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Wednesday 26 March 2025
  Librarians BLOGS

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100 Books Every Child Should Read Before Growing Up
An exploration of children's literature through a selection of 100 wonderful books. Written for parents, librarians, teachers, and anyone else who loves to read to children.
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Happenings at the corner of story and reader.
A school librarian blog about books, readers and the magic that happens when they meet up.
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A student-driven book review and movie review site for secondary schools.
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A blog documenting the experiences of an African American graduate student in Library Science & Information Technology.
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CraftmeSillyLibrarian Children's Librarian: Crafts and Reviews
Children's Librarian trying to do it all. I'm also a new librarian. "So why this, why now? Perhaps it is because like most people what I wanted to find, I couldn't. It isn't out there. Nothing...Nada. No one is talking about being a children's librarian and if they do it is completely one sided (reviews, no crafts, crafts no reviews...blah blah).
So I'm going to do it all...sort of. I'll talk about crafts, reviews, issues, funny library stories, pictures of stuff I've made, what's worked for me, etc.
All and all I will round out the picture of what a children's librarian does...no really, I'm going to try. "
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Canadian Libraries Are Serving Youth
Librarians who work with teens share ideas, a program directory of library programs for teens across Canada. Workshops hosted for library staff wanting to keep up with youth trends
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Libraries and Young Adults
Libraries and Young Adults ... youth services librarian blogs about ya lit and programs for teens in libraries
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Primarily HIstory
Reference Librarian Trish McPherson's primary source blog with links to 200-plus digital collections of primary sources in the humanities.
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The Librarian is In
Librarian Justine Shaffner writes about all things related to public libraries including virtual tours of public libraries visited in the US and abroad - she also accepts guest posts on public libraries.
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librarian blog :Oosarome Ogbebor
Strategic dissemination of information for librarians and information professionals.
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No Shhing Here
A school librarian chronicles life in a crazy, often loud Junior High School.
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Apples With Many Seeds
Promotes interesting resources for student-teachers and teachers to use in K-12 classrooms.
Connecting books, kits, the curriculum and the real world.
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The Perks of Being a Librarian
Exploring the current and future issues that librarians and information professional face in the 21st century.
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Bilingual Librarian
Bilingual blog (English & Spanish)
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Happy Birthday Author
There is an abundance of great children's literature. Celebrate the birthday of a popular children's author every week with excellent books and activities.
A stay at home dad shares his past teaching experiences and new adventures reading to his children.
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Librarians are Weird: Vlog/Blog
In the words of Neil Gaiman, “Librarians are weird, but in a good way.”
This website has been created to share thoughts, reviews, and tutorials created by some of those weird librarians. We have extremely good taste and we thought we should share that with you. The creator and main contributor to Librarians are Weird is video librarian Jenny Veile, so, the main focus of the content is video/film/television related (reviews and media literacy, as well as discussion of recent projects), but anything library related is fair game.
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Book Frontiers
A Pre K to 8 School Librarian reviews books of interest ... videos
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Foster Growth
Foster Growth
A blog focusing on all things related to the Dwight Foster Public Library's Foster Growth capital campaign.
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Musings about librarianship
A blog by a academic librarian from Singapore. Discusses use of widgets, social media for librarianship.
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From the Library Director's Desk Blog
Plainfield Public Library District (Plainfield IL) Library Director Julie M. Milavec gives regular updates on what's happening at the library, with a focus on their building expansion planning and referendum.
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Chornomore - new librarian
A blend of Libraryland ideas, ideals and situations from Librarian Trainee Emily Chornomaz.
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Library Grits
Library Grits
"My journey as a tenacious lifelong learner in the Teacher Librarian field.
It covers new applications I have found to be wonderful, thoughts on other peoples thoughts and actions, and general stuff on school librarianship."
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Knowbodies is a current awareness blog that provides news about websites, technology, resources, applications, trends and all manner of things that might be of interest to librarians and others with a professional interest in finding information.
Petter Næss – not related to the film director – is the owner, and Knowbodies naturally reflects his particular interests and obsessions.
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Library Profession
This blog is dedicated to library professionals for sharing the experiences and generating new ideas!!
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Librarians Ramblings
Ramblings of a public library librarian from the Canadian prairies.
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Judging the Books
Judging the Books
Time-travelin library of 80's YA fiction focusing on the extremely lame cover illustrations.
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Remixing Libraries
A blog about new library developments and the growth of the digital library
Internet enthusiast, digital thinker, post-librarian and project manager working in a large library.
I'm generally a bit techie, and can be techie-techie about some things, but I'm not a techie-techie-techie.
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Library and Information Avenue
Library and Information Avenue
Iam R.S.Venkataraj a Graduatein Arts from Siddaganga College ,Tumkur and a Bachelor degree in Library & Information Science from Shivaji University, Kolhapur and a post Graduate in Library & Information Science(MLISc) from Karnataka University, Dharwar.
I am acquainted with up-to-date knowledge of Hi-Tech Library develpoment and management.Published 20 books in the area of Library & Information Science.I have more than thirty years of professional experience in the Knowledge Management & Library Administration.
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Welcome to My Tweendom
School librarian Stacy Dillon's book blog for tween titles.
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School librarian Stacy Dillon's book blog for adult, YA and children's titles.
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Tales From An Open Book
A blog from The Carleton Place Public Library in Carleton Place, Ontario, Canada. Interesting ideas, program information, book reviews and more!
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Piper at the Gates of Dawn
Blog created by Paul Piper, a Reference and Instruction Librarian at Western Washington University. Comments on Library doings and products, reviews books and films, and comments in general about our times.
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Needham Children's Library Blog
This blog is maintained by the children's librarian at the Needham Free Public Library. It contains reviews of children's books and additonal resources.
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The Inspired Library School Student
The ILSS strives to make students excited about the LIS field by discussing the latest fascinating issues and trends.
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Accidentally Curious
A young librarian muses about all of the different aspects of being a librarian and trying to make sense of it all.
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Reading 2.0
Reviews of Interesting Non-fiction reads. Includes web 2.0 technology such as podcasts and videos.
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Best library / librarian blog 2007 : EduBlog Awards
Best library / librarian blog 2007 : EduBlog Awards
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The LibVocate
Advocacy for libraries, librarianship and information science.
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Jenthelibrarian: a school librarian from the Black Pit
Life in a UK secondary school library
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Wired Librarian
Wired Librarian
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Bigenarian Librarian
Bigenarian Librarian
The Life and Times of a Newbie Librarian
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Become a Library Goddess ... Blog(s)
Library Goddesses share their favorite books and experiences in libraryland... what's new, funny, tragic, poignant, and everything in between... Join us for great stories, lots of laughs, and BYOC
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Video Blog with lots a librarian and library videos
The link above goes to one of the Shambles "Forest of Theme Blogs" pages that provides videos and other multimedia resources to support the topic here.
If you would like to see all of the Theme Blogs then go to the full list at http://www.shambles.net/blogforest or click where you see this button The Shambles Forest of Theme Blogs
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List of Library Blogs at the TeacherLibrarian Wiki
List of Library Blogs at the TeacherLibrarian Wiki
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Joyce Valenza's Neverending Search : BLOG
Joyce Valenza's Neverending Search : BLOG
Welcome librarians and other educators. Please join this discussion of emerging technologies, searching, and information fluency'
I am the teacher-librarian at Springfield Township High School and the techlife@school columnist for the Philadelphia Inquirer.
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Who Moved My Library?
Who Moved My Library?
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Tame the Web Blog
The Tame the Web Blog is written by Michael Stephens, a librarian, technology trainer and writer living in Northern Indiana.
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Fai Mao's Sandbox : BLOG
Fai Mao's Sandbox : BLOG
Yes, I am a librarian in Asia though my post have little to do with libraries as a general rule. However, they were looking for librarian blogs in Asia and I certainly am that.
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The Education Project Asia
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