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Friday 14 March 2025
  Wordle (Word Clouds)

Cloudart : iPad App to make a word cloud
Cloudart : iPad App to make a word cloud
Simply give Cloudart some text from a web page or paste some into the app and it will automatically create a gorgeous word cloud for you in seconds.
Next, get busy with the intuitive sliders to customise your cloud to your heart's content.
When you're happy with your masterpiece, share it with friends!
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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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WordFoto : iPhone iPad App
WordFoto : iPhone iPad App
Word Clouds over an Image
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Curriculum 21: Tag Cloud Creators [LiveBinder]
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Web Site of the Week - Wordle
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Word Clouds for Kids (ABCya : Wordle look-a-like)
Word Clouds for Kids (ABCya : Wordle look-a-like)
This application was designed specifically for primary grade children. The navigation and controls are simple and easy to learn. Saving and printing a word cloud is only one click away!
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Introducing Wordle into the Classroom #21CLHK

Visual Literacy: Introducing Wordle into the Classroom from Colin Gallagher on Vimeo.

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Tagul : Wordle look-alike with extras ....
Tagul : Wordle look-alike with extras .... including animation.
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Wordle on Twitter
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Guide to Wordle for Educators
Guide to Wordle for Educators
The beauty of Wordle is that there is no signup or login and the whole process can be completed in as little as a minute depending on how complex you wish to get.
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Wordshift for creating Word Clouds
Wordshift for creating Word Clouds
WordSift was created to help teachers manage the demands of vocabulary and academic language in their text materials. We especially hope that this tool is helpful in supporting English Language Learners.
Wordsift Tutorial Use in Classrooms
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Screencast Tutorial on Using Wordle
Screencast Tutorial on Using Wordle ... this is made with teachers in mind ... including 'why would you want to use Wordle'.
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TagCrowd (Wordle look-a-like)
TagCrowd (Wordle look-a-like) .. one added feature is to be able to do a word tag cloud of a whole webpage by just giving the url.
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Word Clouds (Wordle Look-a-likes) .. Tutorial
Word Clouds (Wordle Look-a-likes) .. Tutorial covering several different web-based applications.
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Tagxedo ... Wordle look-a-like (create tag cloud)
Tagxedo turns words -- famous speeches, news articles, slogans and themes, even your love letters -- into a visually stunning tag cloud, words individually sized appropriately to highlight the frequencies of occurrence within the body of text.
CLICK HERE for Screencast tutorial
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ABCya ... Word Cloud
ABCya ... Word Cloud
A Wordle look-a-like .... which actually works very nicely.
I think I prefer this .. especially if working with younger students.
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A really useful Wordle trick
A really useful Wordle trick
Like many of us, Sylvie is a big fan of Wordle.net, an online application for making word clouds.
She showed me a really useful little tip that opens up all sorts of new possibilities ...
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Why Wordle - By Steven W. Anderson
Why Wordle - By Steven W. Anderson
At a recent workshop I was showing some teachers what a Wordle was ....
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Participatory Visualization with Wordle
Participatory Visualization with Wordle
We discuss the design and usage of “Wordle,” a web-based tool for visualizing text.
Wordle creates tag-cloud-like displays that give careful attention to typography, color, and composition. We describe the algorithms used to balance various aesthetic criteria and create the distinctive Wordle layouts.
We then present the results of a study of Wordle usage, based both on spontaneous behaviour observed in the wild, and on a large-scale survey of Wordle users. The results suggest that Wordles have become a kind of medium of expression, and that a “participatory culture” has arisen around them.
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Wordle Users .... Google Group
Wordle Users .... Google Group
A resource for Wordle users to ask questions, share experiences, and inform each other.
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Using Wordle in the classroom (1 of 2)
Using Wordle in the classroom (1 of 2)
Text-analysis and visualization applications are terrific teaching tools!
I firmly believe that Wordles are the gateway drug to getting students interested in textual analysis.
In a word cloud, the most frequently used words are the largest words in the display, while words used less frequently are displayed in a smaller font. It’s so very simple, yet so very useful.
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Using Wordle in the Classroom
Five Reasons to Use Wordle in the Classroom by Terry Freedman
So, how might Wordle be used in an educational context? I would suggest the following 5 ways:
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Using Wordle in the Classroom
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How to Wordle
How to Wordle
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The Ultimate Guide to Wordle for Educators
The Ultimate Guide to Wordle for Educators
Wordle is incredibly popular with teachers and students because of its simplicity and capacity to offer multiple open-ended opportunities across all curriculum areas.
So I am going to share some of my knowledge of using Wordle and some Lesson ideas that will hopefully make Wordle your preferred option next time you do a class brainstorming session or you are looking for a tool to inspire some creativity in your lessons.
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Wordle examples hosted on Flickr
Wordle examples hosted on Flickr
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Interesting Ways to use Wordle in the Classroom
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Wordle Blog
Wordle Blog
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Ways to Use Wordle in your Classroom
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