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Wednesday 26 March 2025
  VW Viewers

Bright Canopy
Bright Canopy
We render SecondLife and OpenSim on powerful machines and stream it straight to your device
Because we run your viewer on a powerful cloud machine, you can view SL and OpenSim at the highest settings even from a low-end PC, phone , tablet, or Chromebook.
For Pre Launch we will be support only Chrome Browser and will not support mobile platforms. This is to allow us to focus on core features with a solid resident experience before we add mobile. Other viewers and mobile devices actually already work in our testing, but mobile will require viewer UI tweaks. We also plan to take advantage of Frame’s new native clients to get even more awesome performance.
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Singularity Viewer
Singularity Viewer is an exciting client for Second Life and OpenSim, which strives to combine the beloved look and feel of Viewer 1.23 with the latest and greatest of available technology, and to stay compatible with future Second Life changes and features.
Singularity is an open-source project powered entirely by volunteer force and willpower!
For Windows, Mac and Linux
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Third party viewers that support mesh
Third party viewers that support mesh
This is update 2 on viewers that now support mesh for Second Life.
Mesh has already changed the look of Second Life drastically and the rate seems to be speeding up. I have been impressed with mesh builds so far on the grid and it’s definitely worth creating mesh objects.
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aurora-sim / AstraViewer
aurora-sim / AstraViewer
An experimental Snowglobe 1.5 based Second Life Viewer focusing on performance, but also including all the usual conveniences.
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Second Life running on an iPhone
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Phoenix Viewer
Phoenix Viewer
I suspect this release will increase the Phoenix Viewer’s popularity. Plus it is a lead up to the new Firestorm viewer. But, this viewer will have a limited life.
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Second Life Viewer 2 Quick Start Guide
Second Life Viewer 2 Quick Start Guide
This guide will help you get started fast, by explaining how to complete some of the most common tasks you'll need to get the most out of your Second Life experience.
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Sec. Life Viewer Skins / Starlight
Sec. Life Viewer Skins / Starlight
This skin is designed to give more choice, and hopefully improve the usability and promote usage of Second Life Viewer 2. It consists of a number of previously published viewer tweaks - produced by various residents
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Second Life Viewer 2 Quick Start Guide (pdf)
Second Life Viewer 2 Quick Start Guide (pdf)
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Second Life Policy on Third-Party Viewers
Second Life Policy on Third-Party Viewers (May 2010)
This Policy governs access to Second Life and our technical platform that supports Second Life by any Third-Party Viewer, by which we mean any third-party software client, regardless of its source code, that logs into our servers. This includes software for viewing Second Life, any chat clients, utilities, bots, and proxies as well as applications that may not be listed in our Viewer Directory.
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Second Life Viewers and the Third-Party Viewer Directory
Official Linden Labs Second Life Viewers and the Third-Party Viewer Directory
Page started March 2010
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Second Life Viewer 2 Help
Second Life Viewer 2 Help
"This page is an list of all Viewer 2 help resources and is curated by the Documentation Team. Have a suggestion? Let Torley know."
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Vlife SecondLife Viewer
Vlife SecondLife Viewer
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Hyang Zhaos RC Cool SL Viewer
Hyang Zhao's RC Cool SL Viewer
Hyang Zhao's RC Cool SL Viewer .. alternative S.L. viewer
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realXtend viewer
The realXtend viewer is an open source browser (GPL license) that you can use to experience rich multiuser virtual worlds.
The realXtend server is an open source server (BSD license) with which you can make your own virtual worlds available to a larger audience. The server has a sample virtual world. You can utilise it as it is or modify it to suit your needs. realXtend also offers free, high-quality content for your own worlds.
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Kirstens S18 Viewer
Kirstens S18 Viewer
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Mobil Grid Client
A Second Life client for mobile phones ... for Android
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Rainbow Viewer
Rainbow Viewer
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The Imprudence Blog
The Imprudence Blog
The primary goal of Imprudence is simple: to greatly improve the usability of the Viewer.
Imprudence is an open-source, volunteer effort
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Boy Lane : Blog : Cool Viewers for Virtual Worlds
Boy Lane : Blog : Cool Viewers for Virtual Worlds
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OpenSimulator compatible viewers
OpenSIM compatible viewers .. official list
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The Meerkat Viewer Project
The Meerkat Viewer Project
Meerkat is a fully open source fork of the Second Life viewer.
Bring objects, scripts, and textures that you've created to other grids or work offline in OpenSim
Grid to Grid teleport. On your map screen you'll find a list full of new grids to explore.
Avatar List. Lock on and view any avatar in a sim. No more wasting time trying to find someone 10,000 meters in the sky.
We've replaced Quicktime and other non redistributable libraries with ones we're allowed to give out.
Enhanced build tools. These allow for quick bulk object changes and new, more precise object parameters.
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Third-party Viewers listed on the Second Life Wiki
Third-party Viewers listed on the Second Life Wiki
Third-party Viewers are those which have been created by developers not working for Linden Lab. These Viewers offer altered or additional functionality compared to the official Second Life Viewer.
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BleedingEdge viewer.
BleedingEdge viewer.
The BleedingEdge viewer is the one of my viewers which despite the long time makes most sense if you have a performance challenged machine, because it comes without the Windlight rendering.
My SL viewers are vintage versions. They are still operational (in line with latest essential security and protocol changes), but based on 2007/2008 Linden viewers and they are probably only of interest to folks who run SL on underpowered computers or who dislike changes which LL made since mid 2008.
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Snowglobe is an experimental viewer for Second Life.
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Pyogp is an open source project between Linden Lab and the Architecture Working Group (AWG) to support testing the Open Grid Protocol (OGP).
Written in Python, Pyogp will consist initially of a client library and test functionality to enable testing OGP-enabled virtual worlds such as Second Life and compatible OpenSim implementations. These components will expand as the effort matures.
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WindLight (Second Life)
WindLight is the code name for Second Life "physically-accurate atmospheric rendering & lighting" project, which graduated from a "First Look" technology preview to a Release Candidate viewer, then eventually was included in the 1.19.1 main SL viewer.
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Second Life Official Installer
Second Life Official Installer
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Other Lists of Virtual Worlds Viewers
There are other lists of Virtual Worlds viewers .. I will list links to those lists here.
These lists are usually 'spreadsheeted' and so allow easier comparisons of specific functions.
- http://bit.ly/1JFMUh
- http://bit.ly/MCF-Viewers
- Linden Labs List of Alt Viewers
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