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Monday 31 March 2025
  Google Apps/Docs

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66 Question Checklist for Rolling Out Google Apps
66 Question Checklist for Rolling Out Google Apps
Every day more and more schools move to Google Apps for Education. It is a powerful solution to meet many needs for students and staff.
See the rest of the blog post below for my list of deployment questions, as well as a Google Doc version you can copy and use for your own district. Hopefully these questions will help you think through all the options, catch some issues you may not have considered, and work out a plan for your next steps.
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Templates in Docs, Sheets and Slides
Templates in Docs, Sheets and Slides #free
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'Classroom' from Google ...
Classroom is a new (May 2014) product in Google Apps for Education that lets teachers create and organize assignments quickly, provide feedback efficiently, and communicate with their classes with ease.
Classroom was designed hand-in-hand with teachers to help them save time, keep classes organized, and improve communication with students.
Classroom weaves together Google Docs, Drive and Gmail to help teachers create and organize assignments quickly, provide feedback efficiently, and communicate with their classes with ease. And it lets students organize their work, complete and turn it in, and communicate directly with their teachers and peers.
Classroom helps teachers create and collect assignments paperlessly. When teachers create assignments, they can choose to share a single document, or automatically make a copy for each student. They can quickly see who has or hasn't completed the work, and provide direct, real-time feedback.
Classroom automatically creates Drive folders for each assignment and for each student. Students can easily see what’s due on their Assignments page, so they can stay on top of their work.
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Top 10 Google Apps Scripts for Education
Top 10 Google Apps Scripts for Education
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Google Drive Guide for Teachers and Students
The Comprehensive Google Drive Guide for Teachers and Students
Google Drive is one of the fundamental tools in our digital toolkits as teachers and educators.
Whether you want to compose a document, create a presentation, design a sheet, or share a beautiful drawing you made, Google Drive provides you with the tools to do that on any device and anywhere you are with an internet connection.
Given this huge importance of Google Drive for teachers, I have created an entire section here packed full of tips, tricks, ideas, and third party tools to enable you to better tap into the full educational potential of this platform.
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Mastering Google Apps in the Classroom : Free Guide!
Mastering Google Apps in the Classroom : Free Guide!
How to Get the Most out of Your Google Apps for Edu Investment
Has your school joined the Google revolution? This guide contains everything you need to know to get the most out of your investment in Google Apps.
“Mastering Google for the Classroom” readers will learn:
Tips for getting started with Google Apps for Education
Teaching with the most popular Google Apps: Gmail, Calendar, Docs & More
Learn how to use the advanced features of Google Apps, including: forms, sites & video
The Guide is Offered Free by: Backupify
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Infographic on Using Google Drive with Students
Interactive Infographic on Using Google Drive with Students
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Purchasing and availability for Google Apps Vault
Purchasing and availability for Google Apps Vault
Google Apps Vault is available with most paid editions of Google Apps. The way you purchase Google Apps Vault depends on what edition of Google Apps you use, how you purchased Google Apps, and when you created your Google Apps account.
For education there is a potential option for 80% discount.
For the Education, Nonprofit, and Government editions of Google Apps, Google Apps Vault is available for purchase offline. Contact your Google account manager or sales representative to purchase Vault for your domain.
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Google Demo Slams Live on Air Session 2
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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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Google Drive App on the iPad
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Doctopus, A Google Apps Script for Teachers
Doctopus, A Google Apps Script for Teachers
Doctopus is an Apps Script designed to function like your teacher-helper in the room. It's a way of automating document creation, revision and management, so as a teacher you can spend more time on instruction and less time on the cumbersome administrative tasks that make classrooms so inefficient.
For the newcomer, an Apps Script is probably better named an "Apps Extension." It's a program that extends the functionality of the Google Apps environment.
Just launch a Spreadsheet from Google Drive, go to the Tools-->Script Gallery, and you can install a variety of Apps Scripts in one click. Look in the "Featured" section and you’ll see that 5 of the 10 scripts currently featured by Google were produced by New Visions, a very big honor for us.
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Google Drive Apps
Google Drive Apps : Discover apps that work with Google Drive.
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Google's Official Blog for Google Drive
Google's Official Blog for Google Drive
Google Drive Blog News and notes from the Google Drive team
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52 Tips And Tricks For Google Docs In The Classroom
52 Tips And Tricks For Google Docs In The Classroom
Google Docs is such an incredible tool for college students, offering collaboration, portability, ease of use, and widespread acceptance – a must for students in online colleges for online marketing, for instance.
But there are so many options, both hidden and obvious, that there’s a good chance you’re not using Google Docs to its fullest capability. We’ve discovered 52 great tips for getting the most out of Google Docs as a student, with awesome ideas and tricks for collaboration, sharing, and staying productive.
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Google Drive and Documents for Teachers
Google Drive and Docs for Teachers 2012
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Apps User Group
Apps User Group
Our purpose is to connect and assist schools in the use of Google Apps for Education.
The site contains resources for implementing and using Google Apps, news from the Google blogs, links to schools that use Google Apps, a discussion forum, and more.
All uses are encouraged to share resources, ideas, questions, and comments.
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Google Apps for Primary and Secondary Education
Google Apps for Primary and Secondary Education
See how leading schools and districts use Google Apps to foster collaboration and improve learning.
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Google in Education [Report pdf]
Google in Education [Report pdf]
We produced this booklet for educators and the people who support them, to share the educational activities we are passionate about and elaborate on why we are committed to this work.
This is not a typical “annual report,” in that it is a document that we hope educators will use year round to spark new ideas and get inspiration.
Inside, we highlight the many accomplishments made by teachers, students, and organizations using Google resources. We think it’s important to showcase what we have seen work in educational technology, as well as how we’ve made improvements based on feedback and reflection.
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Google Testing Center
Google Testing Center
From here you can take one or more of the proof-of-proficiency tests offered by Google. Upon becoming individually qualified, you’ll receive a certificate. You’ll also be more effective at making the best use of Google products within your organization and helping others do the same. In-depth online courses are offered free from Google to help you prepare for each test.
Google Apps Education Training Center
Google Analytics IQ Lessons
New AdWords Certification Program Learning Center
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Become a Google Apps Ninja
Become a Google Apps Ninja
Brilliant School-based initiative ... kudos to Jeff on this one.
Read the Blog Post about this scheme which has motivated staff and students to improve their search skills and also their knowledge about Google Apps.
Now comes the good news. I am releasing all the work (most importantly the tests) under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 3.0 License so that any school can take them and use them with their own students and staff.
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Welcome to Flubaroo - Grading Made Easy
Welcome to Flubaroo - Grading Made Easy
Flubaroo is a free tool that helps you quickly grade multiple-choice or fill-in-blank assignments. I designed it for my own classroom, and want to share it with other teachers... for free!
Flubaroo works with Google docs.
More than just a grading tool, Flubaroo also:
- Computes average assignment score.
- Computes average score per question, and flags low-scoring questions.
- Shows you a grade distribution graph.
- Gives you the option to email each student their grade, and an answer key.
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Google Docs like a Rock Star
Google Docs like a Rock Star
ISTE Webinar resources and support material
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Hapara : App to help deploy Google Apps in Schools
Hapara : App to help deploy Google Apps in Schools
We are an innovative cloud solutions company specialising in Google technology. Our products make it easier to deploy Google Apps in your organization, and to manage your Google Apps services and users. Our development expertise can help you deliver your next Google Apps integration project.
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Google Apps : Webinars, Events, and User Groups
Google Apps : Webinars, Events, and User Groups
Connect with Google's Education team, our partners, and other educational institutions using Apps.
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Google Accounts for Whole School
Google Accounts for Whole School
Discussion thread in Google for Educators Discussion Group
Yes, individual schools can sign up for Google Applications for Education. I did it for my school, and this is how I did it.
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Google Beefs Up Online Storage for Apps for Education
Google Beefs Up Online Storage for Apps for Education
Google Apps for Education is the widely deployed, free, hosted application suite that includes communications tools like as Gmail, voice and voice chat, Google Calendar, and instant messaging; collaboration apps, such as Google Docs, Google Sites, and Google Groups; and various administration features and APIs for integration with existing systems. According to a Google spokesperson, there are "12 million students, faculty and staff actively using Google Apps for Education" at present.
According to a blog post 25 June 2011, e-mail storage space for Apps for Education users is being increased from 7 GB to 25 GB for each mailbox. Mailboxes for current users will be expanded automatically "over the course of the following few weeks."
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Google Tools set in the Blooms Digital Taxonomy
Google Tools set in the Bloom's Digital Taxonomy
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Google Apps Marketplace : Education Category
Google Apps Marketplace : Education Category
The Google Apps Marketplace offers products and services designed for Google users, including installable apps that integrate directly with Google Apps. Installable apps are easy to use because they include single sign-on, Google's universal navigation, and some even include features that integrate with your domain's data.
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20 Google Doc Templates for use in Science and Math
20 Google Doc Templates for use in Science and Math Classrooms
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Editing your Google Docs on the go
Editing your Google Docs on the go
With Google Docs, we’re always trying to make you more productive—and part of that means making it possible for you to get things done from anywhere, at anytime. That’s why we’re excited that the new documents editor now supports editing on your mobile browser.
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How to make drop-down menus in Google Docs
How to make drop-down menus in Google Docs
It’s now easy to make dropdown menus in Google spreadsheets in Google docs.
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Google Apps Tips and Tricks
Google Apps Tips and Tricks
Here is a list of weekly tips and tricks designed for new Google Apps end-users.
Read Getting Started with Google Apps Tips and Tricks for information on how to setup, copy and distribute the weekly tips and tricks to users in your domain.
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10 Google Forms for the Classroom
10 Google Forms for the Classroom
10 ideas for using Forms in the classroom
Google have brought them up front a bit as you can now create a new form from the NEW menu on your Docs home page. I have always liked the way that the data entry point (the form) and the collection location (the spreadsheet) are linked together – its a great tool and I hope to use it more throughout this year.
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Google Apps Education Edition
Google Apps Education Edition offers a free (and ad-free) set of customizable tools that enable faculty, staff and students to work together and learn more effectively.
Thousands of schools (and millions of businesses) trust Google Apps to keep their information safe, secure, and private.
Build a 21st century school by bringing Apps into the classroom.
Communication – Enhance your community's dialogue with hosted email, shared calendars and integrated video chat.
Collaboration – Google Docs and Google Sites enable students and teachers to share documents online, at any time and from any location.
Infrastructure and security – Easily integrate your existing IT systems with Google Apps while keeping your school's domain safe and secure.
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Google Apps for Education
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Using Google Docs with students with no email
Using Google Docs with elementary students with no email
How are schools handling using google docs when students do not have email accounts? Our students do not have email accounts, but we find google docs a incredible tool for the classroom.
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Build your 21st century school, starting today
Google Apps' advanced collaboration and communication tools make it easy to help your students acquire the skills that will help them soar, in their education and out in the world. There's no hardware to maintain or software to install, no ads, and no cost for schools.
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Google for schools privacy
Google explaining their privacy practices for schools using gmail and apps
Our business is built on your trust. We recognize that schools expect us to properly secure their data and respect the privacy of their information.
We therefore take data security and privacy very seriously.
Google Apps is designed to provide your educational institutions with a safe, reliable platform for its data -- offering better security and reliability than most schools could achieve on their own.
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Google Apps Education Edition Online Agreement
Google Apps Education Edition Online Agreement
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Google Apps .. Security and Privacy
Two of the most common topics of questions regarding Google in general, and Google Apps specifically, are security and privacy. We take both topics very seriously and truly believe that our offerings are a great option for customers on both fronts. Our business is built on our users' trust: trust in our ability to properly secure their data and our commitment respect the privacy of the information they place in our systems by not giving that information to others or using it inappropriately.
In order to help answer some of the many questions we receive and to dispel some common misconceptions we encounter; we have created this FAQ and the corresponding Google Apps security whitepaper. We hope this helps to answer some of your questions about Google's position on these important issues!
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Why Schools are Turning to Google Apps
Why Schools are Turning to Google Apps
April 2010 the entire public school system of Oregon (USA) embraced Google Apps.
400,000 Students, teachers, and administrators will have access to a common e-mail and chat system, cloud-based collaboration tools, and a robust multimedia streaming service.
Traditionally, statewide adoptions of any kind in education are hotly contested, with the most minute details up for extended debate.
But the case for Google Apps in education is compelling in many ways. We interviewed the architects of this plan, as well as others who use Google (Google) in the classroom, and we’ve highlighted the three major benefits:
1) It saves schools money;
2) It boosts academic performance and motivation, and
3) It prepares students for digital communication in the real world.
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Student Age Restrictions in Google Docs / Apps
Student Age Restrictions in Google Docs / Apps
We currently have Google Apps Education in our school. Our teachers in the elementary and middle school have expressed a great interest in using Google Docs in the classroom.
I read on the web that there is a age restriction of 13. Is there anything in the terms of service that indicates this and what is Google's position on using Google docs in k-5 classrooms.
Answer found here ...
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Free 33 Page Guide - Google for Teacher

Google for Teachers -
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The Power Users Guide to Google Apps
The Power User's Guide to Google Apps
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The Google Apps Marketplace
The Google Apps Marketplace
The Google Apps Marketplace offers products and services designed for Google users, including installable apps that integrate directly with Google Apps.
Installable apps are easy to use because they include single sign-on, Google's universal navigation, and some even include features that integrate with your domain's data.
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A Web Clipboard for Google Docs
We want copying and pasting content within Google Docs to just work. So, we’re launching a web clipboard that improves copy and paste in Google Docs.
This new clipboard temporarily stores items you’ve copied in the cloud, then allows you to paste them with proper formatting into other Google Docs.
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Interesting Ways to Use Google Docs in the Classroom
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Successful Deployments for Educational Institutions
Google Apps .. Successful Deployments for Educational Institutions
he Education Edition is engineered to help you organize the wealth of knowledge that lives inside your academic institution. We understand that the flow of information is paramount in an academic environment and we've created a package to assist a full-scale deployment of Google Apps.
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