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Tuesday 18 March 2025
  Online Identity

Help your kids create safe and smart online identity
Help your kids create safe and smart online identity

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Erase Yourself From the Internet
Erase Yourself From the Internet With JustDelete.me
Deleting yourself from the Internet is hard work. First, you have to decide where exactly you want to disappear — from social media sites to retailer databases — and then you have to figure out how you're going to do all that.
A site called JustDelete.me makes vanishing from the web much, much easier.
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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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Juan Enriquez: Your online life, permanent as a tattoo
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12 steps to a ‘Great Teacher’ reputation.
12 steps to a ‘Great Teacher’ reputation.
So, whilst ideally we shouldn’t worry too much what other people think of us, in the context of being judged as a professional teacher, having a strongly positive reputation is a great asset. It may be the most accurate indicator of the impact we’re having on our students and, actually, our reputational standing is the area over which we have greatest control day-to-day.
This is my guide to success in building a reputation as a ‘great teacher’ that will help you ride-out the fickle storms of formal teacher-evaluation processes.
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Managing Your School or District's Online Reputation
3 Steps to Managing Your School or District's Online Reputation
What are some beginning steps toward "managing a school or district's online reputation?" Taking the advice of Beal and Strauss, here are some starting points to consider.
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the Quantified Self
the Quantified Self
Are you interested in self-tracking? Do you use a computer, mobile phone, electronic gadget, or pen and paper to record your work, sleep, exercise, diet, mood, or anything else? Would you like to share your methods and learn from what others are doing? If so, you are in the right place. This short intro will help you get you oriented.
Quantified Self is a collaboration of users and tool makers who share an interest in self knowledge through self-tracking. We exchange information about our personal projects, the tools we use, tips we’ve gleaned, lessons we’ve learned. We blog, meet face to face, and collaborate online.
There are three main “branches” to our work ...
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Amazing mind reader reveals his 'gift'
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10 Things You Should Be Doing To Protect Your Privacy
10 Incredibly Simple Things You Should Be Doing To Protect Your Privacy
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10 Interactive Lessons By Google On Digital Citizenship
10 Interactive Lessons By Google On Digital Citizenship
-What Makes YouTube Unique – Basic facts and figures (40 minutes)
-Detecting Lies – (35 minutes)
-Safety Mode – (5 minutes)
-Online Reputation and Cyberbullying
-Policy – The Community Guidelines
-Reporting content – Flagging (20 minutes)
-Privacy part 1 – (40 minutes)
-Privacy part 2 – (50 minutes)
-Copyright – (40 mins)
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Museum of Me: Visualize your Facebook network.
The Museum of Me: Visualize your Facebook network.
So clever and well done ... recommended
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Prevent Identity Theft Online
Prevent Identity Theft Online
You don't want personal details getting into the wrong hands so it's crucial to take care when surfing the web. Lets see where to get the best advice to protect your ID
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Protecting Your Online Reputation
Protecting Your Online Reputation: 4 Things You Need to Know [INFOGRAPHIC]
Gathered by digital marketing firm KBSD, it’s a treasure trove of tips, techniques and information about what companies and individuals are looking for inside your personal profiles and social information, and what you can do to show off your best side to those who might want to find out unflattering things about you.
It’s not too late to protect yourself and polish up your online image.
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Who Owns Your Online Identity? [LIVE BLOG]
Who Owns Your Online Identity? [LIVE BLOG]
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KnowEm allows you to check for the use of your brand, product, personal name or username instantly on over 550 popular and emerging social media websites. Grab your name and secure your brand before someone else does.
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Stolen email address : identity theft
Stolen email address : identity theft
A secondary school student obtained a male teacher's email address and used it to register on inappropriate websites, including those of a pornographic nature.
The teacher became aware of this when he received confirmation emails from the websites and reported the matter to the police. He believes that the student did this because he had been put on detention.
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Google Dashboard
Google Dashboard ... you may be surprised how much they know about you
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Tor is free software and an open network that helps you defend against a form of network surveillance that threatens personal freedom and privacy, confidential business activities and relationships.
Tor prevents anyone from learning your location or browsing habits.
Tor is for web browsers, instant messaging clients, remote logins, and more.
Tor is free and open source for Windows, Mac, Linux/Unix, and Android
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Google Dashboard
Google Dashboard ... everything Google knows about you.
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Manage your online reputation : Google Advice
Manage your online reputation : Google Advice
Nowadays, more and more personal information surfaces on the web. For example, some of your friends might mention your name in a social network or tag you on online photos, or your name could appear in blog posts or articles.
Google search is often the first place people look for information that's published about you. Here are a few ways to manage your online reputation and help control what people see when they search for you on Google:
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How Much Does Identity Theft Cost?
How Much Does Identity Theft Cost? [INFOGRAPHIC]
Online fraud and related crime is on the rise, affecting more lives and costing individuals and businesses more money year after year.
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Visualising Online Identity using Visual Search Engines
Visualising Online Identity using Visual Search Engines
Putting your name into a visual search engine can produce a visualisation of your online footprint.
Click the url above to find a list of relevant engines that you can use.
As a suggestion for your first attempt try http://spezify.com/ .. just type in your name.
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dot tel
dot tel .. might be considered as an online digital namecard ... listing all the ways others can contact you.
You'll need to buy the domain name.
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About Me
About Me
We designed about.me for ourselves. A lot of us have multiple online profiles scattered across various services, including Facebook, LinkedIn, Flickr, and Twitter.
And one problem we face is pulling all of this information together to build a single on-line identity — be it for personal use, or to create a professional on-line profile.
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Hacking your online identity
Hacking your online identity
Identity management, known in the “industry” as IdM is a more and more important aspect of one’s online persona for joining, interacting, and leaving countless systems.
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Online identity management (OIM)
Online identity management (OIM)
"Online identity management (OIM) also known as online image management or online personal branding or personal reputation management (PRM) is a set of methods for generating a distinguished Web presence of a person on the Internet.
That presence could be reflected in any kind of content that refers to the person, including news, participation in blogs and forums, personal web sites (Marcus, Machilek & Schütz 2006), social media presence, pictures, video, etc."
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Online Identity : Wikipedia
Online Identity : Wikipedia
An online identity, internet identity, or internet persona is a social identity that an Internet user establishes in online communities and websites. Although some people prefer to use their real names online, some internet users prefer to be anonymous, identifying themselves by means of pseudonyms, which reveal varying amounts of personally identifiable information.
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Digital Tattoo
Digital Tattoo
Just like a tattoo, your digital reputation is an expression of yourself.
It's highly visible, and hard to remove. Explore how your online identity affects you, your friends, your school and your job - for better and for worse - and how to make informed choices.
Need an introduction?
The goal of this site and the Digital Tattoo project is to share resources to encourage you to think about your presence online, navigate the issues involved in forming and re-forming your digital identity and learn about your rights and responsibilities as a digital citizen.
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Who Is Searching For You On Google?
How Can You Find Out Who Is Searching For You On Google?
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Identity Theft Resource Center
Identity Theft Resource Center
... a nonprofit, nationally (USA) respected organization dedicated exclusively to the understanding and prevention of identity theft.
The ITRC provides victim and consumer support as well as public education. The ITRC also advises governmental agencies, legislators, law enforcement, and businesses about the evolving and growing problem of identity theft.
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How to Talk About Life Online
How to Talk About Life Online
To encourage more critical thinking about life online, Crockett developed a multipart digital project about identity, which helped her win a statewide technology award.
The project integrated a variety of Web 2.0 tools and addressed academic standards, particularly writing. Crockett says it also gave students opportunities to "practice making good choices online. They won't do this automatically. We need to be by their side." She adds, "Throughout the project, I could just feel the learning happen." Crockett says teachers can use in-class discussions about social networking to get students talking about the following topics ...
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ZooLoo : a Master Dashboard for Your Online Life
ZooLoo Creates a Master Dashboard for Your Online Life
ZooLoo is a complete online environment around your own domain name, giving you tools to manage your life online.
ZooLoo tries to achieve two things.
First, it wants to make it easy for you to create your own customized website on your own domain.
Second, it provides an impressive array of tools to create the perfect web experience so that you can make it your own. On top of this, it has social networking features that connect you with your friends.
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5 Ways to Share Your Social Media Identity
5 Ways to Share Your Social Media Identity
Here are five sites that offer social media badges you can share and embed.
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25+ Ways to Manage Your Online Identity
25+ Ways to Manage Your Online Identity
There is nothing more important online than your identity, and nothing more annoying than when someone finds a way to steal it. This list comprises 25+ tools to manage your reputation, officially sign documents, aggregate your social network IDs and more.
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A Guide to Protecting Your Online Identity
A Guide to Protecting Your Online Identity
Being online is like being in public. Nearly anything that gets posted can come back to haunt you. When you post it yourself, this isn’t such a big deal.
Problems start when what’s online isn’t accurate, isn’t yours, or worse, isn’t yours anymore.
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HOW TO: Manage Multiple Social Media Profiles
HOW TO: Manage Multiple Social Media Profiles
Start counting the number of social media websites you have a profile with, right now.
While inbox spam and old pictures may not be the end of the world, keeping up a consistent image across the web and keeping your content fresh is vital to good business and strong relationships. With a little upfront effort, the task of maintaining multiple profiles can be less tedious, freeing up time to better connect with other people.
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ShowYourself is a simple to make, easy, free and fun utility to help establish your identity across the web.
Have a Flickr account and a Facebook and AIM? Combine all your profiles on the web into one attractive widget that you can put on your blog, your myspace or anywhere on the web.
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Check to see if your desired username or vanity url is still available at dozens of popular Social Networking and Social Bookmarking websites.
Promote your brand consistently by registering a username that is still available on the majority of the most popular sites.
Find the best username with namechk.
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Password Management Tools for Firefox 3
16 of the Best Password Management Tools for Firefox 3
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Identity Theft : Free Online Course
Identity Theft : Free Online Course
This course are particularly relevant to consumers anxious to protect their confidential information.
It is also important to professionals in the insurance, banking, education, law enforcement, retail and healthcare fields who have a legal responsibility to protect their clients personal data.
This identity theft programme is divided into 8 short modules ...
The Identity Theft program only takes around an hour to complete and after completing this course you will be able to:
* Understand how you are targeted
* Learn how to protect your identity
* Learn how to protect your company's identity * Recognise the signs that fraud is taking place
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40+ Eye-Opening OpenID Sites and Services
40+ Eye-Opening OpenID Sites and Services
OpenID support continues to spread throughout the Web ecosystem and new names are added to the list of sites that support OpenID all the time.
Since the release of OpenID 2.0, which includes better security features, OpenID has gained major traction as the single sign-on standard.
Its biggest benefit being tremendous reduction in the number of login names and passwords that you have to manage. In addition, great time savings when registering at new sites.
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Being a member of the BeenVerified Network means establishing trust and credibility wherever you operate online.
Only people whose identity has BeenVerified can access the system and only BeenVerified credentials are allowed to be posted to member Profiles. The BeenVerified seal and profile can be integrated into any social network, blog, website, and can even be used as an email signature.
This means you can prove (more easily) who you are and what you have accomplished where you want and when you want.
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claimID is the free, easy way to manage your online identity with OpenID.
Here at claimID, we realize that identity on the web is tricky, confusing and maybe even a little scary. It is our goal to make it completely painless for you to manage your online identity. Here's what we do ...
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OpenID is an open, decentralized, free framework for user-centric digital identity.
OpenID starts with the concept that anyone can identify themselves on the Internet the same way websites do-with a URI (also called a URL or web address). Since URIs are at the very core of Web architecture, they provide a solid foundation for user-centric identity.
The first piece of the OpenID framework is authentication -- how you prove ownership of a URI ...
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The Education Project Asia
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