhere audio is heard.
Anchor makes it super easy for anyone to hear, share, and create interactive streams of audio called stations. It’s like radio, but bite-sized, interactive, addictive, and way more fun.
Make audio on the go. In addition to effortless, telephone-mode recording, Anchor gives you the ability to add full length tracks from Apple Music or Spotify, pull in external audio clips, and add high quality interludes from world-class musicians and sound designers. It’s like having every audio production tool you could ever want in your pocket.
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oTranscribe : Transcribing recorded interviews
oTranscribe : A free web app to take the pain out of transcribing recorded interviews.
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TapeACall : Record telephone calls on the iPhone
One of the Easiest Ways To Record Calls On The iPhone
TapeACall makes it easy to record calls you're already on, or calls you're about to make. Once you’re done, the recordings show up instantly, ready for you to share or save.
NOTE: This does not work in all countries because it needs to create a conference call to a server and servers are not set up in all countries.

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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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Comparing iPad podcast apps at a glance
Comparing iPad podcast apps at a glance
The players seem split on how they handle the larger iPad screen real-estate. Some just get bigger. Others go multi-colum. The bigger ones look better. The multi-column ones arguably function faster. And, as usual, it's interesting to see how the same basic control needs get expressed differently in the different apps, and how they range from simplicity to complexity.
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Recording a Google Hangout for a Podcast
Recording a Google Hangout for a Podcast with SoundFlower, LineIn, and GarageBand
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Create your live podcast with Spreaker.
It's fun, simple and free.
Spreaker provides you with a user-friendly console to manage voice, special effects, and your music library.
You could be on air right now! Go live or pre-record episodes and broadcast them later.
Invite your friends to follow your show, share your episodes on facebook, and tag and categorize your episodes for easy navigation.
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SKYPE Area on Shambles
Skype area on Shambles.net teaching and learning
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Chirbit is a useful and fun tool that enables you to record,upload and share your voice or audio files easily.
Record your voice using a webcam or microphone conected to your computer, or upload an existing audio file. You can then share your chirbit, on twitter, facebook, email, your blog, or smartphone.
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Call Recorder (Mac)
Call Recorder is an add-on for Skype to automatically transform your audio or video calls into movies.
Transform your Skype audio and video calls into QuickTime movies. Completely automatic, easy to use Skype audio and video call recording for Mac users.
Not sure if Call Recorder does what you need? Download the free demo version and try it out for 7 days. Purchase only if you like what you see. Have questions? Send us a message, and we'll write back as fast as we can.
Call Recorder makes it easy to convert your QuickTime movies into MP3 files. Simply drag a recorded QuickTime movie to the "Convert to MP3" utility and it will create an MP3 file, which can then be emailed or posted to a website.
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Creating Podcasts in Your Hand
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iPadio ... Phonecasting
iPadio ... Phonecasting
ipadio came about after Nemisys built several sites displaying live results from sports events. However uploading data into web forms, e-mail or text message dampened the excitement of sport and live broadcasting from events was often too pricey, with expensive people, connections and specialised kit.
ipadio allows you to broadcast from any phone to the Internet live. Phone blog, collect audio data, record and update the world, or simply let your mates know what you're doing - ipadio is integrated with Social Media & Blogging platforms.
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Free Skype Call Recorder
Free Skype Call Recorder
This is a free Skype recording program which automatically saves all your Skype conversations and conferences.
Recordings are stored in compact and widely used format - mp3 files. This tool records P2P Skype calls, SkypeOut calls, as well as calls to Skype Online number.
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Do-It-Yourself Podcast from NASA
Do-It-Yourself Podcast from NASA
Are you looking for a new approach to engage your students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics?
NASA's Do-It-Yourself Podcast activity sets the stage for students to host a show that features astronauts training for missions, doing experiments in space or demonstrating equipment.
We'll provide a set of audio and video clips along with photos and information about a space-related topic. You and your students may choose as many items as you want to include in your project and download them to your computer. Students may use the information we provide or conduct their own research to write a script for an audio or video production.
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BlogTalkRadio is the social radio network that allows users to connect quickly and directly with their audience.
Using an ordinary telephone and computer hosts can create free, live, call-in talk shows with unlimited participants that are automatically archived and made available as podcasts.
No software download is required. Listeners can subscribe to shows via RSS into iTunes and other feed readers.
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A VoiceThread is an online media album that allows people to make comments, either audio or text, and share them with anyone they wish. A VoiceThread allows an entire group's story to be told and collected in one place.
VoiceThread is a free tool (in beta) that enables members to upload images, record accompanying audio commentary, and invite others to add commentary.
VoiceThreads are hosted free of charge at VoiceThread.com and can be embedded in blogs, wikis, and other types of Web sites. A VoiceThread is quick and easy to create, has plenty of space for numerous images and commentaries, and can be accessed by any Internet-enabled computer.
A VoiceThread can also be used to create a video tutorial. You can use the pen tool to draw lines and arrows on an image in real time as you are speaking.
"There are plenty of exciting educational possibilities with VoiceThread, especially in the humanities, fine arts, and foreign languages. In humanities classrooms students can analyze and comment on historically significant photographs and create virtual tours of places or events they are studying. English students can record their own poetry or short story and add evocative images. Photography and Drawing students can present their work and explain their techniques and motivations; students and teachers can then leave commentaries. Foreign language students can upload pictures from a trip and then explain their voyage in the language they are studying." (Tom Daccord)
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Podcasting: Videos and PowerPoints
The link above goes to one of the Shambles "Forest of Theme Blogs" pages that provides videos and other multimedia resources to support the topic here.
If you would like to see all of the Theme Blogs then go to the full list at http://www.shambles.net/blogforest or click where you see this this button The Shambles Forest of Theme Blogs
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HOW TO - Podcasting for educators
HOW TO - Podcasting for educators
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Audio Hijack Pro 2.0 for Mac OS
Audio Hijack Pro 2.0 for Mac OS
Audio Hijack Pro gives you the freedom to listen to audio when you want and how you want. Record any audio with Audio Hijack Pro - it's the cornerstone of your digital audio experience. Exclusively for Mac OS
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Skype + Podcast Recorder = SkypeCasters
Skype + Podcast Recorder = SkypeCasters
What's a SkypeCaster? Skypecasters are using Skype to create Podcasts! They have added a Podcast Recorder to their Skype install on Windows XP and are turning out clear sounding audio interviews with a couple of clicks. These are the instructions for creating your very own SKYPE VOICE RECORDING SYSTEM.
THis is a solution that uses 'Virtual Audio Cables'
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Podcasting for iTunes & iTS podcast directory
Podcasting for iTunes & iTS podcast directory
This podcasting tutorial will provide you with information you need to create a podcast of your own and get it listed properly on the iTunes Store podcast directory.
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How To: Make Your Voice Heard!
How To: Make Your Voice Heard!
A podcast is a method of distributing multimedia files, usually (but not limited to) audio in the MP3 format, over the Internet to subscribers. Anybody can be a subscriber ?all you need is the proper software to receive the subscription, just like you need a mailbox to receive your magazine subscriptions .....
Step by step guide to using the tools to create and host podcasts
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The Levelator (free software from GigaVox)
The Levelator (free software from GigaVox)
Do you believe in magic? You will after using The Levelator to enhance your podcast. And you'll be amazed that it's free (for non-commercial use).
So what is The Levelator? It's software that runs on Windows or OS X (universal binary) that adjusts the audio levels within your podcast or other audio file for variations from one speaker to the next, for example. It's not a compressor, normalizer or limiter although it contains all three. It's much more than those tools, and it's much simpler to use. The UI is dirt-simple: Drag-and-drop any WAV or AIFF file onto The Leveler's application window, and a few moments later you'll find a new version which just sounds better.
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This is a community music site featuring remixes licensed under Creative Commons, where you can listen to, sample, mash-up, or interact with music in whatever way you want.
Podcasters, directors and music lovers If you're into music, browse this site to hear some of the great remixes people have built from sampling music on this site, all licensed for use under Creative Commons license.
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Optimizing MP3 exporting in Audacity
Optimizing MP3 exporting in Audacity
I've been messing more and more with the settings in Audacity, specifically towards tweaking audio settings so that my produced podcasts will sound great and not take forever to work on.
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Main Audio / Music Editing Area on Shambles
Main Audio / Music Editing Area on Shambles ... lots of additional links
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Digital Voice Recorders (at Amazon)
Digital Voice Recorders (at Amazon)
This is actually a VERY comprehensive list of portable digital voice recorders with excellent prices and specs to use for comparison when sourcing your final purchase.
New and used.
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Easypodcast is a GUI tool for easy podcast publication
Easypodcast is multi-language (english and spanish) and cross-platform: tested on Windows and Linux (kde).
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Podcast Audio Setup
Podcast Audio Setup
Some people have asked me what I use to record various audio for IT Conversations.
The set-up I’m using right now is the result of a lot of experimentation and a lot of help from people like Doug Kaye and Paul Figgiani.
My current setup consists of the following .....
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Dave observed that there is no good way to find, connect with, and talk to interesting and like-minded people wherever they are. Sure, there are chat rooms, but they often deteriorate into useless jabberwocky.
There's IM, but it’s just text. Then there's the phone, but finding new people to talk to is not practical.
Thus was born TalkShoe — a new way to talk with interesting people with similar interests around the world.
Talkcast : A live or recorded multi-person conversation, discussion group, talk show or podcast, led by a host with active participants and listeners.
web 2.0
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The Podcave
The Podcave
I posted a while ago about my new podcasting microphone, but I thought I? post an updated photo of the podcave.
The gear includes a Heil PL-2 boom, Electro-Voice RE20, and Model 309 shockmount.
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Other Podcasting areas on Shambles
Other Podcasting areas on Shambles
| Podcasting General Info | Podcasting Directories | Podcasting and Education | | Podcasting Software | Podcasts by Students | Podcast Hosting | ESL Podcasts |
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Podcasting Tools
Podcasting Tools
This site is a comprehensive podcasting resource detailing everything you need to know about Podcasting
FeedForAll | Podcasting Directory | RSS Specifications | Make RSS Feeds | Create Podcasts | Podcasting Software |
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GarageBand (Apple)
GarageBand (Apple Software) The best way to record music on a Mac is now the best way to record podcasts.
Podcasting in GarageBand 3 puts you in the control room of your own full-featured radio station. And new iWeb integration gets your voice on the Internet in minutes.
It's worth a school buying at least one Apple (if you don't have any) just for this very user friendly way to create, edit and publish podcasts. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
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Audacity is free, open source software for recording and editing sounds.
It is available for Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, GNU/Linux, and other operating systems.
Audacity can record live audio through a microphone or mixer, or digitize recordings from cassette tapes, vinyl records, or minidiscs. With some sound cards, it can also capture streaming audio.
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Podcasting Starter Pack
Podcasting Starter Pack from Industrial Audio Software
Podcasting Starter Pack
Our Podcasting Starter Pack includes ePodcast Creator and the DT234 PRO Headset: Complete podcasting software and recording system for any budget. This simple set-up gets you podcasting in no time, and gets your audio ideas off the ground and onto the web with ease.
Podcasting Pro Pack
Complete Professional Podcasting Pro Pack features the critically acclaimed ePodcast Producer, the Audix i5 dynamic microphone, the all-purpose dynamic workhorse in any mic collection, the AudiMAX USB Audio external soundcard and the Beyerdynamic DTX 900 Headphone.
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The Education Project Asia
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