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Saturday 08 March 2025
  Data Visualisation

Data Visualisation / Visualization
Beautiful and easy data visualization and storytelling
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Worlds Most Popular Social Networks
The World’s Most Popular Social Networks, and Who Owns Them
Currently, there are over 4.5 billion people around the world who use some form of social media—about 57% of the global population.
Yet, while social media’s audience is widespread and diverse, just a handful of companies control a majority of the world’s most popular social media platforms. Meta, the tech giant formerly known as Facebook, owns four of the five most widely used platforms.
This graphic highlights the biggest social networks across the globe, measured by their monthly active users (MAUs).
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USA Debt Clock
USA Debt Clock
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Animated Stats (visit the YouTube Channel)
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Creating an Infographic in Google Drawings
Creating an Infographic in Google Drawings
This is a sped up screencast of the first 45 minutes I spent creating an infopgraphic. There is no sound of narration. This video is just a glance at using Google Drawings and The Noun Project to make something cool.
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Visme : Create interactive presentations, infographics & other engaging content.
Turn boring data into meaningful visuals
Register in seconds and start with Visme Basic (it's 100% Free) and use it as long as you want with no obligations. You can also take advantage of Premium features anytime you want.
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5 Steps to Creating a Powerful Infographic
5 Steps to Creating a Powerful Infographic
People love infographics, and the statistics prove it: In the past five years, Google searches for “infographics” have increased 25X. Sharing an infographic can improve website traffic by 12%.
Some analysts even claim that 100% of businesses can benefit from sharing an infographic.
But you can’t just slap together an infographic and expect success. To be successful, an infographic needs resonant content and great design.
Here are 5 tips for creating an effective infographic:
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Edu Infographics collection curated on Pinterest
Edu Infographics collection curated on Pinterest #STEMx13
Brilliant Collection
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10 Reasons Information Visualisation Rocks
10 Reasons Information Visualisation Rocks
"Here at Mindjet, we think visualising information rocks — but more importantly, there’s a whole load of scientific proof as to why people find it so much easier to digest and work with information that’s displayed visually, rather than in traditional formats such as documents and spreadsheets.
I’ve scoured the Web to find you these 10 great reasons to hop on the information visualisation train."
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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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Zoomdata allows you to connect to internal and external data sources, combine, merge, and crunch data streams, visualize the results in real-time, and provide instant access to your colleagues.

To connect to your own data, download the Zoomdata Server at zoomdata.com/download
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7 billion people on 1 page
7 billion people on 1 page
We recently reached 7 billion people in the world.
On this page you can see every single one of us. One by one.
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Drawing Dynamic Visualizations
Throughout the history of science, diagrams and graphs have been essential thinking tools. In the past, such visualizations were drawn with pen on paper, and could embrace the directness, freedom, and expressiveness of hand drawing. Most modern visualizations are programmed instead, where a single description can dynamically generate a unique picture for any dataset.

Drawing Dynamic Visualizations from Bret Victor on Vimeo.

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Infographics introduction
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TED-Ed Series 'Visualising Data'
TED-Ed Series 'Visualising Data'
TED-Ed’s commitment to creating lessons worth sharing is an extension of TED’s mission of spreading great ideas. Within the growing TED-Ed video library, you will find carefully curated educational videos, many of which represent collaborations between talented educators and animators nominated through the TED-Ed platform.
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How to Create Stunning Infographics in 30 Mins
How to Create Stunning Infographics in 30 Minutes or Less
From word clouds to network data visualizations, infographics have become a primary format for content in a relatively short period of time. Although the ‘infographic’ is nothing new, its proliferation and evolution has been nothing short of exponential in the past few years.
It just so happens that there are many people out there who want to deliver a message using an infographic who do not have any artistic skills. It’s lucky for us that tools and resources have popped up all over the place to help even the most hopeless of us (like me) create beautiful infographics.
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Make images come alive with music, videos and any web content.
ThingLink’s exclusive Rich Media Tags feature popular media players and apps. We have tags for YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud, Google Maps, Spotify, Flickr, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Amazon, eBay, BestBuy, iTunes, Etsy, Mailchimp, FanBridge and more!
Upload an image and share it right away with your friends!
ThingLink is also easy to set up for all major web publishing and blogging platforms, including Wordpress, Blogger, Tumblr and Drupal.
Use us to create interactive infographics.
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Piktochart : Create Infographics
Piktochart : Create Infographics
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Infogr.am : for creating Infographics
Infogr.am : for creating Interactive Infographics
"Infogr.am's product is gunning to be a kind of adobe illustrator for online, allowing anyone to create cool info-graphics."
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Why are Infographics Important?
Why are Infographics Important?
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Visualizing.org is a community of creative people making sense of complex issues through data and design... and a shared space and free resource to help you achieve this goal.
Explore and discuss the best in data visualization and infographics created by our community
Share and embed visualizations using the Visualizing Player
Dive into complex issues with expert-curated galleries
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We're on a mission to help people see and understand data.
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GE Works
GE Works. Building, Moving, Powering and Curing the world. In the process, our technologies are generating data on a petabyte scale. This data contains valuable information that will drive insights, innovations, and discoveries, but it can be difficult to access and digest.
Using data visualization, we’re pairing science and design to simplify the complexity and drive a deeper understanding of the context in which we operate.
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Flowing Data : Tutorials
Flowing Data : Tutorials
FlowingData explores how designers, statisticians, and computer scientists are using data to understand ourselves better - mainly through data visualization.
Money spent, reps at the gym, time you waste, and personal information you enter online are all forms of data. How can we understand these data flows?
Data visualization lets non-experts make sense of it all.
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easel.ly [make infographics]
Easelly : Create free infographics online
Drag and Drop pre-designed themes and vector assets onto your canvas for easy creation and customization of rich infographics.
We currently support Firefox, Chrome and Safari. Sorry Internet Explorer…
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Cool Infographics blog
Cool Infographics blog highlights some of the best examples of data visualizations and infographics found in magazines, newspapers and on the Internet.
The Cool Infographics blog has quickly grown to be one of the top sites in the information design industry. With an average over 3,500 visitors per day and 250,000 page views per month, the site has reached a Google Page Rank of 6/10.
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Teaching With Infographics | Places to Start
Teaching With Infographics | Places to Start
Not only do charts, graphs and maps show up on standardized tests of all kinds, but whiteboard technology has made the graphic depiction of information that much more useful and ubiquitous in classrooms. We have a lot to say about this topic and scores of interesting examples to show you ...
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Circos (free download)
Circos is a software package for visualizing data and information. It visualizes data in a circular layout — this makes Circos ideal for exploring relationships between objects or positions. There are other reasons why a circular layout is advantageous, not the least being the fact that it is attractive.
Circos is ideal for creating publication-quality infographics and illustrations with a high data-to-ink ratio, richly layered data and pleasant symmetries. You have fine control each element in the figure to tailor its focus points and detail to your audience.
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Interactive Periodic Table of Data Visualisation Methods
An Interactive Periodic Table of Data Visualisation Methods
Brilliant resource !
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The Geosocial Universe In 2011 [Infographics]
Infographic: A Look At The Size And Shape Of The Geosocial Universe In 2011
The Geosocial Universe Version 2
View more presentations from JESS3
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A video report on Data Visualisation
A video report on Data Visualisation as a Story Telling medium
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A social network for visualization aficionados
Create, Share, Explore Great Visualizations.
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Many Eyes (Data Visualisation Social Network)
Many Eyes
An experiment brought to you by IBM Research and the IBM Cognos software group.
The heart of the site is a collection of data visualizations. You may want to begin by browsing through these collections—if you'd rather explore than read directions, take a look!
On Many Eyes you can:
1. View and discuss visualizations
2. View and discuss data sets
3. Create visualizations from existing data sets
If you register, you can also:
4. Rate data sets and visualizations
5. Upload your own data
6. Create and participate in topic centers 7. Select items to watch
8. Track your contributions, watchlist, and topic centers
9. See comments that others have written to you
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Make your own using our Graph Builder or upload your own files, images or videos. All our charts are user-submitted.
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Infographics Showcase
Infographics Showcase
Collection of the best infographics & data visualization on the Web!
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19 of the Best Infographics From 2010
19 of the Best Infographics From 2010
Research can sometimes be a bit of a chore, but when knowledge is wrapped up in charts, cartoons, or even some heart-holding robots, suddenly “information” isn’t such a scary word.
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The Size of Google : Infographics
The Size of Google : Infographics
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Beauty of data visualization: David McCandless (TEDtalk)
David McCandless turns complex data sets (like worldwide military spending, media buzz, Facebook status updates) into beautiful, simple diagrams that tease out unseen patterns and connections.
Good design, he suggests, is the best way to navigate information glut -- and it may just change the way we see the world.
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As a member of the Swivel community, you will have access to all of our public data. We make it easy to share data and graphs with others through email or posting them to your blog. You can add your insights to data sets by leaving comments and asking questions, whether the data comes from your next-door neighbor or the World Health Organization.
Part of our mission here at Swivel is to make data accessible and useful, whether it’s for a private organization or for public consumption. From the corporate boardroom, to the voting booth, to the White House we envision a global community where people can share insights, become more informed, and make smarter decisions.
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What Color Is Twitter?
What Color Is Twitter?
If you were to take 40 million active Twitter users, and normalize their background color to a single saturation, what would be the most popular colors used on the service?
As part of the release of a number of new, free Twitter data sets, Infochimps created the following beautiful infographic showing just what color Twitter really is.
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30 examples of creative infography
30 examples of creative infography
The perfect infography must synthetize complex information in a simple visual representation, which is not easy. The following examples take information architecture to another level by making it beautiful.
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Google Tool Visualizes Public Data in Animated Charts
Google Tool Visualizes Public Data in Animated Charts
Google launched Google Public Data Explorer.
The new Google Labs tool offers a visual way to look at and analyze large public data sets on a variety of popular search topics.
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Shamblesguru 'Data Visualisation' Video Picks on YouTube
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Periodic Table of World Internet Facts
Periodic Table of World Internet Facts
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Google Visualization API Gallery
Google Visualization API Gallery
This gallery lists JavaScript visualizations built on the Google Visualization API. Some of these have been written by Google, and some have been written by third parties.
Links point to instructions for and demonstrations of each visualization.
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The Beauty of Infographics and Data Visualization
The Beauty of Infographics and Data Visualization
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Visualization Options Available in Many Eyes
Visualization Options Available in Many Eyes
Finding the right way view your data is as much an art as a science. The visualizations provided on Many Eyes range from the ordinary to the experimental. We're deliberately providing a wide array of possibilities since this is an experimental site—and expect to see more ...
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mkandlezs flickr photostream of visualisations
mkandlez's flickr photostream of visualisations
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Flowing Data
Flowing Data
FlowingData explores how designers, statisticians, and computer scientists are using data to understand ourselves better - mainly through data visualization.
Money spent, reps at the gym, time you waste, and personal information you enter online are all forms of data. How can we understand these data flows? Data visualization lets non-experts make sense of it all.
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Stamen Design
Stamen Design
Data Visualisation
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