How Much Data Did Humans Create in 2011 [INFOGRAPHIC] How Much Data Did Humans Create and Store in 2011 [INFOGRAPHIC]
If you've spent any amount time watching your Facebook or Twitter feed stream by, it should be obvious that the world is creating a lot of data. But because all that data is really just a collection of ones and zeros it can be hard to actually visualize how much is really there.
How Much Data is Created Every Minute Data never sleeps. Every minute massive amounts of it are being generated from every phone, website and application across the Internet.
Just how much data is being created and where does it come from?
For that you should check out this Domo infographic.
How Much Data Is Created Every Minute? [INFOGRAPHIC] How Much Data Is Created Every Minute? [INFOGRAPHIC]
Next time you run a Google search, think about the fact that it’s just one of 2 million that Google will receive in that minute. In the same amount of time, Facebook users post 684,478 pieces of content. Crazier still, online shoppers spend an average of $272,070 every minute. That’s over $391 million every day — quite the chunk of change.
Check out the stats below to learn the amount of data created across all of your favorite platforms. Google+ is noticeably missing from the bunch, but we’re kind of happy about that. It might be kind of embarrassing.
#information #literacy #fluency
How Huge Is the Internet on an Average Day? How Huge Is the Internet on an Average Day?
The internet is, like, big. So's this infographic showing just how crazy huge it is, and what 210 billion emails, 3 million Flickr images, 43 million gigabytes (on phones) sent on an average day really means. It hurts.
How much is a petabyte? ... infographics How much is a petabyte? ... infographics
Information Overload, Then and Now Information Overload, Then and Now
Feeling overwhelmed by too much information? What else is new?
The amount of digital data available on the Web every day reaches records of mind-boggling proportions—now more than a zettabyte (1021 bytes) and presumably accumulating at an ever-increasing rate, estimated at 30-percent growth per year from 1999 to 2002.
A day on the Internet A great visual showing some statistics for a single day on the Internet - number of enails, uploads to Flickr, tweets and more
A digital library, free to the world (TED Talk) Brewster Kahle: A digital library, free to the world ... TED Talk
Lots of examples about the amount of information in the world in different media forms.
Brewster Kahle is building a truly huge digital library -- every book ever published, every movie ever released, all the strata of web history ... It's all free to the public -- unless someone else gets to it first.
An anthropological introduction to YouTube An anthropological introduction to YouTube
This video also presents some statistics about the growth of online media.
Presented at the Library of Congress, June 23rd 2008. This was tons of fun to present. I decided to forgo the PowerPoint and instead worked with students to prepare over 40 minutes of video for the 55 minute presentation.
Also see
How can we preserve digital files It took two centuries to fill the U.S. Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., with more than 29 million books and periodicals, 2.7 million recordings, 12 million photographs, 4.8 million maps, and 57 million manuscripts. Today it takes about 15 minutes for the world to churn out an equivalent amount of new digital information. It does so about 100 times every day, for a grand total of five exabytes annually. That's an amount equal to all the words ever spoken by humans, according to Roy Williams, who heads the Center for Advanced Computing Research at the California Institute of Technology, in Pasadena.
How much new information is created each year? How much new information is created each year? Newly created information is stored in four physical media ?print, film, magnetic and optical ?and seen or heard in four information flows through electronic channels ?telephone, radio and TV, and the Internet. This study of information storage and flows analyzes the year 2002 in order to estimate the annual size of the stock of new information recorded in storage media, and heard or seen each year in information flows.
Information: New York Times vs Person in 1600s Can you find the source for a fact I ran across a few years ago that that a weekday edition of The New York Times contains more information and data than a typical person in England in the 1600s was likely to
encounter in an entire lifetime.
The amount of information in the world doubled recently in just five years.
It appears that the original source for the quote about the New York
Times was a book called "The Cult of Information," by Theodore Roszak.
How Much Information Is There In the World? How Much Information Is There In the World?
The Web has been growing 10-fold each year. Can it continue to do so and for how long?
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