Hackpad : Wiki Platform
"Hackpad is the best wiki ever"
Easy to edit documents keep everyone on the same page. Authorship colors show you who wrote what.
Keep track of all your plans using task lists. Keep track of all your kittens with inline photos, videos, and more!
Import your existing MediaWiki or Google Sites Wiki.

Cross between Wiki Host and Create a Website
Cross between Wiki Host and Create a Website
Build a website with a single click, by yourself or collaborating with a team.
Plans start at just $5 per month.

100+ More Wiki Tools and Resources
100+ More Wiki Tools and Resources
"Wiki engines are some of the most versatile platforms for creating websites out there.
MediaWiki (the engine that powers Wikipedia) is probably the most widely used, but there are literally hundreds of other wiki engines.
We previously covered more than 30 of these apps in our first Wiki Toolbox. Here are more than 100 others to meet your every wiki need."

30+ Solutions to Start Your Own Wiki
30+ Solutions to Start Your Own Wiki
"Whether you’re setting up an Intranet for your company or a collaborative website for your family, there are a variety of wiki solutions to choose from.
We’ve gathered a list of more than 30 of them for those that wish to try their hand at running one themselves or are looking for a fully hosted solution."

XWiki provides web-based enterprise collaboration solutions. Based on our second-generation wiki, they are designed to help you organize your information simply and share it effectively throughout your organization.
We harness the power of our Open Source technology to create enterprise-ready solutions that deliver the flexibility required to meet your organization's always evolving needs.
XWiki is a team of 20 people in France, Romania and Vietnam led by our CEO Ludovic Dubost, previously CTO of NetValue (specialist of internet based audience measuring) and Architect at Netscape Professional Services.

Scratchpad Wiki Labs
Scratchpad Wiki Labs
Welcome to Scratchpad Wiki Labs
Freely hosting hundreds of small collaborative projects. Start your own wiki here!
Scratchpad is a place to test wiki ideas before you launch a full wiki, and it's a place for small collaborative projects that don't need a whole wiki.
The database is shared with other mini wikis, but your project will have its own listing of recent changes and all pages as long as you use category tags.

Wikidot.com is a farm of Wiki Sites. Our mission is to provide free and professional wiki publishing, collaboration and communication solutions to anyone who needs it and wants it.
In other words — we are giving away free hosted wikis (like www.your-site.wikidot.com) with lots of features!
... your wikis will remain free and clean (from ads) and can be private or public.

Wiki on a Stick
Wiki on a Stick
Welcome to Wiki on a Stick! This projects is a wiki that lives in one self-modifying HTML file. It's perfect to use in your home or office computer, laptop, USB pen drive (along with Portable Firefox if you want) and even in a diskette! It can be used as a personal notepad, calendar, repository for software documentation, and many other things.
Wiki on a Stick curretly works in Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer. There's read-only support for Opera.

PBwiki is the world's largest consumer wiki farm
PBwiki is the world's largest consumer wiki farm. (free)
Wikis are simple Web pages that let you collaborate with others.
We launched PBwiki in June 2005. Within 48 hours, we had over 1000 wikis created. Today we have over 55,000 wikis and hundreds of thousands of pages of user-created content. From university professors to gamers, fashionistas to entrepreneurs, PBwiki users are creating the future of sharing information and creating communities.

TiddlyWiki : keeps notes on anything you want, in a familiar format; can be cross referenced, labeled and easily searched; can be stored in one place on your computer; can be published on the Internet or taken with you on a USB key drive; and works on any kind of operating system.
A TiddlyWiki, simply put, is a collection of individual notes -- called tiddlers, naturally enough -- that you can create easily, and which can be viewed together or individually, shuffled in lists alphabetically or chronologically.
You can search inside them..
It is possible ability to tag, or label tiddlers
It allows anyone to create personal SelfContained hypertext documents that can be posted to any WebServer, sent by email or kept on a USB thumb drive to make a WikiOnAStick.

Choosing a Wiki .. what to consider.
Choosing a Wiki
This page is about choosing a wiki platform (software and/or services)
Useful questions in evaluating the Wiki for you ....

UseModWiki | MeatballWiki | Wiki Servers | Software to download to run a Wiki on your own server |

List of Wiki software
List of Wiki software .. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

MediaWiki is a free Wiki software package licensed under the GNU General Public License.
It is used to run Wikipedia and other Wikimedia Foundation projects, as well as many other wikis.
In case you don't already know, a wiki is a publicly editable website which allows its visitors to collaborate by editing its pages.
To install MediaWiki, you will need any operating system (GNU/Linux is suggested), any web server (apache2 is suggested), PHP >= 4.3 (PHP 4.3.11 is suggested) and MySQL >= 3.23 (MySQL 4.0.23 is suggested).

TWiki - A Web Based Collaboration Platform : wiki
TWiki - A Web Based Collaboration Platform : a wiki
Welcome to TWiki, a flexible, powerful, and easy to use Web-based collaboration platform. Use TWiki to run a project development space, a document management system, a knowledge base, or any other groupware tool, on an intranet or on the internet.
Web content can be created collaboratively by using just a browser. Developers can create new web applications based on a Plugin API.

General Wiki Area on Shambles
General Wiki Area on Shambles
