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  Info Lit. Definition

Dawn of the New Literacies : Defining New Literacies
Dawn of the New Literacies : Defining New Literacies
In her 2007 book Proust and the Squid, Maryanne Wolf presents a history of how humans developed the skill of reading and explains what happens in the human brain as we learn to read and write—or struggle with either.
tudents are no longer the people our educational system was designed to teach, concludes Ackerman. They think and process information fundamentally differently, and Ackerman contends, echoing other experts, that these differences run much deeper than most educators would like to see.
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Spatial Literacy
Spatial Literacy
Three Information Literacy Questions to Ask About a Map
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Information Literacy: Videos and PowerPoints
The link above goes to one of the Shambles "Forest of Theme Blogs" pages that provides videos and other multimedia resources to support the topic here.
If you would like to see all of the Theme Blogs then go to the full list at http://www.shambles.net/blogforest or click where you see this button The Shambles Forest of Theme Blogs
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21st Century Literacies : Tools for Reading the World
21st Century Literacies : Tools for Reading the World
In Intelligence Reframed Howard Gardner contends that ?iteracies, skills, and disciplines ought to be pursued as tools that allow us to enhance our understanding of important questions, topics, and themes.? Today's readers become literate by learning to read the words and symbols in today's world and its antecedents. They analyze, compare, evaluate and interpret multiple representations from a variety of disciplines and subjects, including texts, photographs, artwork, and data. They learn to choose and modify their own communication based on the rhetorical situation. Point of view is created by the reader, the audience and the medium.
Basic Language Literacy | Visual Literacy | Historical Literacy | Information Literacy | Cultural Literacy | Political Literacy and News Media Literacy | Scientific Literacy | Mathematical Literacy |
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