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Friday 28 March 2025
  Everything Google

Get a summary of data in your Google Account
Get a summary of data in your Google Account
To see Google services you use and what data is saved to your account, visit your Google Dashboard. From there, you can see a summary of your data and get more details.
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7 Hidden Gems from Google
7 Hidden Gems from Google That Can Still Surprise You
These seven platforms are brilliant tools that Google has created to make learning accessible, help people learn about their world, or to add a little fun to everyday tasks.
Google Sky | Google Arts and Culture | Google Jigsaw | Google News Lab | Build with Chrome | Google Street View Trek | Google Smarty Pins |
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Google Top Contributors
Google Top Contributors
Do you love a Google product or want to connect with a community? Jump into one of the many forums, answer a question, and participate in existing conversations. The more you post, the more you’ll learn about the product.
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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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Google unveils service to manage digital afterlife
Google unveils service to manage digital afterlife
Not many of us like thinking about death — especially our own. But making plans for what happens after you’re gone is really important for the people you leave behind.
So, we’re launching a feature that makes it easy to tell Google what you want done with your digital assets when you die or can no longer use your account.

The feature is called Inactive Account Manager
We hope that this new feature will enable you to plan your digital afterlife — in a way that protects your privacy and security — and make life easier for your loved ones after you’re gone.
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Google Keep—Save what’s on your mind
Google Keep—Save what’s on your mind
With Keep you can quickly jot ideas down when you think of them and even include checklists and photos to keep track of what’s important to you. Your notes are safely stored in Google Drive and synced to all your devices so you can always have them at hand.
If it’s more convenient to speak than to type that’s fine—Keep transcribes voice memos for you automatically. There’s super-fast search to find what you’re looking for and when you’re finished with a note you can archive or delete it.
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Google Apps Release Calendar
Google Apps Release Calendar
Click events on the calendar for details about a new update, release, training resource or webinar.
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Google Merges Search and Google+
Google Merges Search and Google+ Into Social Media Juggernaut
Google calls the search update “ "Search plus Your World." Jack Menzel, product management director of search, explained that now Google+ members will be able to “search across information that is private and only shared to you, not just the public web.”
Google calls this access to “your web.” So instead of all the public information that is already available to everyone searching via Google, so you can see information that you posted into Google’s new social network and on some of Google’s other services like Picasa Web.
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8 Ways School Leaders Can Use Google
8 Ways School Leaders Can Use Google
Here are 8 ways that Google helped one school principal run his school more efficiently and effectively.
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Superheroes in School
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Google in Education : online events calendar
Google in Education : online events calendar including webinars.
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Google in Education [YouTube Video Channel]
Google in Education [YouTube Video Channel]
This YouTube channel contains videos from Google in Education.
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Think Quarterly
Think Quarterly ... mag from Google
Insights and outlooks on the digital future.
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Google Growth ... Infographics
Google Growth ... Infographics
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Google as a dialup BBS
Here’s what Google would’ve looked like had it been a BBS in the 80′s
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Google Apps Training Programs
Google Apps Training Programs
Training Center – Teach yourself to become an Apps expert in the classroom. Our six-part training course will help you prepare for our Individual Qualification exams.
Certified Trainer program – Individuals or organizations with extensive experience in professional development and Apps training support can showcase their skills by applying for Certified Trainer status.
Individual Qualification – Demonstrate your knowledge of Google Apps for Education by completing a structured program of six comprehensive tests. (A passing score in the Individual Qualification is a prerequisite for all Certified Trainer applicants.)
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Google Testing Center
Google Testing Center
From here you can take one or more of the proof-of-proficiency tests offered by Google. Upon becoming individually qualified, you’ll receive a certificate. You’ll also be more effective at making the best use of Google products within your organization and helping others do the same. In-depth online courses are offered free from Google to help you prepare for each test.
Google Apps Education Training Center
Google Analytics IQ Lessons
New AdWords Certification Program Learning Center
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Google Desktop Voice Search
Google Desktop Voice Search
We decided to take the Google voice search for a test drive. As you can see in the video, Google’s voice search works quite well. It looks like the same engine that Google has used across mobile devices is integrated with the desktop.
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Create a Google Search Story
Create a Google Search Story ... create your own.
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Google’s Biggest Product Flops [Infographic]
Google’s Biggest Product Flops and Failures [Infographic]
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How Big is Google ... Infographics
How Big is Google ... Infographics
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100+ Google Tricks for Teachers
100+ Google Tricks for Teachers
From super-effective search tricks to Google tools specifically for education to tricks and tips for using Gmail, Google Docs, and Google Calendar, these tricks will surely save you some precious time.
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Just How Massive is Google Anyway? Infographics
Just How Massive is Google Anyway?
Some brilliant graphics
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Google Transparency Report
Google Transparency Report
Transparency is a core value at Google. As a company we feel it is our responsibility to ensure that we maximize transparency around the flow of information related to our tools and services. We believe that more information means more choice, more freedom and ultimately more power for the individual.
We’ve created an interactive map of Government Requests that shows the number of government inquiries for information about users and requests for Google to take down or censor content. We hope this step toward greater transparency will help in ongoing discussions about the appropriate scope and authority of government requests.
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Google New
Google New Shows You What’s New With Google Products
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10 Google Services That Don’t ....
10 Google Services That Don’t Get the Limelight They Deserve
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Inside the mind of Google CNBC
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Virtual Keyboards in Google Search
Virtual Keyboards in Google Search
Our user research has shown that many people are more comfortable formulating search queries in their own language but have difficulty typing these queries into Google.
To overcome the difficulty they face in typing in their local language scripts, some people have resorted to copying and pasting from other sites and from online translation tools. But there’s an easier way — a virtual, or “on-screen” keyboard, lets you type directly in your local language script in an easy and consistent manner, no matter where you are or what computer you’re using.
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Beyond Google
Beyond Google
15 tools and strategies to help your colleagues and students use more than the first page of Google search results.
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Free 33 Page Guide - Google for Teacher

Google for Teachers -
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Free 33 Page Guide - Google for Teachers
Free 33 Page Guide - Google for Teachers
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How Google Keeps Your Data Safe in the Cloud
How Google Keeps Your Data Safe in the Cloud
Synchronous replication is a system that Google Apps uses to store customer’s info in two data centers at once, so that if one data center fails, Google (Google) says it nearly instantly transfers data over to the other one that’s also been reflecting the actions taken by the customer all along.
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Directory of all the Official Google Blogs
Directory of all the Official Google Blogs
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Explore Google Search
Explore Google Search
Search is at the heart of everything we do at Google. Our engineers work every day to solve the hardest search problems, and thus improve your online experience.
Here's a glimpse at what they do, the features they've built and the remarkable user stories that inspire our work.
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A Google Data Center
a Google Data Center (Video Tour)
First presented at the Google Efficient Data Centers Summit, hosted at Google headquarters in Mountain View, CA on April 1, 2009.
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Google for Educators
Google for Educators
At Google, we support teachers in their efforts to empower students and expand the frontiers of human knowledge. That’s why we’ve assembled the information and tools you’ll find on this site.
Tools for your classroom | Classroom activities | Classroom posters | Google Teacher Academy | Teacher Community |
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10 Great Google Slideshows
10 Great Google Slideshows
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Let me Google that for you
Let me Google that for you
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Web-Based Version Of Google Sky
Web-Based Version Of Google Sky
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Google Sites
Google Sites : One-stop sharing for team information
Google Sites, a new offering from Google Apps, makes creating a team site as easy as editing a document. Use Google Sites to centralize all types of information -- from videos to presentations -- and share your site with just a few people, your entire organization, or the world.
Building a site is as simple as editing a document, and you don't need anyone's help to get started.
Create a single place to bring together all the information your team needs to share, including docs, videos, photos, calendars and attachments.
Invite co-workers, classmates, or your entire organization to edit your site with you to keep it fresh and up-to-date. And let as many or few people view your site as you want.
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Google Operating System
Google Operating System is a blog about a company that started as a search engine and will become an online operating system, that stores and processes our documents, memories and desires.
I started this blog in October 2005 as an exercise. I've been following Google's evolutions for many years and I thought this is a good excuse to learn more about a company I like.
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Google for Educators Discussion Group
Google for Educators Discussion Group
Welcome to the Google for Educators Discussion Group. We'll be using this group to keep you updated on Google's K-12 Education initiatives, but our real hope is that this will become the home of a vibrant community of educators. We encourage you to use this space to start discussions with fellow teachers. Talk about anything you'd like. Share ideas about innovation in education; ask questions about where to find teaching resources; tell your colleagues about curricula you've created that have worked really well.
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Google Code
Google Code | Enhance your web site |
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Google Custom Search Engine
Google Custom Search Engine
Harness the power of Google search to create a free Custom Search Engine that reflects your knowledge and interests. Specify the websites that you want searched - and integrate the search box and results into your own website.
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Google Apps for Education
Google Apps for Education
Sharing information and ideas is vital to learning. So imagine how valuable it would be if your entire campus community shared a set of powerful, easy-to-use and integrated communication and collaboration services.
With Google Apps for Education, you can offer all of your students innovative email, instant messaging, and calendaring, all for free.*
You can select any combination of our available services (email, website,chat,search), and customize them with your school's logo, color scheme and content. You can manage your users through an easy web-based console or use our available APIs to integrate the services into your existing systems.. and it's all hosted by Google, so there's no hardware or software for you to install or maintain.
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Google Enterprise Solutions
Google Enterprise Solutions
Wouldn't it be great if search within your company was as easy as search on Google.com? With Google Enterprise products, you can offer employees simple, fast and secure search across all your information -- including intranets, document and content management systems, file servers, corporate desktops, and business applications like CRM and business intelligence. On your public website, you can provide customers and business partners with the quality search experience they have come to expect from Google.
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Google : News Archive Search
Google : News Archive Search
News archive search provides an easy way to search and explore historical archives. In addition to helping you search, News archive search can automatically create timelines which show selected results from relevant time periods.
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Google: These books are free
Google: These books are free
Google Book Search now offers PDF files of scanned books that can be downloaded and printed for free
The PDFs are offered only for those books that fall into the public domain and are intended for personal use.
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Google Tutor
Google Tutor
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Webcasts about Google
Webcasts about Google
60 Minutes on Google | Google Tech Talks | Google and Skype in Davos |
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