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Friday 14 March 2025
  Medical Search Engines

Drug Information : U.S. National Library of Medicine
Drug Information : U.S. National Library of Medicine
Drug questions are among the most frequently asked medical questions in the medical, public, and academic libraries. Patients want to understand the drugs being prescribed to them.
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Your Google stories ...
Your Google stories: finding health information when you need it
his is part of a series of stories from people who have shared how Google has helped them in their lives.
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A consumer oriented site that brings together authoritative information from the National Library of Medicine (NLM), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and other government agencies and health-related organizations.
The site is maintained by the NLM.
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Google Co-op page for the Health topic
Google Health Co-op is a project which allows subject expert individuals and organizations to establish accounts, and then create annotations with a limited number of categories or limits to links in the Google Health database.
Welcome to the Google Co-op page for the Health topic. You can help improve search around this topic by contributing your expertise. As a contributor, you label websites with the Google Marker while browsing the web, or by uploading a file with a list of labeled websites. The sites you label will be given priority in your own search results. If you are deemed a quality contributor, your annotations will begin appearing in the search results of all Google users.
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Google Health
Google Health .... Google Health puts you in charge of your health information. It's safe, secure, and free.
* Organize your health information all in one place
* Gather your medical records from doctors, hospitals, and pharmacies
* Keep your doctors up to date about your health
* Be more informed about important health issues
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MedicineNet.com is an online, healthcare media publishing company. It provides easy-to-read, in-depth, authoritative medical information for consumers via its robust, user-friendly, interactive web site.
Since 1996, MedicineNet.com has had a highly accomplished, uniquely experienced team of qualified Webster's New World Medical Dictionary - authored by MedicineNetexecutives in the fields of medicine, healthcare, Internet technology, and business to bring you the most comprehensive, sought after healthcare information anywhere.
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Health On the Net Foundation
Health On the Net Foundation
HON in the meantime has become one of most respected not-for-profit portals to medical information on the Internet. We are a Swiss foundation, operating out of Geneva with the generous support of local Geneva authorities
mong HON's distinguishing features are two widely-used medical search tools, MedHunt and HONselect
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Medical World Search
Medical World Search
Medical World Search has three components: the Web crawler, the indexer, and the query processor.
The Web crawler seeks out medical sites on the World Wide Web, starting from some of the major entry points for clinical medicine, then retrieves them and stores them on Medical World Search's disk system. The indexer recognizes medical concepts in the pages retrieved by the Web crawler, and generates a large index of all medical concepts and words in the Web pages; this index shows in which pages each concept and word appears.
The query processor allows the user to specify his information needs and then attempts to match the query optimally to Web pages using the index generated previously. Results are ranked and returned to the user.
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FotoSearch Medical Images (not free)
FotoSearch Medical Images (not free) Thousands of medical images.
Users can search from more than 50 top-quality graphics and medical illustration vendors at once.
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Virtual Pediatric Hospital
Virtual Pediatric Hospital
Virtual Pediatric Hospital is a pediatric digital health sciences library that has been uniquely committed since 2006 and through its predecessors since 1992:
- To educate patients, healthcare providers, and students in a free and anonymous manner;
- For the purpose of improving patients' care, outcome, and lives;
- Using current, authoritative, trustworthy health information;
- While serving as a platform for research into the challenges facing world-wide information distribution.
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Omni Medical Search
Omni Medical Search will help you find health information . It will query 15 medical search sites
OmniMedicalSearch.com is a metasearch engine. It does not operate the same way as search engines like Google or Yahoo. Instead of assembling our own database of websites to present our search results, we return the search results from other search engines in various combinations. When you submit a search term, our metasearch software sends that query, simultaneously, to other search engines, websites and databases. When it returns, you are presented with the top results of ALL the search engines and databases you selected.
Acronym Search | Associations | Dictionary | Journals | More Databases |
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