Authentic Learning via the WebQuest
Authentic Learning via the WebQuest
The WebQuest offers teachers a systematic way to engage students in project-based learning through a controlled use of the Internet. Teachers and parents involved in homeschooling can learn how to create their own WebQuests and engage students on a course on WizIQ.

Rubric for Evaluating WebQuests
Rubric for Evaluating WebQuests
The WebQuest format can be applied to a variety of teaching situations.
If you take advantage of all the possibilities inherent in the format, your students will have a rich and powerful experience.
This rubric will help you pinpoint the ways in which your WebQuest isn't doing everything it could do. If a page seems to fall between categories, feel free to score it with in-between points.

zWebquest : create webquests online
zWebquest is a web-based software for creating WebQuests in a short time.
When you use zWebquest, you will not need any of writing HTML code or using any web editor software.
zWebquest creates all the necessary files and puts them on the server automatically.
Hosting is FREE!

Web Projects
Most of the SHAMBLES Wewbquest information and links is on this page called "Web Projects"

NoteStar is the newest utility to assist Project Based Learning on the World Wide Web. It allows teachers to create projects for their students. Students may then take advantage of NoteStar's many features to collect and organize their notes.
What teachers can do with NoteStar:
- Create and assign projects to students.
- Track each group's progress with completing a task.
- Easily manage projects for multiple classes.
What students can do with NoteStar:
- Create topics and sub-toics for each research topic.
- Assign topics and sub-topics to specific group members.
- Take notes from the web.
- Easily track information regarding their sources.
- Organize their notes and sources to create printable notes and bibliography.
