Examining Mobile Apps for Library Functions #lib2013
Examining Mobile Apps for Library Functions #lib2013
This session will examine existing apps for librarians and will include a discussion of how librarians, particularly catalogers and other technical services librarians might use apps in a daily workflow.

So Your Library Wants To Lend iPads #lib2013
So Your Library Wants To Lend iPads #lib2013
Hear about the Do's and Don'ts of launching a circulating iPad collection from the first public library in Canada to lend the iPad mini. Introduced by Burlington Public Library in February 2013, this session covers the collection's start-up process, the costs, working with Apple, the technology side of things, staff roles, and how much the customers love it!

Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream

Adding the iPad to Destiny Library Manager
Adding the iPad to Destiny Library Manager
Department of Educational Technology in the School District of Palm Beach County.
